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姓名 黃朝煌(Chao-Huang Huang) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 機械工程學系 論文名稱 鋁合金壓鑄輪圈及引擎汽缸之模流分析
(The die casting wheel rim of aluminium alloy and engine cylinder of mold fillong analysis)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 現今汽機車產業所生產的許多零件,都朝著輕量化及多變的方向設計,從先前的鋼鐵製輪圈跟汽缸,到目前大部份使用的鋁合金輪圈及引擎汽缸蓋。此類產品由於形狀複雜,所以在生產上有許多困難,在工業界大多都使用壓鑄法(Die Casting)來生產輪圈及引擎汽缸蓋,但是採用壓鑄法,因為高速充填的緣故,不容易預測其流動狀態,常常容易因為澆流道系統及溢流井位置設計不當,還有模具的溫度控制不良,使得鑄件產生不可預期的缺陷。要能預測金屬熔液在模穴中的流動情形,目前一般都使用鑄造CAE模流分析軟體來預測其流動及凝固的變化。
本研究使用模流分析軟體MAGMAsoft為分析的工具,討論不同的澆流道系統及冷卻系統下,熔融金屬的流動分佈情形及鋁合金凝固的現象。本研究中討論四種不同的設計,其中討論輪圈及引擎汽缸蓋在設計不同的澆流道系統的流動分析,還有改變的溢流井設計對輪圈的影響,經由模擬結果得知較小的空氣壓力可以讓熔液流動順利。最後討論在不同的冷卻系統對模具還有輪圈的影響,得到經由適當的冷卻系統使得輪圈的缺陷減少,觀察實際所生產的鑄件,也與模擬結果相符合。摘要(英) Today a lot of components of automobile and motorcycle are designed toward light and changeful, from the steel wheel in previous days, till the aluminum alloy wheel that is used mostly now. Because the shape of the wheel is complicated, there are many difficulties in production of this kind of product. In industry, we mostly use die casting to produce the wheel rim circle, but Die casting is not easy to predict the flowing condition because of filling at high speed and it is also easy to make casting production having unexpected defects, because the runner system and the overflow position are designed improperly and it’’s hard to control the temperature of the mold. If we want to predict the metal melts of the flowing condition in the mould, now we usually use that CAE mold filling analysis software to predict the change of the flow and solidification.
In this research, we used MAGMAsoft as a tool for analysis, and we discussed the distributing flow condition of melting metal and the appearance of aluminum alloy solidification in the different runner system and cooling system. There are four different kinds of designs in this research. We discussed the flow analysis of the wheel in different runner system and the influence of wheel when we change the overflow design and through the result of simulation we know that the lower air pressure can make the melt liquid flowing smoothly. At last, we discussed the influence of mold and wheel rims in different cooling system. Then we got that by using the suitable cooling system we can decrease the defect of the wheel rims and we can find the practical casting product compared with the results of simulation.關鍵字(中) ★ 模流分析
★ 數值分析
★ 壓鑄
★ 鋁合金關鍵字(英) ★ Aluminum alloy
★ Die casting
★ Numerical simulation
★ Mold fillong analysis論文目次 摘要 I
誌謝 II
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機與目標 2
1-3 文獻回顧 2
1-4 論文大綱 4
第二章 鋁合金壓鑄技術與材料 6
2-1 高壓鑄造法的介紹 6
2-1-1 熱室壓鑄法 6
2-1-2 冷室壓鑄法 7
2-1-3 壓鑄之特色 8
2-1-4 壓鑄用合金的特徵 8
2-1-5 壓鑄法的優點與限制 9
2-2 鋁合金材料特性 10
2-2-1 鋁的概述 10
2-2-2 壓鑄常用鋁合金種類 10
2-3 壓鑄常見之缺陷與原因 13
2-3-1 缺陷的種類與對策的關係 13
2-3-2 鑄件缺陷的原因及其對策 13
第三章 模流分析理論及鑄造軟體簡介 18
3-1 模流分析理論 18
3-1-1 理論基礎 18
3-1-2 牛頓流體 20
3-2 數值方法 21
3-3 商用軟體MAGMAsoft簡介與比較 22
3-3-1 MAGMAsoft軟體簡介 22
3-3-2 CAE模流軟體比較 23
第四章 壓鑄方案設計與模擬步驟 27
4-1 壓鑄模具方案設計 27
4-2 模流分析流程 33
4-3 模擬之設計規劃 34
第五章 模擬結果與討論 42
5-1 流動系統之探討 42
5-1-1 溢流井的設置對流動之影響 43
5-1-2 澆流道幾何形狀對流動性質的影響 43
5-1-3 澆口厚度對流動的影響 45
5-2 模溫控制之探討 46
第六章 結論 72
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