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論文名稱 以路徑為基礎的MANET 網路群播路由協定之研究
(Study of Path-Based Multicast Routing Protocol for Ad-Hoc Network)
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摘要(中) 隨著無線網路通訊技術的進步,許多現實生活中的應用便不斷出現,其中MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc NETwork)網路一直是其中頗為受到矚目的一環。異於傳統Internet、蜂巢式網路(Cellular Network)或WLAN等網路,MANET網路可說是另一種截然不同的網路架構。
然而許多研究已經證明,在傳統網路中所使用的通訊協定並無法在MANET網路中正常運作,甚至會產生嚴重的後遺症。因為在現實生活中MANET網路的群播應用相當廣泛,因此目前有許多針對MANET網路的研究,其中一塊最為受到矚目的研究便是群播路由協定(multicast routing protocol)。
由於目前缺乏在MANET網路中可以正常運作的可靠性群播傳輸協定(reliable multicast transmission),因此本論文試圖設計一個可以在MANET網路中進行可靠群播傳輸的協定,稱之為PBMRP (Path-Based Multicast Routing Protocol for Ad-Hoc Network,以路徑為基礎的群播路由協定)。PBMRP以跨層(cross-layer)觀念將路由層(routing layer)與傳輸層(transport layer)整合,以達到反應更快速且更可靠的傳輸;並以路由自動修復並取代更新的機制,來強化PBMRP在維護路由上的強度。為了在頻寬珍貴的MANET網路環境下不過度浪費頻道資源,PBMRP透過各節點自行計算路由的方式,達成「source只須送出一個資料封包,所有destination都能收到此封包」的效果,大幅降低相同資料的發送以節省資源與頻寬。
摘要(英) As the rapid progress in wireless communication technology, various kinds of applications have been deployed in real life. Among them, Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is always recognized as an emerging one. MANET is a quite different network architecture when comparing to the traditional Internet, cellular networks, or WLAN. Several researches have indicated that the traditional communication protocols can not operate well. As many applications of multicasts in MANET are attractive in real life, the multicast routing protocol has been received much attention.
Lacking of a reliable multicast transmission is a big problem in several applications, because many applications require a protocol to guarantee the multicast transmission. For examples, Nintendo’’s DS and Sony’’s PlayStation Portable use flooding scheme to distribute data packets to support wireless multiplayer gaming. However, the most censorable problems are serious collision and low performance.
In this thesis, we propose a novel scheme, named the PBMRP (Path-Based Multicast Routing Protocol for Ad-Hoc Network) protocol, for the provisioning of reliable multicast in MANET environment. The concept of cross-layer, which coordinates routing layer and transport layer, is applied for the design in PBMRP so that the transmission can be more effective. The proposed PBMRP can make the route more robust with route repair mechanism. The receiver uses periodic SACK packet that sent back to the sender to provide information about flow control and reliability feedback. In addition, PBMRP can save more network resources when comparing to other scheme.
The simulation results show that addition to reducing the control overhead and the transmission cost, PBMRP can increase the throughput.
關鍵字(中) ★ reliable transmission
★ Multicast
關鍵字(英) ★ reliable transmission
★ Multicast
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言與研究動機 1
1.2 論文架構 2
第二章 背景介紹 3
2.1 Ad-Hoc網路簡介 3
2.2 Ad-Hoc網路起源與發展 5
2.3 MANET網路的應用 6
2.4 MANET網路特徵 6
2.5 MANET網路的相關研究議題 7
第三章 MANET網路群播協定相關研究 9
3.1 前言 9
3.2 MANET網路群播協定設計依據 9
3.3 MANET網路群播路由協定的運作方式 10
3.4 群播路由協定的分類法 12
3.5 Bandwidth-Efficient Multicast Routing Protocol (BEMRP) 14
3.6 Multicast Zone Routing Protocol (MZRP) 19
3.7 Multicast Core-Extraction Distributed Ad Hoc Routing (MCEDAR) 22
3.8 Associativity-Based Ad Hoc Multicast Routing (ABAM) 24
3.9 Differential Destination Multicast Routing Protocol (DDM) 27
3.10 Multicast Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol (MAODV) 29
3.11 Ad Hoc Multicast Routing Protocol Utilizing Increasing ID-Numbers (AMRIS) 31
3.12 Ad Hoc Multicast Routing Protocol (AMRoute) 34
3.13 Adaptive Shared-Tree Multicast Routing Protocol 37
3.14 Weight-Based Multicast Protocol (WBM) 40
3.15 Preferred Link-Based Multicast Protocol (PLBM) 42
3.16 On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (ODMRP) 44
3.17 Dynamic Core-Based Multicast Routing Protocol (DCMP) 46
3.18 Neighbor Supporting Ad Hoc Multicast Routing Protocol (NSMP) 49
3.19 Forwarding Group Multicast Protocol – Destination Advertising (FGMP-RA) 53
3.20 Core-Assisted Mesh Protocol (CAMP) 54
3.21 MANET網路群播路由協定比較表 57
第四章 以路徑為基礎的MANET網路群播路由協定 58
4.1 DSR簡介 58
4.2 ATP簡介 60
4.3 PBMRP(Path-Based Multicast Routing Protocol for Ad-Hoc Network) 62
4.4 路由修復範例說明 65
4.5 資料封包傳輸與流量控制機制 71
4.6 封包格式 73
4.7 封包處理流程 79
第五章 效能評估 84
5.1 模擬環境 84
5.2 效能分析準則 84
5.3 Data/Data delivery ratio 86
5.4 Control/Data delivery ratio 92
5.5 Data + Control/Data delivery ratio 98
5.6 Number of route fail 103
5.7 Number of route repair 108
5.8 Throughput and overhead 114
5.9 Flow rate 119
5.10 PBMRP與DSR + TCP-Reno的比較 121
5.11 模擬結果總結 128
第六章 結論與未來工作 130
第七章 參考文獻 131
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指導教授 陳彥文(Yen-Wen Chen) 審核日期 2006-7-21
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