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姓名 楊晴雯(Chin-Wen Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 能源效率與部門減量成本分析:動態CGE模型的建置與應用
(Energy efficiency and sectoral abatement cost analysis: the establishment and application of a dynamic CGE model)
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摘要(中) 多年來受到關注的能源永續發展相關議題,不外乎永續發展與能源安全、能源管理與效率提升、能源價格與市場開放、能源科技與產業發展、總量管制與排放交易等。為尋求經濟成長與溫室氣體排放脫鉤(decoupling),能源效率與總量管制與排放交易機制是各國亟思突破,促使溫室氣體減量工作朝更有效率的方向前進的重要工具。
為評估我國溫室氣體減量策略對於經濟、能源與環境之影響,本研究建構臺灣永續能源發展模型 (Taiwan Sustainable Energy Development, TaiSEND),並運用於多項能源環境政策評析,該模型屬單國動態之可計算一般均衡 (computable general equilibrium, CGE) 模型,其特色在於可充分描述經濟個體互動、能源技術發展以及能源資源限制對經濟發展之影響。
多數國家在制定政策或相關研究在探討能源效率改善所產生之減量效益時,皆以能源密集度 (energy intensity) 或能源生產力 (energy productivity) 做為衡量總體層級的能源效率指標,然而生產力與效率本質上的差異,及單一指標無法離析驅動力來源之問題,使能源生產力不宜用以衡量能源效率變化。為此,本文延伸Feijoo et al. (2002)的方法,提出一個較具優勢的能源效率指標,即以每單位能源用量的實質利潤損失為基準。分析結果顯示,如果以能源生產力做為能源效率的指標,在某些情況下或能適當地反映能源效率的變動情勢,但在某些情況下卻可能帶來不正確的訊息。
摘要(英) The important issues of energy sustainable development include energy security, energy management and efficiency, energy prices and market liberalization, energy technology and industrial development, cap-and-trade. To decouple economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency improving and cap-and-trade mechanism are the most important instruments to advanced greenhouse gas abatement.
This research established the Taiwan Sustainable Energy Development (TaiSEND) model to assess energy and environmental policies. TaiSEND is a national dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model, which represents the interaction between economic agents, development of energy technologies, and limitation of energy resources.
Energy intensity or energy productivity is the most popular measures of energy efficiency of the country level. But the essentially difference between productivity and efficiency, and without driving force information from a single indicator, make energy productivity inappropriate for energy efficiency. This paper extends the method of Feijoo et al. (2002) and proposes a new energy efficiency indicator, which is calculated from the loss of the energy without allocation and technology efficiency. The results show that the energy productivity would be misleading to present the changes of energy efficiency.
On the other hand, the national and sector level marginal abatement cost curves (MACCs) need to be determined before the allowances and emission trading, which is a cost efficient abatement instrument. In Taiwan, there are two approaches to estimate sector level marginal abatement cost, which are the technology-based and market-based marginal abatement cost curves. The former one ignores the market effects and the latter one does not account the potential CO2 reduction of innovative technologies. This thesis builds up the market-based MACCs with TaiSEND model, then includes the technology-based marginal abatement cost information. The results present that the MACCs will rotate in different ways inter-sectors under considering the technological reduction costs, such as energy and the residential sector will become gentler, the other sectors become more steep. These outcomes will change the allocation of emissions allowance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 部門減量成本
★ 動態CGE模型
★ 能源效率
關鍵字(英) ★ energy efficiency
★ dynamic CGE model
★ sectoral abatement cost
論文目次 頁次
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 3
1-3 研究架構與方法 3
二、 臺灣永續能源發展模型 6
2-1 能源模型類別與發展趨勢 6
2-2 臺灣永續能源發展模型架構 10
2-3 模型參數校估與資料來源 25
2-4 本章小結 32
三、 新能源效率指標 34
3-1 能源效率指標之文獻評析 36
3-2 常用能源效率指標與問題 41
3-3 新能源效率指標 46
3-4 本章小結 54
四、 部門邊際減量成本函數 55
4-1 政策背景與目的 55
4-2 邊際減量成本的範疇與內涵 56
4-3 部門邊際減量成本函數推估方法比較 63
4-4 部門邊際減量成本函數推估:TaiSEND模型應用 72
4-5 技術減量潛力對部門邊際減量成本之影響 87
4-6 本章小結 90
五、 總結 92
5-1 研究成果摘述 92
5-2 未來研究方向 94
參考文獻 95
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指導教授 黃宗煌、陳忠榮(Chung-Huang Huang) 審核日期 2012-8-27
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