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姓名 卓文浩(Wen-Hao Cho) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系 論文名稱 193nm深紫外光斜向薄膜之研究
(The Research of Obliquely Deposited Films at 193nm)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 本論文對氟化鎂、氟化鑭、氟化釓三種材料做蒸鍍角度從20 度
到70 度斜向蒸鍍,量測其柱狀傾斜角、應力以及薄膜對P、S 偏振光
垂直入射於波長193nm 的折射率。柱狀傾斜角以掃瞄式電子顯微鏡
測,並以Cauchy Law 做擬合。柱狀傾斜角方面發現Tangent rule:
tan??E ?tan?的係數E 只有在蒸鍍角度大於50 度才會趨於定值,
不同材料其係數E 不同。隨著蒸鍍角鍍的增大會有壓應力的趨勢。然
角度為70 度時有最大的折射率差異(0.0576)。氟化鑭需在30 度至60
度之間才明顯的折射率差異,其值約在0.03~0.04 之間。而氟化釓在
蒸鍍角度從40 度到50 度之間Ns 與Np 的大小會相反過來。應力方
面會隨著蒸鍍角度有先上升在減小的現象。摘要(英) Obliquely depositing Magnesium fluoride, Lanthanum fluoride, and
Gadolinium fluoride for deposition angles in the range 20°–70°. Column
angles were determined ex situ from scanning electron microscopy
photographs of deposition-plane fractures. Stress was measured from
Phase-Shifting Interferometer. The birefringence,Δn = Ns – Np, was
determined from ellipsometer and fitted by Cauchy despersion law. We
show that the experimental column angles correspond the value predicted
by the modified form of the tangent-rule equation ??tan?1(E ?tan?)
where E is a constant for deposition angle that is larger than 50°. When
the deposition angel becomes large, the stress trend toward compressive
stress. However, birefringence does not increase progressively with the
deposition increases.Birefringence, Δ n = Ns – Np, of Magnesium
fluoride is 0.0576 for deposition angle in 70°. Birefringence of
Lanthanum fluoride becomes clear for deposition angle in the rang
30°-60°. Δn = 0.037 for deposition angle in 60°. However theΔn of
Gadolinium fluoride would be cross during deposition angle in 40° and
50°.When the deposition angle was increased, the stress would increase
first and then decrease progressively.關鍵字(中) ★ 柱狀結構
★ 斜向蒸鍍
★ 深紫外光關鍵字(英) ★ DUV
★ column structure
★ obliquely deposited論文目次 中文摘要...............................................Ⅰ
1-1 前言..............................................1
1-2 研究動機..........................................1
1-3 氟化物材料特性....................................2
2-1 非均向介質........................................5
2-2 非均向光學薄膜....................................7
2-3 自我遮蔽效應.....................................10
2-4 蒸鍍角度與柱狀傾斜角度...........................10
2-5 薄膜應力.........................................11
3-1 實驗方法與系統架構...............................13
3-1-1 基板準備......................................13
3-1-2 鍍膜機架構....................................13
3-1-3 真空系統......................................14
3-1-4 實驗參數......................................14
3-2 量測方法與儀器...................................15
3-2-1 掃瞄式電子顯微鏡..............................15
3-2-2 柱狀傾斜角度計算..............................16
3-2-3 橢圓儀........................................18
3-2-4 相位移式應力量測干涉儀........................22
4-1 氟化鎂非均向薄膜實驗結果與討論...................24
4-1-1 蒸鍍角度與柱狀傾斜角度分析....................24
4-1-2 柱狀傾斜角度與折射率的關係....................26
4-1-3 蒸鍍角度與應力的關係..........................28
4-2 氟化鑭非均向薄膜實驗結果與討論...................30
4-2-1 蒸鍍角度與柱狀傾斜角度分析....................32
4-2-2 柱狀傾斜角度與折射率的關係....................34
4-2-3 蒸鍍角度與應力的關係..........................37
4-3 氟化釓非均向薄膜實驗結果與討論...................39
4-3-1 蒸鍍角度與柱狀傾斜角度分析....................39
4-3-2 柱狀傾斜角度與折射率的關係....................41
4-3-3 蒸鍍角度與應力的關係..........................43
4-4 綜合討論.........................................43
4-4-1 不同材料間蒸鍍角度與柱狀傾斜角度的關係........46
4-4-2 不同材料間蒸鍍角度與折射率的關係..............46
4-4-3 不同材料間蒸鍍角度與應力的關係................46
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