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姓名 黃雅鈴(Ya-ling Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 台灣創新活動之實證分析
(Three Essays on Innovation Activities of Taiwan)
★ 公平交易法對多層次傳銷定義之研究 -「給付一定代價」是否應予保留★ 產業群聚與ICT、電子商務技術擴散-以臺灣製造業為例
★ 人力資本與經濟成長:以TIMSS測驗分數作為人力資本代理變數可行性之探討★ 個人預計退休年齡的決定
★ 租稅幻覺與已婚婦女勞動供給之影響★ 宗教認知對修行投入時間影響之探討
★ 退休金給付制度及強制退休時點與員工互動之探討★ 台灣管理階層薪資結構 Tournament Theory 之實證研究
★ 人才移動、家庭遷移與技術移轉-以台商在上海地區就職為例★ 電子商務消費者行為計量分析
★ 台灣B2C電子商務市場商品價格變動因素之探討—兼論虛擬市場與實體市場間之整合★ 高科技產業垂直分工與群聚效果之分析—以新竹科學園區為例
★ 電信不對稱管制之研究★ 臺灣地區大學教育報酬率時間變化趨勢之分析
★ 肢體障礙勞工教育與就業狀況之探討 -以傳訊理論與歧視理論為基礎★ 教育的信號功能分析─以國內事業單位為例
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摘要(中) 隨著知識經濟的來臨,在技術日新月異的競爭環境中,創新與研發能力成為比傳統經濟理論中的資本與勞動更備受重視的生產要素。台灣的創新表現在國際上相當耀眼,根據美國專利資料局的統計顯示,近幾年台灣平均每人的專利數為全世界排名第一,故本文係以台灣的廠商與產業做為分析對象,試分析創新活動的三個相關議題:廠商特性與創新活動的關係、技術多樣化所扮演的角色,以及創新、市值、與資本投入三者間的因果關係。
摘要(英) Due to the arrival of knowledge economy, in this rapid change technology and the keenly competitive environment, innovation has been taken seriously beyond the traditional input factors such as capital and labor. Innovation performance of Taiwan is active and glaring in the world. According to the statistics from the U.S. Patent trademark office, Taiwan’s patent count per capita is the world number one in recent years. This dissertation adopts the data of Taiwanese industries and firms to explore the following three innovation issues, the effect of firms’ characteristics on innovation activities, the role of technological diversification in innovation and market performance, and the causal relationship between innovation, capital investment, and market value.
In chapter 2, in order to collect the data of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), we survey the firms who granted at least one patent in 2006. Our purpose is to explore the impact of firm’s characteristics on its innovation activity within traditional and high-tech and within non-SMEs and SMEs firms. By adopting the zero-truncated negative binomial model, we show that the creative knowledge accumulation, proxied by the patent grants in the previous 6 years, makes a significant positive contribution to its innovation in both high-tech and traditional sectors, and both non-SMEs and SMEs firms. In addition, our empirical results revealed that the firm size and export ratio have a positive relationship with innovation in high-tech industry, but not significant in traditional industry. Furthermore, R&D expenditure and firm age have reverse effects in high-tech and traditional sectors.
Since the creative knowledge accumulation plays an important role in innovation, in chapter 3, we examine whether innovation enhances the technological diversification, and analyze the role of technological diversification in market performance. By analyzing 630 Taiwanese electronic listed firms during 1990-2008, we show that the firms with active innovation tend to expand their technology scope, and the technological diversification contributes to market performance such as return on equity and sales.
As the third issue in chapter 4, by using Taiwan’s annual data for the period 1988-2005, we analyze the causal relationship between technological innovation, capital investment, and market performance for four major industries with different technological levels, namely, the electronics, chemical, machinery and textile industries. We focus on whether or not innovation leads to the growth of industrial development and further investment in capital. In addition, we explicitly examine innovation stimulates the market performance of an industry by incorporating heterogeneity into these industries. Our results show that the completely bilateral causal relationship between innovation, capital investment, and production value can only be found in the high-tech electronics industry in Taiwan. Some missing linkages are still found in terms of technological innovation in the mid-tech and traditional industries. We can serve the creation of virtuous causal cycles as an important element in an integrated innovation strategy.
關鍵字(中) ★ 創新活動
★ 專利
★ 技術多樣化
★ 研發
★ 高科技產業
關鍵字(英) ★ high-tech industry
★ R&
★ D
★ technological diversification
★ patent
★ innovation activity
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Frameworks, Motivations and Objectives 5
References 8
2.1 Introduction 9
2.2 The Data and the Model 11
2.3 Empirical Results 17
2.4 Summary and Concluding Remarks 22
References 25
3.1 Introduction 27
3.2 Prior Research and Hypotheses 29
3.3 Data and Model 30
3.4 Empirical Results 35
3.5 Conclusion and Discussion 40
References 42
4.1 Introduction 44
4.2 Data and Model 46
4.3 Empirical Results 49
4.4 Conclusion Remarks 54
References 56
5.1 Conclusion 59
5.2 Discussion 61
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指導教授 單驥(Gee San) 審核日期 2011-7-28
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