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姓名 張美華(Mei-hua Chang) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 產業經濟研究所 論文名稱 在硬體與軟體所組成系統產品產業下的經濟分析
(Three Essays on the Economics of Hardware/Software System Products)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 本論文係著重於由硬體與許多軟體種類所組成的系統產品產業,其在需求面的特性為:消費者的購買決策則與軟體種類的多寡有關。本論文分為三個部份探討廠商的最適訂價決策,其標題分別為 “Technology Innovations and Optimal Pricing for Hardware/Software System Products”, “Two-Part Tariff and Average Cost Pricing: The Case of a Monopolistic Amusement Park in Supplying a Variety of Rides”, 以及 “Optimal Trade Policies for Software Exports”。
摘要(英) This dissertation focuses on industries of systems products composed of hardware and a variety of software. In this dissertation, I present three essays to address the optimal pricing strategies of a systems product firm. Respectively, the three titles are “Technology Innovations and Optimal Pricing for Hardware/Software System Products”, “Two-Part Tariff and Average Cost Pricing: The Case of a Monopolistic Amusement Park in Supplying a Variety of Rides”, and “Optimal Trade Policies for Software Exports”.
In the first essay, we delineate a hardware/software system product monopolist’s pricing problem under incomplete information. Two possible existing types of optimal (variety-outlay) menus will be shown: a fully pooling menu and a hybrid menu. It was found that a technological improvement on the cost side reduces the possibility of the adoption of a fully pooling menu, while a technological improvement on the demand side increases the possibility of the adoption of a fully pooling menu.
In the second essay, we analyze the optimal pricing of a monopoly amusement park. We find that the park sets the optimal price per ride at the average cost of keeping an amusement facility operating. This implies that charging only a fixed admission fee is optimal when the population of tourists is very large. Further, the park may optimally decide to serve all customers when customers reveal that they are very pleased in experiencing many varieties of rides.
In the third essay, we examine the optimal trade policies of software countries in a vertically-related hardware/software system industry. A foreign hardware monopolist acquires supporting services by licensing its proprietary hardware technology to two third-party software developing countries. All these system products are then exported to a third market. We show that the optimal trade policy of a software exporting country depends on consumers’ preference for variety of software and the cost of software developing. If the developing cost is sufficiently low and the consumers have higher preference for software variety, the government tends to adopt a subsidy. If the developing cost is relatively high, the government will levy a tax on software exporting.
關鍵字(中) ★ 出口政策
★ 遊樂園
★ 系統產品
★ 硬體
★ 軟體關鍵字(英) ★ export policy
★ amusement park
★ system product
★ software
★ hardware論文目次 Chapter 1 Introduction
Introduction 1
References 3
Chapter 2 Technology Improvements and Optimal Pricing for Hardware/Software System Products
2.1 Introduction 4
2.2 The Model 6
2.3 The Optimal Menu 7
2.4 The Effects of Technological Advances 9
2.5 Conclusion 12
References 12
Chapter 3 Two-Part Tariff and Average Cost Pricing: The Case of a Monopolistic Amusement Park Supplying a Variety of Rides
3.1 Introduction 14
3.2 The Model 16
3.3 The Demand Functions. 17
3.4 The Monopoly’s Optimal Pricing. 18
3.5 Conclusion. 22
References 23
Chapter 4 Optimal Trade Policies for Software Exports
4.1 Introduction 25
4.2 The Model 27
4.2.1 Consumer Preferences 28
4.2.2 The Demand Functions 29
4.3 Software Price Competition in the Importing Country. 30
4.4 The Hardware Monopolist’s Optimization Problem. 31
4.5 Optimal Export Policies 34
4.6 Conclusion 35
References 36
Appendix 4.1 38
Appendix 4.2 39
Chapter 5 Conclusion 40
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指導教授 吳大任(Dachrahn Wu) 審核日期 2009-6-16 推文 facebook plurk twitter funp google live udn HD myshare reddit netvibes friend youpush delicious baidu 網路書籤 Google bookmarks del.icio.us hemidemi myshare