博碩士論文 92438015 詳細資訊

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姓名 吳其定(Chi-Ting Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系在職專班
論文名稱 滬、港、台、美四地股市指數與區域經濟成長關聯性及共整合之研究─以中、港CEPA實施前後期為例
★ 上市公司財務主管異動宣告對股價報酬與企業經營績效之影響★ 國內綜合證券商轉投資海外子公司內部控制實務探討
★ IPO承銷新制對市場波動性、效率性及流動性之影響★ 探討影響本益比之各項變數-IC設計產業之實證研究
★ 避險基金交易策略在台灣市場獲利性之研究★ 財富管理業務與顧客行為之研究-以本國銀行業為例
★ 購併活動與資訊揭露—以公開收購為例★ 臺灣證券期貨市場後台作業整合模式之研究
★ 道瓊指數、日經225指數、美國及日本10年期公債利率與日圓匯率之相互關係★ 銀行投資公債業務之探討分析
★ 所得稅法新制對債券流通市場之影響★ 私募基金入主國內銀行之認購價格實證研究-以凱雷入主大眾銀行為例
★ 虛擬銀行之可行性分析 -以HSBC為例★ 台灣中小企業融資、客群經營模式與經營策略問題之探討-以C銀行為例
★ 美元兌新台幣匯率與台灣股市關聯性之理論探討與實證分析★ 動態投資組合保險策略之應用— 以紐約證券交易所發行之ETFs為實證
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摘要(中) 目前許多研究中都指出東亞國家之間股市的連動性,但極少以區域經濟成長對股票市場的連動性進行研究,然而貿易市場與資本之場本應存在相互關係,特定區域經濟合作事件對各地股票市場造成之影響,應為投資大眾持續關注之議題,於是促成本研究之動機,希望就中國與香港實施CEPA前後針對兩岸三地與美國股市之間的共移現象進行檢定,觀察CEPA實施之後,兩岸三地與美國間的股票市場之關係是否產生改變。
本研究的主要範圍是滬、港、台、美四地股市,因此以上海證券交易所A 股指數、香港恆生國企指數、台灣證券交易所發行之發行量加權股價指數與美國道瓊工業指數為標的。在資料取樣時間部份,以CEPA正式實施執行的2004年1月1日為資料期間的分割點,分成第一階段為CEPA實施前,期間為2001年1月3日至2003年12月31日;第二階段為CEPA實施後,期間為2004年1月3日至2007年7月13日。變數計算所使用的資料為四地股市之日收盤股價指數以計算各地股市之日報酬率,再以日報酬率來作為計算之基礎。
本研究使用的研究方法主要採用VAR向量自我迴歸模型(Vector Autoregression Model)、Johansen共整合模型Granger與因果關係檢定(Granger Causality Test)等,來檢驗四地股市報酬率在CEPA實施前後的互動或關聯性是否有所改變。經由實證分析發現:首先,在敘述性統計可知道四地股票市場報酬率不符合常態分配假設,其次透過單根檢定確認股市之報酬率皆符合定態之數列。而根據Granger因果關係檢定,在CEPA實施前後最大的差異在於中國大陸的上海A股於CEPA實施後會受到道瓊工業指數與香港H股的影響,VAR分析的結果也呈現一致的結論,並以衝擊反應函數與預測誤差變異數分解檢視各股票市場受其他股票市場在不同時間點的影響程度。
摘要(英) Currently, a lot of studies point out the joint movement of stock market between East Asian countries, but very few studies would regard the joint movement of regional economic growth towards stock market for research and study, but trade market and capital market should have interrelations, the influence of specific regional economic integration for the stock market of each country should be the topic that the investors continued to pay close attention to; hence, this promotes the motive of this study, which hopes to carry out the test that is focused on the co-movement phenomenon between the cross-Strait regions and the US stock market before and after China and Hong Kong implemented CEPA, so as to observe after the implementation of CEPA, the relationship between cross-Strait and US stock markets has produced any changes or not.
The main scope of this study is the stock markets of U.S.A., China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, so it is based on Shanghai Stock Exchange’’s A share index, Hang Seng China Enterprises Index (HSCEI), Taiwan Weighted Stock Index that is issued by Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation and Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). For the time of information sampling, the division point of information time will be January 1st 2004 that CEPA has been officially implemented, the time is divided into two stages, the first stage is before the implementation of CEPA, the duration is from January 3rd 2001 to December 31st 2003; the second stage is after the implementation of CEPA, the duration is from January 3rd 2004 to July 13th 2007. The information that is used for variable calculation is the daily closing quotation stock indexes of the four regions’ stock markets in order to calculate the stock return for each region, and then the daily stock return is served as the calculation basis.
