摘要(英) |
The living conditions of Chinese are gradually improving because of high-speed economic growth in China. As a result of higher living standard, they pay more concern for health and nutrition, and therefore increase their consumption of dairy products. Furthermore, as the Chinese government encourages the development of dairying and speeds up their opening to the outside world, more and more international dairy companies extend their business to China, and then make this industry prosperous. However, the dairy industry has developed in Taiwan for a long time. The Taiwanese companies possessed remarkable advantages in R&D, manufacturing, marketing, and managerial skills over the Chinese companies. So the main purpose of this research is to formulate the operating strategies by utilizing the outstanding resources and capabilities of Taiwanese companies.
This is a case study on a Taiwanese dairy company that expands business in China. First, I analyze the macro-environment situation as well as competition of dairy industry in China and understand the opportunities and threats. Also, I discover the strengths and weaknesses of the targeted company by using Michael E. Poter’s value chain model. Finally, I develop operating strategies based on the outcome of SWOT analysis.
Through the analysis, the conclusions and practical suggestions are shown below.
1. In corporate strategy level, I suggest that the company adopt market-development strategy and forward vertical integration.
2. In business strategy level, the company should concentrate its efforts on niche market and adopt focus differentiation strategy.
3. In functional strategy level, the company should focus on high added value activities such as R&D and marketing. |
參考文獻 |
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