博碩士論文 93433004 詳細資訊

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姓名 段宗志(Jung-Chih Duan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 「證券商共同網路交易平台」之可行性分析
(Feasibility Study of 'Shared Securities Firms Network Trading Platform')
★ 影響ERP導入過程及成效因素之研究 - 單一公司兩次導入SAP系統之比較分析★ 運用資料倉儲技術建置物力動員資訊系統之開發
★ 買方採用自有電子市集之個案研究─以台塑企業為例★ DEA模型評估經營效率之研究—以某綜合證券商為例
★ 尋求卓越:中小企業資訊部門的管理之個案研究★ 產業競合模式策略探討-以自行車產業為例
★ RFID導入航空貨運站出口作業流程應用之研究★ 綠色供應鏈活動建構之個案研究-以筆記型電腦製造業為例
★ 導入資訊科技服務管理之評估-以遠東銀行為例★ 資訊系統導入歷程中專案團隊決策衝突之探討
★ 應用資源基礎理論探討持久競爭優勢-以智慧型手機H公司為例★ 服務導向架構為基礎的企業流程管理之探討 - 以瀚宇博德股份有限公司為例
★ 沙賓法案實施與企業遵循個案研究--以K公司為例★ 資訊服務委外之個案分析-以銀行簡訊為例
★ 有線電視業者經營IPTV之競爭優勢分析—以個案公司為例★ 網路紅利購物平台系統導入之研究
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摘要(中) 我國自1997 年開放網路下單證券交易,同年亦全面實施款券劃撥交割的制度,使得股票交易具備了數位化的虛擬本質。由於國內證券市場屬淺碟經濟,市場深度與廣度仍嫌不足,整體產業已進入微利時代,而資訊科技的應用已成為企業競爭成功的關鍵因素。因此,如何利用資訊科技優勢,大量降低營運成本並提供差異化的服務,儼然已是當前證券商生存競爭的重要課題。
鑒於國內大型證券商多已採用韓國(HTS)系統於內部系統整合使用,中小型券商企盼台灣證券交易所建置整合性的共用平台,供證券商租賃使用,讓參與之證券商能降低IT建置成本,以提升其市場競爭力。因此,本研究旨在探討國內中小型證券商的經營困境,分析網路下單業務所帶來的影響,描述台灣證券交易所建置「證券商共用網路交易平台」的規劃重點,並從組織資訊處理理論(Organizational Information Processing Theory, OIPT)的觀點,分析共用網路交易平台與中小型券商下單需求的適配度。
(3)我國網路下單實際人數約為50萬人,其中七成月成交金額不滿百萬,75 %介於20歲至50歲之間,網路下單金額呈現北高南低的南北落差。
摘要(英) Taiwan Stock Exchange started offering network order placement in 1997. Passbook settlement was also implemented in the same year. These all intensified the electronic processing nature of the market. Due to the shallow-dish economy of Taiwan, the market depth and breadth are insufficient. As a result, the stock market has become a margin profits industry. Under this backdrop, application of information technology has become the key factor of enterprise success in this industry. How to take advantage of one’s technology edge to cut down operational cost to a great extent and offer one’s own distinctive service has become the major issue in industry competition.
Faced by the adoption of the HTS system by the major securities firms to integrate the information processing functions, the medium-to- small securities firms requested the Taiwan Stock Exchange to offer an integrated platform for them to rent so as to cut down on their data processing cost. In this report, we examined in great detail of the operation challenges faced by the local medium-to-small securities firms. We analyzed the impact on them brought by the network order placement. We also described in great detail the major components of the “Shared Securities Firms Network Trading Platform” implemented by the Taiwan Stock Exchange. In the focal point, we analyzed from the perspective of the OIPT(Organizational Information Processing) theory the degree of suitability between the platform and the order placement requirements of the medium-to-small securities firms.
After thorough analysis, we come to the following conclusions:
(1)For the medium-to-small scale securities firms, their operation difficulties are caused by not only the competitive threat of major securities firms and narrow revenue sources, but also their inefficiency and high level of fixed costs.
