博碩士論文 91521036 詳細資訊

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姓名 蔡文洲(Wen-Chou Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 矽鍺異質源/汲極結構與pn二極體之研製
(Study and Processing of Hetero-SiGe/Si S/D Structure and P-N Diode)
★ 高效能矽鍺互補型電晶體之研製★ 高速低功率P型矽鍺金氧半電晶體之研究
★ 應變型矽鍺通道金氧半電晶體之研製★ 金屬矽化物薄膜與矽/矽鍺界面反應 之研究
★ 矽鍺/矽異質接面動態啓始電壓金氧半電晶體之研製★ 應用於單電子電晶體之矽/鍺量子點研製
★ 矽鍺/矽異質接面動態臨界電壓電晶體及矽鍺源/汲極結構之研製★ 選擇性氧化複晶矽鍺形成鍺量子點的光特性與光二極體研製
★ 選擇性氧化複晶矽鍺形成鍺量子點及其在金氧半浮點電容之應用★ 鍺量子點共振穿隧二極體與電晶體之關鍵製程模組開發與元件特性
★ 自對準矽奈米線金氧半場效電晶體之研製★ 鍺浮點記憶體之研製
★ 利用選擇性氧化單晶矽鍺形成鍺量子點之物性及電性分析★ 具有自我對準電極鍺量子點單電洞電晶體之製作與物理特性研究
★ 具有自我對準下閘電極鍺量子點單電洞電晶體之研製★ 有機非揮發性記憶體之量測與分析
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摘要(中) 摘要
在本論文中,利用ICP與smart-EPDTM製作出超淺接面源/汲極結構,並且搭配高溫濕氧化(wet oxidation)將受損的表面氧化後,由氫氟酸水溶液將氧化後的缺陷層移除,完成淺接面源/汲極結構的製作。
摘要(英) Abstract
In this thesis, we fabricated shallow junction S/D structure by ICP and smart-EPDTM. We applied high temperature wet oxidation to oxidize the defective surface. The oxidized defective layer was then removed by hydrofluoric (HF) acid.
We also fabricated hetero-SiGe/Si P-N diode. We first grew poly-SiGe material by LPCVD. The recessed/raised P-N diode was then patterned by yellow light equipments and plasma-etching-back techniques. As for DC characteristics, the recessed P-N diode performs better in turn on voltage (Von), ideality factor (n), reverse saturation current (Isat), junction capacitance (Cj), and breakdown voltage (Vbd). We also show that the recessed heterostructure is less dependent on the Ge content and effectively suppresses short-channel-effect. Therefore, the recessed hetero-SiGe/Si P-N diode is one of the best candidates to realize high speed and low power consumption.
By incorporating recessed hetero-SiGe/Si structure into the S/D of MOSFETs, we can compress short-channel-effect, and thus continue the scaling trend of MOSFETs into the nano-scale region. Therefore, recessed SiGe/Si S/D structure can realize nano-scale electronic devices with high speed and low power consumption.
關鍵字(中) ★ 超淺接面源/汲極結構
★ 高溫濕氧化
★ 異質矽鍺/矽pn二極體
★ 嵌入式/提升式異質矽鍺/矽pn二極體
★ 開啟電壓
★ 理想因數
★ 逆向飽和電流
★ 崩潰電壓
★ 金氧半電晶體
關鍵字(英) ★ shallow junction S/D structure
★ turn on voltage
★ ideality factor
★ reverse saturation current
★ junction capacitance
★ breakdown voltage
★ short-channel-effect
★ wet oxidation
★ hetero-SiGe/Si P-N diode
★ recessed/raised P-N diode
論文目次 目錄
序章 論文結構介紹…………………………………………………..Ⅹ
第一章 介紹……………………………………………………………..1
1-1 前言…………………………………………………………….1
1-2 研究動機……………………………………………………….1
1-3 研究目的與應用……………………………………………….5
第二章 矽鍺異質結構在金氧半電晶體之可能應用…………………13
2-1 前言…………………………………………………………...13
2-2 異質接面矽鍺/矽材料特性之簡述…………………………..14
2-3 矽鍺源/汲極結構之應用……………………………………..15
2-4 異質矽鍺源/汲極之可能形成方法與比較…………………..16
2-4-1 鍺離子佈植源/汲極結構………………………………..17
2-4-2 提升式矽鍺源/汲極結構………………………………..18
2-4-3 嵌入式矽鍺源/汲極結構………………………………..18
2-4-3.1 結構設計…………………………………………19
2-4-3.2 模擬結果與分析…………………………………19
2-5 結論…………………………………………………………...21
第三章 嵌入式異質矽鍺源/汲極結構之關鍵製程開發……………...35
3-1 前言…………………………………………………………...35
3-2 超淺接面源/汲極製程步驟…………………………………..35
3-2-1 乾式電漿蝕刻製程設備………………………………...36
3-2-1.1 蝕刻反應器………………………………………37
3-2-1.2 製程監督和終點偵測……………………………38
3-2-2 複晶矽閘極蝕刻………………………………………...39
3-2-3 間隙壁回蝕刻…………………………………………...43
3-2-4 源/汲極等向性蝕刻……………………………………..49
3-3 複晶矽鍺薄膜的成長……………………………….………..51
3-4 結論…………………………………………………………...52
第四章 異質矽鍺/矽pn二極體製程與量測分析……………………..71
4-1 前言…………………………………………………………...71
4-2 矽鍺/矽pn二極體製程步驟………………………………….71
4-3 pn接面二極體的電性特性…………………………………...73
4-4 電性量測……………………………………………………...76
4-4-1 邊際效應………………………………………………...77
4-4-2 順向偏壓與電流特性…………………………………...78
4-4-2.1 開啟電壓…………………………………………78
4-4-2.2 理想因數…………………………………………79
4-5 結論…………………………………………………………...83
第五章 總結與未來展望……………………………………………....99
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指導教授 李佩雯(Pei-Wen Li) 審核日期 2004-7-16
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