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姓名 李雅慈(Ya-tzu Lee) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 法國語文學系 論文名稱 《向性》與超越向性:探討薩洛特對感受描繪的演變
(Tropismes et au-delà du tropisme : les sensations comme enfantement de la parole chez Nathalie Sarraute)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 娜塔莉薩洛特 (Nathalie Sarraute) 為法國二十世紀新小說具代表性的作家之一。本論文試論述作者如何從生物學裡的向性概念Tropis m(即植物受自然界外力的壓迫,以致改變其生長方向的過程)延伸至文本書寫,解釋人物底層複雜且難以定義的心理活動,即感受(sensations)。向性不僅是薩洛特第一本著作的名稱,同時宣告了其後作品的書寫策略。此外,亦嘗試比較第一本著作《向性》與晚年自傳《童年》對於感受描繪的差異。
摘要(英) Known as a French New Novelist of the twentieth century, Nathalie Sarraute made a deliberate attempt to explore the inner world of her characters by ignoring their surface appearance or social indications that traditional novelists value. She takes the biological concept ‘tropism’ as a starting point to explain sensations, resulting in the complicated psychological movements of human beings. The description of sensation constitutes the essential subject matter of Sarraute’s works. This thesis concentrates on discussing the different ways of approaching and examining sensations in her first work Tropismes and her autobiography Enfance, published in her later years.
The first chapter analyses the structure of Tropismes, including the structural form, past tense verbs, and expressions of the fives senses. The author intended to create text full of sensorial stimulus, to demonstrate the indefinable movements of characters, like the reactions of plants evoked from the forces of Nature.
Chapter two introduces the methods of drawing the momentary sensations with words in Tropismes. The prime concern of writing this novel is to prolong and to emphasize the essential factors in the forming process of tropisms. The various strategies by which Sarraute intended to interpret the sensations are mentioned, especially the rhetoric and the different expressions of sensations in these two works.
Chapter three focuses on Sarraute’s autobiography Enfance. The impressive fragments of childhood in each chapter of Enfance offer a journey of discovering, measuring the past sensations mainly caused by violent words and phrases of adults. Sarraute invented ‘sub-conversations’, composed of conversations from two different points of view of the narrator, in order to reveal the deep conscience about Sarraute’s traumatic experiences during childhood.
From Tropismes to Enfance, Sarraute devoted her efforts to investigate subterranean actions, so-called tropisms. However, instead of simply portraying them, she gradually tried to approach and face the psychological truth of past sensations by means of sub-conversations.
關鍵字(中) ★ 感受
★ 潛對話
★ 童年
★ 向性
★ 薩洛特關鍵字(英) ★ Nathalie Sarraute
★ tropism
★ Enfance
★ sub-conversation論文目次 Introduction 1
Chapitre 1. Tropismes 5
1.1. L’analyse des Tropismes 7
1.1.1. La définition du tropisme dans Tropismes 8
1.1.2. La construction de Tropismes 11
1.2. L’ écriture sarrautienne de Tropismes 13
1.2.1. Les pronoms perosonnels anonymes 13
1.2.2. L’imparfait 21
Chapitre 2. Le déploiment du tropisme dans Tropismes 32
2.1. Le rythme 33
2.2. Les indices temporels 35
2.3. Le discours direct et le discours indirect libre 40
2.4. La négation 44
2.5. Figures 54
Chapitre 3. Les sensations et/ou les émotions 63
3.1. L’obsession des 《 grands mots 》 64
3.2. 《 Beaux souvenirs d’enfance 》 69
3.3. La 《 sous-conversation 》 74
Conclusion 79
Bibliographie 81
參考文獻 Bibliographie
Ouvrages de Nathalie Sarraute
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SARRAUTE, Nathalie, L’Usage de la parole, Paris, Gallimard, 1985.
SARRAUTE, Nathalie, L’Ere du soupçon, Paris, Gallimard, 1991.
Etudes sur l’œuvre de Nathalie Sarraute
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RYKNER, Arnaud, Paroles perdues : Faillite du language et représentation, Paris, José Corti, 1986.
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Ouvrages sur le récit d’enfance
CHEVALIER, Anne (éd.), Le Récit d’enfance et ses modèles, Normandie, Université de Caen Basse, 2003.
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Les œuvre et documents chinois
1. 李維倫,《現象學十四講》,Introduction to phenomenology, Robert Sokolowski。
2. 倪梁康,《現象學觀念》,Die idee der phanomen6ologie,Edmund Gustav Albrecht Husserl,倪梁康譯,台北市,南方叢書出版社,民國七十六年。
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Théorie psychanalytique
WINNICOTT, D. W. Jeu et réalité l’espace poten, Mayenne, Floch, 1991.
指導教授 許綺玲(Chi-Lin Hsu) 審核日期 2010-8-30 推文 facebook plurk twitter funp google live udn HD myshare reddit netvibes friend youpush delicious baidu 網路書籤 Google bookmarks del.icio.us hemidemi myshare