摘要(英) |
With the fast pace of industrial environmental changes, enterprises nowadays enter into the post industrial era as Nahm and Vonderembse mentioned (2002), and also face intensive global business competition. Therefore, customers no longer offered only by single or a few suppliers, also the various chooses of suppliers, the shortened of product life-cycle with accelerated external business environment seem to be an overall phenomenon of the post-industrial era.
However, most enterprises’ managerial thinking still stays at industrial era (Nahm and Vonderembse, 2002), they insist that productivity and cost form the core of superior co- mpetitiveness. By expanding the large-scale of production, forcing down the cost, red- ducing product price, enterprises’ pursuing market share seem to cause negative effects as their organizations become bulky and also their slower response to outside environ- ment.
Especially Taiwan enterprises gradually face the phase of cross-strait and transnational corporation operation, how do they handle the fast change meanwhile response accurately and rapidly based on internal reasonable logistics, efficiency, best control of process per- formance, therefore they can present the strength of overall quality, flexibility, cost, per- formance and time. (Anderson et al., 1989 ; Ferdows and De Meyer, 1990; Corbett and Van Wassenhove, 1993 ), which guarantee the competitive niche of enterprises.
The main purpose of this research is to find out and construct an integrated business pr- ocess management model and methodology with monitoring process performance index such as quality, cost, performance, time and as a basis for continuous improvement. The model wants to reach the rationalization and efficiency of enterprise’’s operational proce- sses through processes analysis and planning. To combine internal enterprises processes, external customer’’s demands with internal strategic demands, enterprises can improve to match and pass the standard of international certification and use semiconductor packing case as a proof to test actual model and methodology. |
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