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1. ASTRA http://www.verkehrsdaten.ch/index.html
2. Bridge-tunnel http://www.cbbt.com/index.html
3. BAST http://www.bast.de/htdocs_engl/index.htm
4. CETU http://www.cetu.equipement.gouv.fr/index.php3
5. FIT http://www.etnfit.net/index.html
6. St.Gotthard-Strassentunnel http://www.St.Gotthard-Strassentunnel.ch/
7. Grand st.Bernard http://www.sitrasb.it/sito2003sitrasb.data/Componenti/indexuk.html
8. Infrastructure and Transport Government of Japan http://www.mlit.go.jp/english/index.html
9. ITS http://www.itsoverview.its.dot.gov/
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14. SFTRF http://www.tunneldufrejus.com/
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16. Transport Research Centre http://www.cemt.org/JTRC/index.htm
17. TMI http://www.tmi-intelligence.com/Index.asp
18. The World's longest Road Tunnels http://home.no.net/lotsberg/ |