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姓名 陳玉晏(Yu-yen Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 產品品質管制政策分析
(Analysis on Optimal Quality Requirements)
★ 寶島債介紹及發展前景★ 政府管控房地產政策對不動產市場及 銀行不動產授信業務之影響
★ 運動鞋製業的市場結構、行為與績效分析★ 台灣筆記型電腦產業由代工轉型至自營品牌之策略及成效探討-以華碩電腦為例
★ 寡占廠商的最適風險決策與政府的最適出口政策★ 合作投資的時點不一致問題與政府最適政策
★ 兩岸租稅協議效益之研究★ 中間財市場與耐久財廠商的 產品耐久性決策
★ 系統產品之競爭與整合★ 仿冒行為的經濟分析
★ 對外直接投資之不對稱訊息、最適進入決策與研究發展★ 存在中間財市場下的廠商授權
★ 學校教育與政府政策★ 全球化對台灣實質薪資所得、家戶分配及就業的影響
★ 三星電子垂直整合模型設計與 市場現況探討與分析★ 企業社會責任與經理人報酬機制設計
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摘要(中) 在第二章中,我們利用一個標準的垂直差異化模型來探討在一個封閉經濟體系下,政府最適的政策。我們先建立一基本模型探討未管制下之,廠商進行Bertrand競爭及Cournot競爭時,廠商的最適品質選擇及社會福利。接著分別探討政府的單一品質管制及差別品質管制政策,並比較Bertrand 競爭與Cournot 競爭下的均衡結果。本章發現,在差別管制與單一管制下政府對廠商的最適品質管制政策隨廠商的市場競爭型態不同。若政府採差別品質管制,在Bertrand (Cournot) 競爭下,應分別要求高、低品質廠商提高產品品質(應分別要求高(低)品質廠商提高(降低)產品品質),縮小(擴大)品質差距。若採取單一品質管制,在Bertrand (Cournot) 競爭下,會使兩廠商的產品品質均提高,且低品質廠商生產最低品質標準(應放任廠商自由決定品質)。

摘要(英) In Chapter 2, we analyze the optimal uniform and discriminatory quality requirements under Cournot and Bertrand competition when two firms produce high, and low, quality products respectively in a domestic market. We find that under uniform and discriminatory quality requirements, the government’s optimal quality requirement depends on the type of competition in which firms engage. When discriminatory quality requirements are adopted, the government should ask both high and low quality firms to raise their quality standard under Bertrand competition and decrease the quality differentiation. However, the government should ask the high quality and low quality firm to raise and lower their quality respectively and increase the quality differentiation under Cournot competition. When uniform quality requirement is adopted, the government should set a quality requirement raising both firms’ quality respectively under Bertrand competition, and the low quality firm will produce at the lowest quality standard, while under Cournot competition the government should not set any quality requirement. In addition to premium agricultural products seal, our results also provide useful strategic recommendations for the government’s quality policy.
In Chapter 3, we analyze the same issues when two firms produce high-quality and low-quality products, respectively, in an international market. The quality requirements in our paper are not set for the foreign firm but are set to regulate products of different qualities, since in the real world a domestic firm could be a high- or low-quality producer. We find that whether the government should raise the quality requirements depends on the type of competition in which firms engage and the adopted quality requirements. By and large, the government should always set quality requirements raising both firms’ quality directly or indirectly, regardless of the quality of the product of the domestic firm. However, if the domestic firm is a high-quality producer, the government should set a quality requirement that enables the domestic firm to monopolize the market when a discriminatory quality requirement is adopted, and should not set any quality requirement when a uniform quality requirement is adopted. Moreover, we show that the quality requirement can actually improve global welfare in most cases.
關鍵字(中) ★ 垂直產品差異
★ 最低品質標準
★ 管制
★ 差別與單一品質管制
關鍵字(英) ★ vertical product differentiation
★ minimum quality standards
★ regulation
★ discriminatory and uniform quality requirements
論文目次 中文摘要 ………………………………………………………………………...….. i
英文摘要 ……………………………………………………………………...……..ii
謝辭 ………………………………………………………………………………...iv
目錄 ………………………………………………………………………...….vi
圖目錄 ……………………………………………………………..…………….vii
表目錄 …………………………………………………………..…………….viii
第一章 緒論 ……………………………………………………………..………...1
第二章 最適品質管制下Cournot 及Bertrand 均衡之效率分析 ………..……….4
第三章 開放經濟下的福利與品質提升……………………………………....…...32
第四章 結論 ……………………………………..………………………………...52
參考文獻 …………………………………………………………………………...54
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指導教授 邱俊榮(Jiunn-rong Chiou) 審核日期 2015-1-22
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