(2)Currently more than half of the securities firms have offered network order placement, the top ten network securities firms however constitutes 75 percent of the market.
(3)The population of network order placement approximates half a million investors, 70 percent of them have monthly trading value less than one million NT dollars and 75 percent of them are between the age of 20 and 50, their order amount shows a difference of higher in the north and lower in the south.
(4)The securities firms that offer network order placement service have better performance in profitability, operational efficiency and business growth potential than securities firms that don’t offer this service. On the aspect of asset liquidity and financial soundness however, former securities firms show less strength than the latter.
(5)“Shared Securities Firms Network Trading Platform” provides good data processing capability and meets the data-processing requirement of medium-to-small securities firms. It provides these securities firms with the advantages of network order placement, while avoids incurring financial burden of network facilities investment
關鍵字(中) ★ 經營績效
★ 組織資訊處理理論
★ 網路下單
關鍵字(英) ★ network order placement
★ operation performance
★ Organizational Information Processing Theory
論文目次 第一章 緒論 ………………………………………………………………………1
1.1 研究背景與動機……………………………………………………………1
1.2 研究問題……………………………………………………………………3
1.3 研究貢獻……………………………………………………………………3
1.4 研究方法……………………………………………………………………3
1.5 研究流程……………………………………………………………………4
1.6 論文結構……………………………………………………………………4
第二章 文獻探討與回顧 …………………………………………………………6
2.1 電子下單的定義與種類……………………………………………………6
2.2 電子下單的相關規範………………………………………………………8
2.3 網路下單業務的關鍵成功因素………………………………………… 10
2.4 國內網路證券商經營績效……………………………………………… 12
2.5 組織資訊處理理論 ………………………………………………………15
第三章 我國證券商經營現況分析…………………………………………… 16
3.1 證券市場概要…………………………………………………………… 16
3.2 金控公司之證券商子公司……………………………………………… 21
3.3 綜合證券商……………………………………………………………… 24
3.4 專業經紀商……………………………………………………………… 27
3.5 財務分析工具…………………………………………………………… 29
3.6 各類證券商經營績效分析……………………………………………… 33
3.7 本章小結 …………………………………………………………………45
第四章 我國網路證券概況…………………………………………………… 47
4.1 網路證券商發展概況…………………………………………………… 47
4.2 網路下單投資人概況…………………………………………………… 54
4.3網路經紀商經營績效分析 ………………………………………………58
4.4 本章小結 …………………………………………………………………69
第五章 建置「證券商共同網路交易平台」之可行性分析………………… 70
5.1 證券商網路交易系統現況……………………………………………… 70
5.2 證券商意見收集………………………………………………………… 72
5.3 證券商業務分析………………………………………………………… 73
5.4 共用網路交易平台實施計畫…………………………………………… 77
5.5 分析共用網路交易平台的可行方案…………………………………… 80
5.6 共用網路交易平台成本分析…………………………………………… 81
5.7 各種營運收費模式及其回收年限……………………………………… 83
5.8 證券商加入共用平台之意見彙總分析………………………………… 87
5.9 調整方案………………………………………………………………… 88
5.10 效益分析…………………………………………………………………90
5.11 本章小結…………………………………………………………………91
第六章 結論與建 ………………………………………………………………93
6.1 研究結論 …………………………………………………………………93
6.2 研究建議 …………………………………………………………………95
參考文獻 ………………………………………………………………………97
參考文獻 1.公開資訊觀測測站 (Access 2006/05/20)
7.周金福(2005),「韓國HTS 系統對台灣金融資訊市場之影響分析」,證交資料月刊,第429期,頁9~12。
18.臺灣經濟新報資料庫 (Access 2006/05/10)
20.證券商申報單一窗口 (Access 2006/05/20)
21.證券暨期貨法令判解系統 (Access 2006/04/30)
22.Galbraith, J. R., Designing Complex Organizations, Reading, Massachusetts : Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1973.
23.Galbraith, J. R., Organization Design, Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1977.
指導教授 王存國(Eric T.G. Wang) 審核日期 2006-7-9
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