博碩士論文 92322074 詳細資訊

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姓名 游智銘(Chih-Ming Yu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 紅燈右轉人車衝突風險分析
(The risk analysis of right turn on red through pedestrian-vehicle confliction)
★ 機車騎士紅燈怠速熄火意願及其預期成效之研究★ 雪山隧道路徑導引策略研究
★ 利用回饋式類神經插補探討路段車輛偵測器佈設間距★ 利用基因規劃法進行車輛偵測器資料填補
★ 機車紅燈怠速熄火節能減碳效果評估★ 應用存活分析法於運具移轉行為之研究
★ 利用基因規劃法預測高速公路旅行時間★ 以鏈結串列搜尋車輛偵測器遺漏值最佳填補方式
★ 應用存活分析法於鋪面坑洞影響因素及使用年限之研究★ 機車隨機到達情況下紅燈怠速熄火效果之研究
★ 雪山隧道行車速率特性分析★ 應用存活分析法於公路長隧道事故分析之研究
★ 需求反應式運輸系統營運模式與績效評估-以復興鄉為例★ 應用存活分析於市區公車駕駛行為異常之研究
★ 市區公車油耗與節能減碳之研究★ 臺北市YouBike公共自行車節能減碳替代效果
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摘要(中) 我國近年已針對開放車輛紅燈右轉政策進行相關討論,故本研究目的在於分析我國實施車輛紅燈右轉政策後,何種路口行人流量或右轉車輛條件下可考慮實施車輛紅燈右轉。
摘要(英) On recent years, the government is going on relative discussions about open the right turn on red (RTOR) policy up. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze that which amount of pedestrian flow or RTOR flow is practicable, after the enforcement of the right turn on red policy.
This research is aimed at pedestrians who walk through the intersections and the vehicles which right turn on red. It tried to construct the estimation model of pedestrian quantity by the regression analysis as well. Through the conception of potential conflict to analyze pedestrian-vehicle confliction of different pedestrian flow and RTOR flow. According to the observation, after turned the count-down pedestrian signal on, dispersion phenomenon exists in the distribution of pedestrians on the crosswalk. Pedestrians have highly freedom, some of them enter the crosswalk or leave halfway in the process of crossing the intersection. Therefore, the actions of those pedestrians is complicated and unpredictable.
According to the survey,the delay time of pedestrian is about three seconds. The delay time of pedestrian and the quantity of cumulate pedestrian at the intersection shows negative correlation while the pedestrian discharge rate and the quantity of cumulate pedestrian at the intersection exists positive correlation. The pedestrian dispersion rate is about 1.27 meter per second and with the increasing of the quantity of cumulate pedestrian the variability reduced.
The number of variables of the estimation model of pedestrian quantity adopted the quantity of cumulate pedestrian and green time of pedestrian crossing the intersection. Adjusted R2 of the estimation model of pedestrian quantity became lower but model coefficient corresponded to the tendency of the pedestrians.
The pedestrian-vehicle confliction analysis shows: with the increasing of RTOR flow,the quantity of pedestrian-vehicle confliction increased as well. When the vehicle flow surpassed 145 vehicles per hour、the total quantity of cumulate pedestrian at the intersection was over 30, the quantity of pedestrian-vehicle confliction increased apparently. Take 20 as the limitation of the quantity of cyclic pedestrian-vehicle confliction,the quantity of RTOR flow is 101、124、145 vehicles per hour. To enforce the RTOR, the threshold of quantity of cumulate pedestrian is 40、15、10 . If the quantity of cyclic pedestrian-vehicle confliction is under 30, the quantity of RTOR flow is 101、124、145、155 vehicles per hour. To enforce the RTOR, the threshold of quantity of cumulate pedestrian is 50、40、20、20 .
關鍵字(中) ★ 衝突
★ 紅燈右轉
關鍵字(英) ★ conflict
★ Right turn on red
論文目次 摘 要 I
Abstract II
誌 謝 III
目 錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究內容與範圍 3
1.4 研究方法與流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 紅燈右轉相關分析 6
2.2行人流特性 11
2.3研究方法 14
2.4小結 19
第三章 路口人車特性調查分析 21
3.1 路口特性調查 21
3.2 紅燈右轉車輛特性分析 25
3.2.1 紅燈右轉車輛特性 25
3.2.2 紅燈右轉車輛到達率 26
3.2.3 紅燈右轉車輛通過行人穿越道時間 28
3.3 行人穿越路口特性分析 31
3.3.1 行人穿越路口之流程 31
3.3.2 行人流穿越路口特性 34
3.3.3 行人起步延滯 36
3.3.4 行人疏解率 38
3.3.5 行人擴散速率 40
3.3.6 小結 41
第四章 衝突區域行人數量預測模式 42
4.1行人流資料蒐集 42
4.2行人數量預測模式建構 47
4.3行人數量預測模式結果 50
4.4小結 54
第五章 人車衝突分析 55
5.1人車衝突量推估 55
5.1.1 人車衝突區域之行人數量推估 56
5.1.2 紅燈右轉車輛到達路口及通過穿越道時間推估 56
5.2人車衝突量分析 58
5.2.1 不同紅燈右轉車流量之人車衝突量 59
5.2.2 不同累積行人數量之人車衝突量 64
5.2.3 紅燈右轉車流量與總累積人數之人車衝突量門檻值 69
5.2.4 不同人車衝突量之紅燈右轉車流量與累積人數門檻值 71
第六章 結論與建議 77
6.1結論 77
6.2建議 81
參考文獻 82
附 錄 86
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指導教授 吳健生(Jiann-Sheng Wu) 審核日期 2006-7-19
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