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姓名 余錦順(Chin-Shun Yu) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 機械工程學系 論文名稱 離子束製作氧化矽之化學成份與表面型態分析
(The study of the Ion Beam induced the topography and the oxidation of silicon)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 離子束應用於材料主要分為兩個方面。離子束材料合成(IBS, Ion Beam Synthesis)包括離子束與物理或化學氣相沉積結合而發展起來的新技術,其中離子束輔助沉積(IBAD)、離子團簇沉積(ICB,Ionized Cluster Beam) 70年代就已發展;另一方面則是用不同能量的離子植入材料表層達到改善材料表面性質的目的。
鍍膜技術有許多的方法。為了排除CVD製備中可能出現的雜質及熱氧化法因高溫所導致殘留應力產生而形成缺陷,在本文中,使用高真空離子束系統,其真空度達約5x10-8 Torr且潔淨的環境,排除高溫及雜質為目的,使用不同電流密度的離子束在氧環境下碰撞矽基材製備出氧化薄膜。摘要(英) The Ion Beam applied to the material is mainly divided into two aspects. The Ion Beam Synthesis is the new technology which includes the Ion Beam and Physical of Chemical Vapor Deposition. Ion Beam Assisted Deposition (IBAD) and Ionized Cluster Beam (ICB) has been developed since 1970s. On the other hand, ions with the different energy is implanted into the material surface layer in order to achieve the improvement of the properties of the material surface.
In the development of IC technology, oxide’s main achievement is the gate extreme insulation. After the component is insulated, the gate voltage may switch off the control channel, and Carries can’t be lost between source and drain. Therefore, the quality of insulation affects the properties.
There are many methods of coating technology and there will be impurity in the CVD and the defect caused by residual stress from the high temperature in the process of thermal oxidation. In order to remove the high temperature and impurity, this paper will discuss the method of bombarding silicon with different beam currents in oxygen environment to produce the oxidized thin film, using Ion Beam System in the high vacuum with the pressure of 5 10-8 Torr in pure environment.關鍵字(中) ★ IC技術
★ 氧化薄膜
★ 離子束應用關鍵字(英) ★ Ion Beam Synthesis
★ IC technology
★ oxide thin film論文目次 中文摘要.................................................I
英文摘要............................................... II
誌謝.................................................. III
圖目錄................................................ VII
第一章 緒論.............................................1
1.1 前言................................................1
1.2 研究動機與目的......................................3
1.3 各章摘要............................................3
第二章 基本原理.........................................5
2.1 離子束產生原理......................................5
2.1-1 氣體放電........................................5
2.1-2 離子加速....................................8
2.2 碰撞原理............................................9
2.3 離子束氧化過程(Ion Beam induced Oxidation,IBIO) ..13
2.3-1 電荷交換.....................................13
2.3-2 原子碰撞.....................................14
2.3-3 增強擴散.....................................14
2.3-4 化學反應.....................................15
2.4 量測儀器原理.......................................18
2.4-1 X光光電子能譜術(XPS) ........................18
2.4-1-1 光電效應............................19
2.4-1-2 化學位移........................... 19
2.4-1-3 能譜解析........................... 20
2.4-1-4 能譜數據處理......................... 20
2.4-2 原子力顯微鏡(AFM) ...............................25
第三章 實驗設備與實驗步驟..............................28
3.1 實驗設備...........................................28
3.1-1 離子槍系統(Ion Gun System) ..................... 28
3.1-2 真空系統(Vacuum System) .........................29
3.1-3 冷卻系統.........................................33
3.1-4 進氣系統(氧氣) ................................. 33
3.2 實驗步驟.......................................... 34
3.2-1 準備實驗階段.................................... 34
3.2-1-1 矽片切割...................................... 34
3.2-1-2 離子束位置校正與基座holder相對位置............ 34
3.2-1-3 離子源穩定.................................... 35
3.2-1-4 真空腔體要求.................................. 35
3.2-2 正式實驗階段.....................................36
第四章 實驗結果與討論.................................43
4.1 XPS光電子能譜分析.................................43
4.1-1 XPS全譜圖掃描...................................44
4.1-2 矽(Si2p)的微區分析..............................47
4.1-3 氬(Ar2p)的微區分析............................. 52
4.1-4 氧(O1s)的微區分析...............................53
4.1-5 碳(C1s)的微區分析...............................54
4.1-6 電流密度對氧化態的影響..........................56
4.1-7 氧氣分壓對SiOx生成影響..........................60
4.2 表面型態分析......................................63
第五章 結論與未來展望.................................70
參考文獻..............................................72參考文獻 1. B.E.Deal and A.S. Grove, Journal of applied physics. 36, 3770 (1965)
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