摘要(英) |
The average market to book value of listed American companies was rising from 0.82 in 1973 to 1.692 in 1993, even to 3.4 in 2003. The trend of the ratio reflects an increasing divergence between the value recorded in accounting books and the value evaluated by investors. The value of a company has not only derived from the traditional factors of production - labor, capital, and land, but also from Intellectual capital. Besides, when the financial scandals of Enron and World Communication happened, the relationship of corporate governance and corporate value has become a focus to the academic and industrial community.
We tried to connect the concepts of intellectual capital, corporate governance and balanced scorecard to build a “Corporate Value Management System” which contains four interrelated perspectives and indicators. Then we interviewed several experts who are familiar with Taiwan’s foundry industry and referred to the literature to build a set of key indicators of intellectual capital and corporate governance. We then used this set of indicators to build a questionnaire, and the questionnaire is administered to the employees of Taiwan’s foundry industry to get their opinions about the importance of these indicators. In the last step, we used factor analysis to reduce our indicators, and acquire a set of indicators which are important to the value of Taiwan’s Foundry industry, and explained the relative importance of the four perspective based on the Corporate Value Management System.
Through our research, we found that the most important perspective for the foundry industry is learning and growth, which followed by the business process perspective, and the corporate governance perspective. And the customer perspective is the least important one. |
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