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姓名 游政儒(Cheng-Ju Yu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 在無線感測器網路中邊界點選擇與目標物偵測之通訊協定
(Boundary Nodes Selection and Target Detection Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks)
★ 無線行動隨建即連網路上之廣播與繞徑問題★ 熱門電影的高效能廣播演算法
★ 無線行動隨建即連網路上之媒體存取問題★ 使用功率調整來增加多節點封包無線網路
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★ 應用數位浮水印技術於影像之智慧財產權保護與認證★ 在寬頻分碼多重擷取技術上分配及再分配多重正交可變展頻係數碼
★ 無線行動隨建即連網路上之廣播排程協定★ 在無線行動隨建即連網路下支援即時多媒體傳送的媒介存取協定
★ 以樹狀結構為基礎的Scatternet建構協定★ 在無線感應器網路中具有省電機制並且採用對角線路徑的方向性擴散
★ 隨意型無線網路上一個具有能量保存的GRID繞徑協定★ 在無線感應器網路中具有省電機制的傳輸協定
★ 隨意型無線網路上一個具有能量保存以及平衡的繞徑協定★ 環形藍芽網路:一個藍芽通訊網路的新拓樸及其繞徑協定
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摘要(中) 近年來在無線感測網路 (Wireless sensor networks) 的研究中,目標物追蹤 (Target tracking) 是一項重要的研究議題。使用者利用無線感測器 (Wireless sensor nodes),對欲監控之目標物進行監測,當目標物進入感測器的感測範圍後,感測器可取得所感測的資訊並回傳至後端之資料彙集點 (Sink node)。因此,使用者可以從資料彙集點取得所感測之資料。然而,有些應用只需要目標物進出某些區域之資訊。例如:動物學家欲了解某些野生動物,在廣大棲息地中遷徙或活動之習性,則可佈建無線感測網路做長期之監測,以取得寶貴之監測數據。本篇論文中,我們提出一種在無線感測網路中,分散式尋找出監測目標物之邊界點 (Boundary nodes) 的演算法。被選擇的邊界點將紀錄目標物進出邊界之時間資訊,並將這些資訊傳送至資料彙集點。模擬結果證明,我們所提出的演算法,所選出的邊界點數目相當接近最佳值。此外,我們的演算法所需要之控制封包數量也少於其他方法,且在網路範圍變大的情況下,使用我們的演算法來選擇邊界點之時間並不會增加太多。
摘要(英) In recent years, target tracking has been an important issue in research of wireless sensor networks. Users can use wireless sensor networks to keep the interesting target under surveillance. Once the target enters the sensing range of the sensor node, the sensing information will be recorded by the sensor nodes and forwarded to the sink node. Therefore, users can obtain the information from the sink node. However, some applications only need to record the information of a target entering or leaving a boundary for some specific regions. For example, zoologists want to know some kinds of wildlife migration or habitual behavior in a large-scale natural habitat, and then they can deploy a wireless sensor network to keep a long-term surveillance and get precious monitoring data. In this thesis, we proposed a distributed algorithm to find out the boundary nodes in a wireless sensor network. The selected boundary nodes are used to track the interesting targets (wildlife) when they enter or leave a boundary of the wireless sensor network. The information of wildlife entering or leaving the monitoring regions will be recorded and forwarded to the sink node by the boundary sensor nodes. Simulation results show that the proposed protocols have good performance in selecting boundary nodes. The number of selected boundary nodes almost closes to the optimal value. Besides, our protocol has the less total control overhead during selecting boundary nodes. As the size of the wireless sensor network is increasing, the time of selecting the boundary nodes using our protocol will not increase rapidly in our protocol.
關鍵字(中) ★ 無線感測器網路
★ 邊界點
★ 目標物追蹤
關鍵字(英) ★ Wireless sensor networks
★ Target tracking
★ Boundary nodes
論文目次 1. Introduction 1
2. Preliminary 4
3. Boundary Nodes Selection Protocol 8
3.1 Initial Phase 8
3.2 Selecting Phase 9
3.3 Pruning Phase 16
4. Target Detection Protocol 20
4.1 Definition of the limit of boundary and time stamp 20
4.2 Finding sensing overlap algorithm 21
4.3 Target Detection Algorithm 23
4.4 Finding Boundary Nodes around the Sensing Holes 26
5. Simulation Results 28
6. Conclusions and Future works 33
Reference 34
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指導教授 許健平(Jang-Ping Sheu) 審核日期 2005-7-19
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