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姓名 蕭慧琳(Hua-Ling Hsiao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 認知與神經科學研究所
論文名稱 中文字詞辨識的組字規則處理
(Orthographic processing in Chinese Character Recognition)
★ 語言產出中音義訊息處理歷程─ 以行為及事件相關腦電位之圖文干擾作業為例★ 英語為外國語學習者的英語字詞辨識歷程—以詞長效果及事件相關電位指標論證
★ 中文字詞辨識的語音運作單位★ 語音知覺與中文識字能力的關係
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摘要(中) 本研究旨在探討部件、部件位置處理對於中文字詞辨識的影響。經由文獻回顧,這個研究認為中文組字規則包含字的結構、部件本身的訊息、以及部件的位置,因此在一系列的行為實驗操弄部件位置,觀察實驗操弄在各種實驗情境對觸發效果的影響;除行為研究外,也進行電生理實驗,以形狀大小作業探討中文字詞辨識的電生理指標與拼音文字的異同。
摘要(英) This research explored the role of radical and radical position in Chinses character recognition. The constituents of Chinese character orthography shall cover at least the character structure, the radicals, and the radical positions. Both behavioral and electrophisological approaches were adopted to tackle the orthographic processing issue.
In experiment 1, different tasks and SOA were used to find the priming effects during the manipulations of radical positions. The prime is one of the radicals belong to target character, but there is no significant priming effect.
When the prime’s structure is the same as the target’s structure, in experiment 2, the prime and the target shared one radical. There were facilitated priming effects when the same radical at the same position. If the prime is the radical combined with one low frequency radical, and then the subjects were interrupted to process the target character. So the combinability of radicals induced the inhibited priming effects. In experiment 3, through naming task and longer SOA, the facilitated priming effects turned into inhibited priming effects. When subjects process the characters longer, more information than radical position would be processed.
In experiment 4, there would be repetition priming effect when the prime and the target were the same characters. If the prime’s radical position reversed, there were still facilitated priming effects of low frequency target characters.
The current study shows the effect of radical position processing of Chinese character recognition in different experimental designs. According to the results, there would be more confident hypothesis of Chinsese orthographic rules.
關鍵字(中) ★ 組字規則
★ 字詞辨識
★ 中文
論文目次 壹、 序論 ------------------------------------1
貳、 書寫系統 ------------------------------------2
一、 書寫系統的發展歷史:文字基於口語發展 ---------------------------2
二、 什麼是拼音文字組字規則?組字規則跟語音的對應 -------------3
三、 中文的文字發展 -------------------------------------4
參、 字詞辨識歷程 ------------------------------------7
一、 英文的字詞辨識歷程 -------------------------------------7
a. 英文字詞辨識的基本現象 -------------------------------------7
b. 英文字詞辨識的解釋模型 -------------------------------------8
二、 中文的字詞辨識歷程 -----------------------------------10
三、 中文字詞辨識的基本現象 -------------------------------------10
a. 中文的組字規則 -------------------------------------12
i. 組字規則的三要素 -------------------------------------12
ii. 部件功能與部件位置的爭議 ------------------------------------14
iii. 處理的時間序列 -------------------------------------15
四、 本研究對於中文組字規則的想法及研究目的 ----------------------17
肆、 實驗部分 -----------------------------------19
一、 實驗一 -----------------------------------19
研究方法 -----------------------------------19
結果與討論 -----------------------------------22
二、 實驗2-1 -----------------------------------28
研究方法 -----------------------------------28
結果與討論 -----------------------------------30
三、 實驗2-2 -----------------------------------33
研究方法 -----------------------------------33
結果與討論 -----------------------------------35
四、 實驗2-3 -----------------------------------37
研究方法 -----------------------------------37
結果與討論 -----------------------------------39
五、 實驗3-1 -----------------------------------43
研究方法 -----------------------------------43
結果與討論 -----------------------------------44
六、 實驗3-2 -----------------------------------46
研究方法 -----------------------------------46
結果與討論 -----------------------------------47
七、 實驗3-3 -----------------------------------50
研究方法 -----------------------------------50
結果與討論 -----------------------------------51
八、 實驗四 -----------------------------------54
研究方法 -----------------------------------54
結果與討論 -----------------------------------56
九、 實驗五 -----------------------------------65
研究方法 -----------------------------------65
結果與討論 -----------------------------------70
綜合討論 -----------------------------------79
參考文獻 -----------------------------------87
附錄 -----------------------------------94
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指導教授 李俊仁(Jun-Ren Lee) 審核日期 2006-7-21
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