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姓名 陳淑萍(Shu-Ping Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 使用者服務品質滿意度、ERP系統績效改善程度與顧問選擇準則之關係
(The Relationship between Users' Service Quality Satisfaction, ERP Performance Improvement and Consultant Selection Criteria)
★ 台灣與大陸在ERP專案管理、專案成員向心力與離心力的不同之處★ ERP專案成員離心力與向心力對代理問題之影響
★ 事業策略、人力資源管理與組織績效之實證研究★ 商用飛機維修成本控制之研究-以某國籍航空公司為例
★ ERP系統更換關鍵成功因素研究-以Oracle系統導入為例★ 中小企業自行開發ERP 系統關鍵成功因素研究- 以高科技產業為例
★ 文化創意產業產品策略選擇之影響因素-以國片為例★ 專案管理風險對ERP專案成功之影響
★ 品質機能展開與多準則決策於設備開發應用★ ERP導入品質因素對IFRS轉換專案之影響
★ ERP投資金額對服務品質及導入後IT治理目標之分析★ ERP 導入問題對專案的影響
★ IFRS轉換對員工退休金計畫影響★ IFRS轉換對企業績效評估的影響
★ IFRS轉換問題對IFRS效益的影響★ ERP環境下企業集團自行編製合併報表能力對XBRL資訊透明度之研究
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摘要(中) 為了因應全球化的競爭與挑戰,許多企業紛紛導入新的資訊系統,例如企業資源規劃系統(ERP)。ERP系統能幫助企業獲得競爭優勢,包括了生產力的改善以及提高顧客需求滿意度等。在ERP系統的導入過程中,企業往往能透過外部顧問來協助設置與導入新的軟體系統,外部顧問亦能利用他們的導入經驗、特定模組的專業知識,以及軟體應用的相關經驗,協助企業導入ERP系統,並解決企業在系統導入階段中可能遭遇的難題。 然而,企業如何選擇適合的顧問卻是一個多準則決策的問題,ERP系統顧問的選擇包括了許多複雜的決策情境,倘若我們未能考慮ERP系統顧問各種相互影響的因素,則此ERP系統顧問的選擇極有可能會導致失敗的ERP導入方案。
為了能充份了解企業對於ERP系統顧問選擇準則之變化情形,本研究於2003年、2006年及2009年,分別針對具ERP系統導入經驗的前5,000大企業發放問卷;並納入服務品質的概念,檢視使用者對於顧問的服務品質滿意度,同時也採用DeLone 與McLean在1992年提出的資訊系統成功模式,以建構出ERP 系統的績效衡量指標,希望能進一步了解,使用者服務品質滿意度、ERP系統績效改善程度與ERP顧問選擇準則之關係為何。本研究同時也以Saaty在1980年提出的層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process;AHP)來舉例說明在選擇顧問時,如何針對多元的準則或標的以決定出方案的優先順位。
本研究結果發現幾個現象,首先,企業於2003年,在顧問選擇時若考慮了顧問的專案管理能力,則使用者將會得到較好的服務品質滿意度以及較佳的ERP系統導入績效。在2006年,我們發現企業若在顧問選擇時考慮了顧問是否具備相關產業的ERP導入經驗,則使用者將會得到較好的服務品質滿意度以及較佳的ERP系統導入績效。到了2009年,企業若在顧問選擇時若考慮了顧問的專業領域知識、顧問於相關產業的ERP導入經驗,以及顧問是否能於系統上線後繼續提供支援,則使用者將會得到較好的服務品質滿意度以及較佳的ERP系統導入績效。其次,我們也發現在2006年時,若企業在顧問選擇時僅考慮顧問的ERP導入經驗以及導入ERP系統的方法與工具時,則使用者會得到較好的服務品質滿意度,但卻未能達到最佳的ERP系統導入績效。最後,我們也發現當企業導入的ERP系統為國外軟體時,則企業在其顧問選擇時應考慮的因素為顧問的專業領域知識,以及顧問是否能於系統上線後繼續提供支援; 當企業導入的ERP系統為國內軟體時,企業在選擇顧問時則應考慮顧問是否能於系統上線後繼續提供支援。
摘要(英) In response to increasing global competition and myriad of challenges, many companies have developed new information systems such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. ERP systems help organizations obtain a competitive advantage which include productivity improvement, satisfying customer demand. In ERP implementation phase, companies use outside consultants to setup, install the new software. Outside consultants can use their experience, detailed knowledge of certain modules and experience with the software application to help companies to set-up, install and customize their software in ERP implementation However, these consultant selection problems are multicriteria decision problems. ERP consultant selection involves complex decision situations. If the variously interdependent factors among the ERP consultants are not considered, the selection of the ERP consultant may result in bad ERP implementation.
