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姓名 羅詔元(Chao-Yuan Lo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 整合光達資料與道路輪廓圖重建三維道路模型
(Fusion of LIDAR Data and Road Maps for the Reconstruction of 3-D Road Models)
★ 中華二號衛星影像幾何模擬及方位重建★ 立體航測影像直線與圓弧輪廓建物半自動之三維模型重建
★ 含房屋之中華二號衛星影像幾何模擬及校正★ 空照立體像對中半自動化矩形人工建物重建之研究
★ 近景數化影像半自動式混凝土裂縫量測★ 建築物幾何模塑及其於航照影像正射化之應用
★ EROS A 衛星影像幾何改正之研究★ IKONOS衛星影像正射改正之研究
★ 時間序列之混凝土影像半自動裂縫變遷偵測★ 由EROS A衛星立體對影像產生正射影像及數值地表模型之研究
★ 多重疊航照立體對半自動房屋模型重建★ 結合光達資料與數位空照影像重建三維建物模型
★ 高解析力衛星影像真實正射改正及遮蔽區域補償★ 多航帶推掃式衛星方位平差及影像正射化
★ 結合光達資料與大比例尺向量圖重建三維建物模型★ 空載三線式掃描儀影像立體定位之研究
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摘要(中) 摘要
Due to the diversity and complexity of the road types, traditional 2-D road maps are insufficient to represent 3-D road models when multi-layer road systems are considered. The reconstruction of 3-D road models, thus, becomes an important task in the geoinformatic area.
The LIDAR data contains the height information of the road surface. The road maps record the accurate boundaries. Thus, we fuse LIDAR data and road maps to reconstruct the 3-D road models. The proposed scheme comprises two major parts: establishment of 2-D road networks and 3-D road modeling. In the first part, the roadsides in the maps are split, merged, and paired for the determination of road centerlines and the formation of networks. In the second one, the heights of the road centerlines are derived from LIDAR data to represent the road surface. Then the profiles of the 3-D roads are modified by the least squares adjustment. Finally, the patches are organized in road models in terms of ribbons.
The test data covers Hsin-Chu city in the north Taiwan. The point density of LIDAR data is 1.73 points/m2. The scale of the road maps is 1:1,000. The experimental results show that the successful rate of the automatic reconstruction for 2-D road networks is above 95%. After the enhancement of the planimetric road networks by manual editing, the reconstructed 3-D road models reach a modeling accuracy of 0.10m to 0.20m.
關鍵字(中) ★ 二維路網
★ 道路輪廓圖
★ 光達資料
★ 重建
★ 三維道路模型
關鍵字(英) ★ 3-D Road Models
★ Reconstruction
★ Road Maps
★ LIDAR Data
★ 2-D Road Networks
論文目次 目錄
第一章 前言 1
1.1. 研究背景介紹 3
1.1.1. 二維路網建立 3
1.1.2. 三維模型重建 7
1.2. 研究動機與目的 11
1.3. 研究方法與內容 13
第二章 二維路網建立 17
2.1. 中心線生成 20
2.2. 路網建立 25
第三章 三維道路重建 29
3.1. 初始模型重建 31
3.1.1. 道路點雲萃取 32
3.1.2. 路面點雲萃取 32 面擬合 35 局部最低點 37
3.1.3. 平滑化處理 38
3.2. 精確模型重建 40
3.2.1. 節點高程平差 41
3.2.2. 折點高程平差 43
3.2.3. 產生精確模型 43
3.2.4. 模型視覺化 44
3.3. 自動化成果驗證 44
3.4. 模型坡度與坡度差驗證 45
3.5. 路網拼接 49
第四章 研究成果與分析 50
4.1. 研究資料 51
4.2. 二維路網建立成果 52
4.2.1. 測區I二維路網 53
4.2.2. 測區II二維路網 58
4.2.3. 測區III二維路網 64
4.3. 三維道路模型重建成果 67
4.3.1. 測區I道路模型 68
4.3.2. 測區II道路模型 73
4.3.3. 測區III道路模型 79
4.4. 道路模型坡度與坡度差驗證 87
4.5. 道路模型拼接成果 99
4.6. 失敗例分析 102
第五章 結論與展望 104
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指導教授 陳良健(Liang-Chien Chen) 審核日期 2006-7-6
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