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姓名 何喬凡(Jeavon Hulse)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 國際永續發展碩士在職專班
(A Preliminary Feasibility Study of Waste to Energy Technologies in Treating MSW in Belize)
★ 半導體業化學機械研磨殘液及盛裝容器資源化再利用可行性評估★ 電子產業廢錫鉛銲材渣資源化操作條件探討
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摘要(中) 不斷增加的固體廢棄物問題一直困擾著貝里斯政府,而相關資訊的缺乏使得情況更為惡化。為了解決廢棄物的問題,貝里斯政府已展開固體廢棄物管理計畫,目標為興建廢棄物掩埋場,並整修原有的廢棄物處理廠。
摘要(英) Belize has a growing solid waste problem that is plaguing the country. This problem is further magnified due to a lack of information. To remedy the solid waste problem, the government has developed a national solid waste management plan which calls for the construction of a central sanitary landfill and the refurbishment of existing disposal sites.
In addition to the above, the country is also faced with a problem of energy security. The country imports 100 % of the fossil fuels used in the country. Overall, about 75% of the total energy demand for the country is obtained from foreign / external sources.
With these two issues in mind, this thesis proposes the construction of a waste to energy facility to be used in conjunction with the central landfill. This thesis undertakes a preliminary investigation to ascertain the feasibility of four (4) waste to energy technologies namely incineration, gasification, anaerobic digestion and composting.
The ultimate objective of this preliminary study is to identify the most suitable technology. The technologies are evaluated based on their respective technical, economic and environmental merits, the preferred technology being the most technically efficient, economically efficient and resulting in the least environmental damage.
Information pertaining to the technical, economic and environmental attributes is collected for each of the technologies. Using an Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP), the technologies and the evaluation criteria are given a relative weigh and rank. This weight and rank are subsequently combined and leads to the identification of the preferred technology.
For this thesis, the preferred technology based on the AHP conducted is incineration. This satisfies both requirements of solid waste treatment and energy generation, offering an 80% reduction in the volume of waste and generating a considerable amount of energy that can be sold to the local grid.
論文目次 Table of Contents
Abstract i
Table of Contents ii
Table of Tables iv
Table of Figures v
Abbreviations: vi
1. Introduction 1
2. Background 3
2.1 General Characteristics 3
2.2 Waste Description 4
2.3 Waste Composition 7
2.4 National Solid Waste Management Plan (NSWMP) 7
2.5 Energy 9
2.6 Proposal 13
3. Methodology 14
Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) 15
4. Technology 20
4.1 Incineration 21
Economic 25
Environmental 27
4.2 Gasification 28
Economic 31
Environmental 32
4.3 Anaerobic digestion 33
Economic 37
Environmental 39
4.4 Composting 40
Economic 40
Environmental 41
5. Results 43
Calculation 47
6. Discussion 49
7. Conclusion 59
8. References 61
Appendix 1 – Maps 64
Appendix 2– Mid term Population (2000 – 2004) 67
Appendix 3 – Projected Waste Generation 68
Appendix 4 –Questionnaire 69
Appendix 5 – List of Experts 72
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指導教授 王鯤生(Kuen-Sheng Wang) 審核日期 2006-6-30
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