The study methods that this study adopt mainly includes Vector Autoregression Model, Johansen’s cointegration model, and Granger Causality Test, which are used to examine whether the interactions or relationships between the stock returns of the stock markets in the four regions have changed before and after the implementation of CEPA. After case studies analysis, the following findings have been discovered. First of all, from descriptive statistics one can know the market returns of the four stock markets did not conform to the assumption of normal distribution. Secondly, through Unit root test, one can confirm that the stock returns are all conformed to the numbers of the stationary. And according to Granger Causality Test, the biggest difference before and after the implementation of CEPA lies in Shanghai Stock Exchange’’s A share index form Mainland China, it is affected by Hang Seng China Enterprises Index and Dow Jones Industrial Average after the implementation of CEPA, the analytical result of VAR also showed an unanimous conclusion, and Impulse Response Function and Variance Decomposition are used to view the degree of influence that each stock market is affected by the other stock market in different times.
The conclusion of this study believes that the implementation of CEPA is contributive to the joint movement between Mainland China’s Shanghai A Share Index and international stock market. After the implementation of CEPA, the rate of return of Shanghai A Share Index is influenced by the previous period’s rate of return of Dow Jones Industrial Average, that means Shanghai A Share Index is integrating with the world market gradually, the relationship may be closer in the future. Hong Kong stock and Taiwan stock are the stock markets that are closer to the international stock market, and the return of Taiwan stock will be affected by Hong Kong H-share, they are not in the same distinguishing market. Hong Kong is still the main influence within the cross-Strait regions’ stock markets, because the fund flows, the foreign capital investment, and the foreign exchange control in Hong Kong are all comparatively opened when comparing to Taiwan and China markets. And in recent years, the trend of enterprises of cross-Strait regions went to Hong Kong to list their enterprises one after another have also strengthened the influence of Hong Kong stock market towards Taiwan and China stock market. And the introduction of QDII system strengthens the flow of capital between different capital markets, which is worthy of the continuous attention by the follow-up studies.
關鍵字(中) ★ 股市指數關聯性 關鍵字(英) ★ CEPA
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景及動機 1
1-2 研究目的 4
1-3 研究流程 4
二、文獻回顧及探討 7
2-1 CEPA對中國、香港與台北區域經濟影響之探討 7
2-1-1 CEPA的內容 7
2-1-2 CEPA實施對中國大陸的影響 8
2-1-3 CEPA實施對香港的影響 8
2-1-4 CEPA實施對台灣的影響 9
2-2 國際股市連動研究之理論基礎 11
2-2-1 國際投資組合理論 11
2-2-2 區隔市場理論與整合市場理論 11
2-2-3 弱勢區隔理論與溫和區隔理論 12
2-2-4 中港台三地股票市場的特性 13
2-3 國際股市連動研究之實證研究 13
2-3-1 國際股市連動研究之實證研究 13
2-3-2 中國大陸、香港與台灣股市連動研究之實證研究 15
2-4 影響國際股市連動之因素 18
2-4-1 總體經濟因素對國際股市連動之影響 18
2-4-2 雙邊上市公司連動效果之研究 19
三、研究設計 21
3-1 研究變數資料來源與操作性定義 21
3-1-1 研究範圍與期間 21
3-1-2 上海A股指數 22
3-1-3 香港恆生H股指數 23
3-1-5 道瓊工業指數 24
3-1-6 變數定義與計算 25
3-2 研究方法 25
3-3 單根檢定(Unit Root Test) 27
3-4 Granger因果關係檢定(Granger Causality Test) 28
3-5 Johansen共整合檢定 29
3-6 VAR向量自我迴歸模型(Vector Autoregression Model) 31
四、實證分析結果 34
4-1 資料敘述統計摘要 34
4-2 資料恆定性檢定 38
4-3 Granger因果關係檢定實證結果 40
4-4 向量自我迴歸模型實證結果 43
4-4-1 向量自我迴歸模型之最適落後期數選擇 43
4-4-2 向量自我迴歸結構模型參數估計 44
4-5 衝擊反應函數 48
4-6 預測誤差變異數分解 54
5-1 QDII之定義與意涵 60
5-2 中國銀監會對於QDII之規定 60
5-2-1 關於調整商業銀行代客境外理財業務境外投資範圍的通知 61
5-2-2 信託公司受託境外理財業務管理暫行辦法 61
5-3 中國證監會對於QDII之規定 63
5-4 中國銀監會與證監會對於QDII規定的異同 65
5-5 QDII之實施概況 69
六、結論及後續研究建議 72
6-1 結論 72
6-2 實務意涵 73
6-3 後續研究建議 74
參考文獻 76
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指導教授 周冠男(Robin K. Chou) 審核日期 2007-10-19
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