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姓名 蔡忠憲(Chung-hsien Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 具代理人之行動匿名拍賣與付款機制
(A Mobile Anonymous Auction and Payment Scheme with Software Agent)
★ 網路攝影機遠端連線安全性分析★ HSDPA環境下的複合式細胞切換機制
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★ 信用卡網路刷卡安全性★ DEAP:適用於行動RFID系統之高效能動態認證協定
★ 在破產預測與信用評估領域對前處理方式與分類器組合的比較分析★ 單一類別分類方法於不平衡資料集-搭配遺漏值填補和樣本選取方法
★ 正規化與變數篩選在破產領域的適用性研究★ 分群式前處理方法於類別不平衡問題之研究
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摘要(中) 在網際網路成熟發展的帶動下,網路拍賣成為時下最熱門的交易模式,不但提供賣方一個隨時可銷售商品的管道,也能讓買方透過拍賣來買到較便宜或者稀有的商品。然而目前的拍賣網站在使用上仍然有許多不便之處,尤其對買方來說,除了必須進行繁複的出價操作之外,即使得標後還可能需花費長時間來與賣方聯繫並且完成付款工作。因此,本研究鑒於目前拍賣網站之不足,加上順應行動設備的普及與無線通訊的發展趨勢,設計出一套以行動設備為使用者前端平台的拍賣機制,並以軟體代理人來協助拍賣流程的進行。
摘要(英) With the rapid development of the Internet, online auction has become a popular transaction mode. Besides providing sellers an easy way for selling goods any time and any where, it helps buyers to get less expensive and rare products. However, there’s still some inconvenience in existing auction sites, especially for sellers. For example, Buyers have to process complicated bidding operations and they have to spend lots of time communicating with the seller about payment once the buyer win the action. Therefore, to improve above situation, we design an auction scheme based on mobile devices and provide a method to facilitate action process by using software agent.
In this study, based on technology of software agent, we develop a multi-agent architecture for participants in the action process, and design an anonymous mechanism to ensure the privacy. Further, we integrate the mechanism with mobile payment and propose “A Mobile Anonymous Auction and Payment Scheme with Software Agent”. We provide an automatic bidding service for both buyers and sellers and mobile payment after the bidding to increase the efficiency of online auction.
This study is organized as follow: Firstly we study on the literature of auction, software agent, and mobile payment. Then we introduce the architecture of our scheme, operations of agents, and processes of auction and payment. Finally, we evaluate the effects of all parameters in different bidding strategy and discuss privacy issues in auction and payment processes to verify the effectiveness and security of the proposed scheme.
關鍵字(中) ★ 行動付款
★ 匿名拍賣
★ 行動拍賣
★ 代理人拍賣
關鍵字(英) ★ mobile payment
★ mobile auction
★ software agent auction
★ anonymous auction
論文目次 第一章 緒論...........................1
1.1 研究背景..........................1
1.2 研究動機..........................3
1.3 研究目的..........................5
1.4 研究範圍..........................6
第二章 文獻探討.......................8
2.1 拍賣的發展........................8
2.2 軟體代理人.......................13
2.3 行動付款.........................24
第三章 行動匿名拍賣與付款機制........29
3.1 拍賣機制架構.....................29
3.2 拍賣機制運作.....................34
3.3 拍賣匿名與行動付款...............53
第四章 驗證與評估....................73
4.1 代理人競價策略評估...............73
4.2 匿名回復機制與安全評估...........87
4.3 行動付款安全評估.................94
第五章 結論.........................101
5.1 機制特色........................101
5.2 論文貢獻........................102
5.3 未來研究方向....................104
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指導教授 蘇坤良(Kuen-Liang Sue) 審核日期 2006-7-11
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