In this study, we used the aspect of service quality to examine user’s satisfaction of ERP consultant selection, and also used DeLone and McLean’s (1992) information system success model to develop ERP performance measures in order to explore the important factors, in the ERP consultant selection, affecting ERP performance improvement. We also illustrated how to apply Saaty’s (1980) Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to set priorities for multiple criteria or objectives and for consultant alternatives. To understand the change of consultant selections in ERP implementation, this study examined the ERP implementation experiences of the Top 5000 Largest Corporations in Taiwan in 2003, 2006, and 2009.
This study identifies several interesting phenomenon, as follows. First, in 2003, companies that consider consultant’s ability of project management have better service quality satisfaction and ERP performance. In 2006, companies that consider consultant’s ERP implementation experience in similar industry achieve higher levels of service quality satisfaction and better ERP performance. In 2009, companies select the consultant that has domain knowledge, ERP implementation experience in similar industry, and consultant’s after-go-live support to achieve higher levels of service quality satisfaction and better ERP performance. Secondly, in 2006, companies that consider consultant’s ERP implementation experience and consultant’s ERP implementation approaches and tools achieve better service quality satisfaction and have insignificant ERP performance. Thirdly, companies that implement international packages should consider consultant’s domain knowledge and consultant’s after-go-live support in consultant selection. Companies that implement domestic packages should consider consultant’s after-go-live support in consultant selection.
關鍵字(中) ★ 層級分析法
★ 資訊系統成功模式
★ 服務品質
★ 企業資源規劃系統
關鍵字(英) ★ Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
★ information system success model
★ service quality
★ Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems
ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………… i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ……………………………………………… vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………… vii
LIST OF FIGURES ……………………………………………… ix
LIST OF TABLES ……………………………………………… xii
CHAPTER 1 Introduction ……………………………… 1
1.1 Motivation ……………………………… 1
1.2 Objectives ……………………………… 2
1.3 Organization of the Dissertation ……… 4
CHAPTER 2 Literature review ……………………………… 6
2.1 ERP systems ……………………………… 6
2.2 The CSFs of ERP systems ………………… 7
2.3 ERP implementation phase………………… 8
2.4 BPR and ERP systems implementation…… 9
2.5 Service quality ………………… 10
CHAPTER 3 Research Methodology ………………… 11
3.1 Sample and data collection …… 11
3.2 Users’ service quality satisfaction… 11
3.3 DeLone and McLean information system success
model ………………… 12
3.4 Analytical hierarchy process …………13
CHAPTER 4 Results of questionnaire survey …………16
4.1 Users’ service quality satisfaction in the
ERP consultant selection …………16
4.2 Consultant selection and performance…… 23
4.3 The change of consultant selection criteria
in 2003, 2006, and 2009 …………………… 37
4.4 The relationship between international
package / domestic package and consultant
selection criteria …………………… 38
4.5 Consultant selection criteria, international
package / domestic package and users’
service quality satisfaction ……… 42
4.6 Consultant selection criteria, international
package / domestic package and ERP performance
………………… 46
CHAPTER 5 An ERP consultant selection example – an AHP
approach ……………… 52
CHAPTER 6 Conclusion ……………………………… 58
References ……………………………… 61
Figure 1 Research framework …………… 5
Figure 2 The performance of consultant’s fee
consideration in 2003 …………… 26
Figure 3 The performance of consultant’s ability of
project management consideration in 2003… 26
Figure 4 The performance of consultant’s domain
knowledge consideration in 2003 ……… 26
Figure 5 The performance of consultant’s ERP
implementation experience consideration
in 2003 ………………… 27
Figure 6 The performance of consultant’s ERP
implementation experience in similar industry
consideration in 2003 ………………… 27
Figure 7 The performance of consultant’s ERP
implementation approaches and tools
