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姓名 劉璧美(PI-MEI LIU)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 哲學研究所在職專班
論文名稱 論湯姆.雷根的強動物權立場
(On the Regan's view of Strong Animal Rights)
★ 諾丁關懷倫理學的道德理論研究★ 《莊子》命論之研究
★ 宋代天台山家山外第二次論諍─以智者大師的原始思想決疑★ 判斷底邏輯形式與範疇-康德「範疇之形上推證」研究
★ 梁漱溟文化哲學研究★ 許敬菴.周海門九諦九解義理研究
★ 對諮詢同意原則之反思:哈伯馬斯溝通理論之應用★ 從女性主義論墮胎的道德爭議: 胎兒道德地位與女性身體自主權
★ 論癌末病人知情權★ 從儒家觀點省思複製人的倫理問題
★ 論基因倫理:基因治療及基因增強相關之倫理爭議★ 代理孕母與親子關係:一個倫理分析
★ 無行為能力病人的醫療代理決策研究:以智能障礙者為例★ 高爾拔(Lawrence Kohlberg)的道德教育理論之道德哲學面向研究
★ 自願安樂死的出路---從死亡權的角度分析★ 論癌末病人醫助自殺之道德性
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摘要(中) 本文的研究動機在於釐清動物權利理論的基礎與爭議,並以雷根的權利觀點為主要研究內容。雷根透過道德直覺建構道德原則,論證道非人類動物和人類一樣都是生命主體,如果我們接受所有人類,包含缺乏理性能力的道德容受者都具本有價值,那麼就邏輯的一致性加以推論,就必須承認某些非人類動物也有相同的價值。
本文除了以雷根的動物權利觀點為主軸外,亦提出沃倫(Mary Anne Warren)的弱動物權利主張以交互參照,全面的檢視雷根動物權利觀困難與價值,並對動物權利的命題做深入的分析與探討。
摘要(英) This thesis investigates the foundation and development of the controversy of animal rights, with Regan’s theory of animal rights as our focus. Regan forms ideal moral principles through moral intuitions. He argues that non-human animals are what he calls the subject-of-a-life, just as humans are, and that, if we want to ascribe inherent value to all human beings including moral patients who are capable of rationality, then in order to be consistent we must similarly ascribe it to non-human animals. Regan’’s argument for animal rights does not rely on a radical new theory of ethics, but follows from a consistent application of moral principles and insights that many of us already hold with respect to the ethical treatment of human beings. Regan holds that non-human animals are the bearers of moral rights. His philosophy lies broadly within the tradition of Immanuel Kant, though he rejects Kant’’s idea that respect is due only to rational beings. He also adopts the approach of John S. Mill that moral rights are justified by moral principles, and such approach forms Regan’s view of animal rights.
The basic right that all who possess inherent value has, he argues, is the right never to be treated merely as a means to the ends of others. It entails the right to be treated with respect; this includes the right not to be harmed. This right, however, is not absolute. His philosophy employs principles such as the miniride principle and the worse-off principle. According to Regan, animals are endowed with basic right to be treated with respect that we should abolish the breeding of animals for food, animal experimentation, and commercial hunting.
In order to show the special features of Regan’s theory, I analyzes how Reagan responds to the challenge posted by Warren’s multi-criterial concept. The difficulties and value of Regan’s view of animal rights are thoroughly reviewed; the topic of animal rights was also analyzed and discussed in depth.
關鍵字(中) ★ 道德容受者
★ 權利觀點
★ 道德權利
★ 本有價值
★ 生命主體
★ 多重判準
★ 不傷害原則
★ 尊重原則
★ 道德直覺
★ 道德能動者
關鍵字(英) ★ inherent value
★ moral agents
★ multi-criterial concept
★ the harm principle
★ the respect principle
★ moral rights
★ moral patients
★ moral intuitions
★ the subject-of-a-life
★ the rights view
論文目次 第一章 導論………………………………………………………………1
第一節 研究動機…………………………………2
第二節 文獻回顧…………………………………4
第三節 章節安排…………………………………23
第二章 權利觀點…………………………………………………………25
第一節 權利概述…………………………………26
第二節 權利、法律與道德的關係………………33
第三節 道德權利的證成…………………………37
第四節 雷根如何證成道德權利…………………45
第三章 雷根的強動物權立場……………………………………………50
第一節 動物意識與累積論證……………………54
第二節 動物成為權利主體的可能性……………59
第三節 權利理論的價值哲學……………………62
第四節 雷根的個體平等論………………………77
第五節 正義:尊重原則與傷害原則……………85
第六節 權利的凌駕………………………………90
第四章 從沃倫的道德地位多重判準看雷根的動物權利觀……………99.
第一節 沃倫道德地位的理論基礎………………99
第二節 道德地位的多重判準……………………103
第三節 動物的道德地位…………………………107
第四節 沃倫對強動物權立場的批評……………119
第五節 動物道德地位意涵的比較………………132
第五章 雷根強動物權立場的困難與反省………………………………142
第一節 人權與動物權的間隙………………………142
第二節 感知程度的必然差異………………………144
第三節 人類的有限性與動物權……………………145
第四節 人權與動物權的中介………………………149
第五節 倫理的態度與行動…………………………153
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指導教授 李瑞全(Shui-Chuen Lee) 審核日期 2007-7-10
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