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姓名 張葶葶(Ting-Ting Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 認知與神經科學研究所
論文名稱 英語為外國語學習者的英語字詞辨識歷程—以詞長效果及事件相關電位指標論證
★ 語言產出中音義訊息處理歷程─ 以行為及事件相關腦電位之圖文干擾作業為例★ 中文字詞辨識的組字規則處理
★ 中文字詞辨識的語音運作單位★ 語音知覺與中文識字能力的關係
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摘要(中) 這個研究的目的是要探討台灣EFL(English as foreign language)學習者對於英語的字詞辨識歷程。全詞辨識或是序列的辨識一直是研究字詞辨識的主要議題,在這個研究中,在行為上使用詞長效果作為驗證字詞辨識歷程究竟是平行式或是序列式的指標,為了進一步瞭解學習對不同詞性處理的異同,生理上則使用事件誘發電位來直接測量EFL學習者辨識不同詞性刺激的腦部變化。
摘要(英) This research explored the word recognition process in English of EFL learners. Both behavioral and electrophisological arpproaches were adapted. In experiment 1, LDT (lexical dcision task) through paper-and-pencil and vocabulary translation task were used to index the fluency abilities in English . The performances in both tasks were highly correlated with the scores of English classification examination done by university autority of each subject.
To observe the word length effect, in the experiment 2, the subjects were asked to distinguish words from word-like pseudowords. To further clarify that the property of the pseudoword stimuli was not the reason why the serial decoding was found in the experiment 2, in the experiment 3, the subjects were instructed to distinguish words from random consonant strings. In order to eliminate the possible naming effect causing word length effect in LDT task, in the experiment 4, the subjects were instructed to distinguish words from word-like pseudowords while performing a concurrent task of articulatory suppression. A significant word length effect in LDT task was observed in all the three experiments.
In experiment 5, to explore the developmental curve of English word decoding of EFL learners, subjects were recruit by their fluency. Word length effects were notable in the high and the low achievers when performing the same task in experiment 2. In experiment 6, ERPs were employed to examine the process of English word recognition. The results using N400 as an effect showed a pattern similar to native spaers only for high achievers but not for low achievers.
The current research shows a robust and consistent word length effect and the pattern of word length effect and ERP component were more native-like in high achievers than in low achievers.
關鍵字(中) ★ 英語學習
★ 字詞辨識
★ 閱讀發展
關鍵字(英) ★ EFL learning
★ reading development
★ word recognition
論文目次 序論 1
文獻探討 3
一、 英語為外國語學習者(EFL) 3
i. 定義 3
ii. 關鍵期假說的爭議 4
二、 閱讀理論 10
i. 閱讀模型 10
ii. 閱讀發展階段 12
三、 詞長效果 16
i. 詞長效果的行為研究 16
ii. 詞長效果的發展曲線 19
四、 字詞辨識的神經機制 20
i. 腦造影的研究證據 21
ii. 電生理的證據 23
五、 研究目的 25
前置實驗 27
一、 研究方法 27
二、 結果與討論 29
實驗一 30
一、 研究方法 31
二、 實驗結果 32
三、 討論 34
實驗二 36
一、 研究方法 36
二、 實驗結果 38
三、 討論 40
實驗三 42
一、 研究方法 42
二、 實驗結果 43
三、 討論 44
實驗四 46
一、 研究方法 46
二、 實驗結果 47
三、 討論 48
實驗五 51
一、 研究方法 51
二、 實驗結果 52
三、 討論 54
實驗六 57
一、 研究方法 57
二、 實驗結果 60
三、 討論 67
綜合討論 70
參考文獻 76
附錄 82
參考文獻 劉毅(民82)。高中常用七千字。台北:學習出版有限公司
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指導教授 李俊仁(Jun-Ren Lee) 審核日期 2005-7-21
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