consideration in 2003 ………………… 28
Figure 8 The performance of consultant’s after-go-live
support consideration in 2003 …… 28
Figure 9 The performance of consultant’s fee
consideration in 2006 ………………… 30
Figure 10 The performance of consultant’s ability of
project management consideration in 2006… 30
Figure 11 The performance of consultant’s domain
knowledge consideration in 2006 ………… 30
Figure 12 The performance of consultant’s ERP
implementation experience consideration
in 2006 ………………… 31
Figure 13 The performance of consultant’s ERP
implementation experience in similar industry
consideration in 2006 ……………… 31
Figure 14 The performance of consultant’s ERP
implementation approaches and tools
consideration in 2006 ……………… 32
Figure 15 The performance of consultant’s after-go-live
support consideration in 2006 ……… 32
Figure 16 The performance of consultant’s fee
consideration in 2009 …………………… 34
Figure 17 The performance of consultant’s ability of
project management consideration in 2009… 34
Figure 18 The performance of consultant’s domain
knowledge consideration in 2009 ……… 34
Figure 19 The performance of consultant’s ERP
implementation experience consideration
in 2009 …………………… 35
Figure 20 The performance of consultant’s ERP
implementation experience in similar industry
consideration in 2009 …………………… 35
Figure 21 The performance of consultant’s ERP
implementation approaches and tools
consideration in 2009 …………………… 36
Figure 22 The performance of consultant’s after-go-live
support consideration in 2009 ……… 36
Figure 23 Proposed AHP criteria for ERP consultants… 53
Table 1 SERVQUAL scale dimensions …………… 12
Table 2 Measurement category of ERP systems
effectiveness …………… 15
Table 3 Considered frequencies of consultant selection
criteria …………… 17
Table 4 ANOVA analysis in consideration of consultant
selection criteria and users’ service quality
satisfaction in 2003 ………………… 19
Table 5 ANOVA analysis in consideration of consultant
selection criteria and users’ service quality
satisfaction in 2006 ………………… 21
Table 6 ANOVA analysis in consideration of consultant
selection criteria and users’ service quality
satisfaction in 2009 ……………… 22
Table 7 ANOVA Analysis of the consultant selection
factors in 2003 ……………… 25
Table 8 ANOVA Analysis of the consultant selection
factors in 2006 ……………… 29
Table 9 ANOVA Analysis of the consultant selection
factors in 2009 ………………… 33
Table 10 The change of consultant selection criteria…37
Table 11 The relationship between consultant selection
criteria factor and international / domestic
package in 2003 …………………… 39
Table 12 The relationship between consultant selection
criteria factor and international / domestic
package in 2006 …………………… 40
Table 13 The relationship between consultant selection
criteria factor and international / domestic
package in 2009 …………………… 40
Table 14 The relationship between consultant selection
criteria factor and international / domestic
packages in 2003, 2006, and 2009 ……… 41
Table 15 ANOVA analysis in consideration of consultant
selection criteria and users’ service quality
satisfaction in 2003 …………………… 42
Table 16 ANOVA analysis in consideration of consultant
selection criteria and users’ service quality
satisfaction in 2006 …………… 44
Table 17 ANOVA analysis in consideration of consultant
selection criteria and users’ service quality
satisfaction in 2009 …………… 45
Table 18 ANOVA analysis of the consultant selection
factors in 2003 …………… 48
Table 19 ANOVA analysis of the consultant selection
factors in 2006 …………… 49
Table 20 ANOVA analysis of the consultant selection
factors in 2009 …………… 50
Table 21 ANOVA analysis of the consultant selection
factors in 2003, 2006, and 2009 ……… 51
Table 22 Pair-wise comparison matrix for the consultant’s
ERP implementation experience ……… 54
Table 23 Synthesized matrix for consultant’s ERP
implementation experience …………… 54
Table 24 Random index …………… 55
Table 25 Synthesized matrix for consultant’s domain
knowledge …………… 56
Table 26 Synthesized matrix for consultant’s ERP
implementation experience in similar
industry …………… 56
Table 27 Synthesized matrix for the three criteria… 56
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指導教授 蔡文賢(Wen-Hsien Tsai) 審核日期 2010-12-10
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