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姓名 張庭耀(Ting-yao Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 數學系
論文名稱 穩定型分布之參數的經驗分布估計法
(Parameter Estimations for some stable Distributions based on Empirical Distributions)
★ 定點離散核估計★ 密度函數核估計之差的極限分布及其應用
★ 密度函數的直接核估計與間接核估計★ 前二階樣本動差之函數在m相關平穩過程上之統計推論
★ 平穩過程高階動差之極限分佈及應用★ 統計模型參數和之估計
★ 隨機過程參數和之估計★ 二組件組合產品之故障率的非母數估計
★ 穩定性密度函數之核估計★ 柏努力條件下常態分布之參數估計
★ (X,Y)及max{X,Y}之分布及特徵函數之估計★ 二維品質度量之直接與間接參數估計
★ 布朗運動之雙曲正弦與雙曲餘弦變換★ 布朗運動及布阿松過程之變異數分析
★ 布朗運動之線性和二次動向函數的同值檢定★ 兩個獨立的基本Lévy隨機過程之極值過程
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摘要(中) 經驗分布在機率論及統計學都很重要,經驗分布為非母數統計之重要工具,本文研究經驗分布在母數統計之表現,以常態、柯西和Levy等穩定型分布為例,用經驗分布作參數估計並和常用統計量比較。
摘要(英) Empirical distribution has important theoretical property like Glivenko-Cantelli theorem from which statistical inference for distribution function is possible. Empirical distribution is optimal in nonparametric framework. However, it is unknown if empirical distribution is optimal in parametric models. In this paper, we will investigate the efficiency of empirical distribution in parametric framework. The distributions considered include normal, Cauchy and Levy that are all stable.
關鍵字(中) ★ 經驗分布
★ 參數估計
★ 穩定型分布
關鍵字(英) ★ parametric estimation
★ Stable distribution
★ Empirical distribution
論文目次 Section1.Introduction.....................................1
Section2.Parameter estimations for normal distributions based on empirical distributions.....................................2
Section3.Parameter estimations for Cauchy distributions based on empirical distributions.....................................9
Section4.Parameter estimations for Levy distributions based on empirical distributions......................................14
參考文獻 [1]Pagan, A. and Ullah, A.(1999). "Nonparametric Econometrics," Cambridge University Press.
[2]Prakasa Rao, B. L. S. (1983). "Nonparametric Functional
Estimation," Academic Press.
[3]Shorack and Wellner (1986). "Empirical Processes with Applications to Statistics," Wiley.
[4]Silverman, B. W. (1986). "Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis," Chapman and Hall.
[5]Tapia, R. A. and Thompson, J. R. (1977). "Nonparametric Probability Density Estimation." Johns Hopkins University Press.
指導教授 許玉生(Yu-Sheng Hsu) 審核日期 2007-7-11
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