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姓名 曹昌為(Chang-Wei Tsao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球物理研究所
論文名稱 2005 年宜蘭雙主震之震源破裂滑移分析
(Slip distributions of 2005 earthquake doublet beneathI-Lan plain, Taiwan)
★ 台灣地區中大型地震震源參數分析★ 台灣北部地區之隱沒樣貌
★ 九二一集集地震之餘震(Mw≧6.0)震源破裂滑移分佈★ 利用雙差分地震定位演算法重新定位過去十年台灣中、大型地震之餘震
★ 九二一集集地震三維震源過程與震波傳遞分析★ 台灣弧陸碰撞構造之地殼及頂部地函的三維S波衰減模型
★ 集集地震之震前、同震及震後變形模式研究★ 台灣地震震源尺度分析:2003年規模>6.0地震分析
★ 使用震源機制逆推台灣地區應力分區狀況★ 地震水井水力學之理論模式改良與發展及同震水位資料分析
★ 台灣東北部外海地震之三維強地動模擬★ 利用臨時寬頻地震網觀測嘉義地區淺層地殼之非均向性
★ 中大規模地震斷層參數之同步求解★ 集集地震同震及震後應力演化與地震活動之相關性
★ 1999 集集地震後之黏彈性鬆弛效應★ 台灣地區大型地震產生的庫倫應力變化與地震活動相關性
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摘要(中) 2005 年三月六日凌晨三點零六分,在台灣東北部宜蘭平原下方,深度7.58 公里處發生了芮氏規模5.9 的淺層地震,而在68 秒後,在主震西方約5 公里處,深度6.22 公里處,另一起芮氏規模5.9 的地震隨之發生,根據台灣寬頻地震網(BATS)利用地震矩張量逆推所得之震源機制解與本研究中餘震分布分析可得,該斷層為東西走向約270 度向北傾之走向滑移斷層;但由強震紀錄之P 波初動解卻得出正斷層的震源機制,震源機制解存在相當大的差異性,在本研究中可變動滑移角逆所得結果,震源起始位置出現正斷層的破裂滑移向量,支持初動解之結果。由於此對地震發生的時間十分接近,震央距稍遠的測站,儀器所紀錄到的兩個地震波形將混雜在一起而難以分別,所幸圍繞震央約20 公里範圍內,有超過10 處由中央氣象局所建置之強震站,儘管地震發生的時間與空間的分布如此接近,由強震紀錄我們可以看出兩個地震源之間有著不同的破裂分布。研究中我們假設斷層模型為有限斷層(Finite fault),則每一子斷層視為一點震源,再利用全波形理論格林函數計算加入震源機制後所得到的理論位移波形,與測站記錄之觀測波形分別於速度場與位移場進行逆推,可得斷層面上每個子斷層最符合觀測波形的滑移情況。分析兩個斷層面上逆推所得滑移量分布,可以發現第二起地震發生於第一地震破裂時,斷層面上較少滑移量分布的區域,而第二主震最大錯動量出現的區域,緊鄰著第一主震最大錯動量出現的位置,代表此區域在第一主震錯動時,應力並未完全釋放。可知兩者間之破裂滑移分布於時間與空間上有著相當緊密的關連性,值得深入探討。
摘要(英) Two earthquakes, which were 68 sec apart, with similar magnitudes and depths
occurred beneath I-Lan Plain in northeastern Taiwan on March 6, 2005. The first
event was located at longitude of 120.84o E, latitude of 24.65o N, and a depth of 6.4
km. The second event was located at longitude o120.80 o E, latitude of 24.65o N, and
depth of 7.0 km. The spatial separation of these two events is only within several
kilometers. The CMT solutions from BATS (Broadband Array in Taiwan for
Seismology) and the distributions of aftershocks of these two events suggest these two
earthquakes with similar focal mechanisms of left lateral-strike slip. It is interesting
for the occurrence of the earthquake doublet. In this study, we try to explore the
mechanism of seismic source triggering of these two events. Other studies on doublet
have suggested that earthquake doublet often occurred in the region where has the
relatively large and isolated high-stress. We considered the finite-fault model to
obtain the spatial slip distributions of these two events. The fault was divided into
several subfault. Each subfault is considered as a single source for Green’s function
calcluation. from the nearby strong motion stations as close as 4km deployed by CWB
were used for waveform inversion. A linear least-square procedure was applied to
obtain the best dislocation model, which can explain the best observation waveform
with optimum misfit to the observations. The spatial slip distribution of these two
events show that the event2 was initiated in the region where dislocations was less
during the rupture of event 1. Further studies on the correlation of these two events
will be carried out to understand the possible dynamic behavior on earthquake
關鍵字(中) ★ 震源破裂滑移
★ 錯動量
★ 雙主震
關鍵字(英) ★ earthquake doublet
★ slip distribution
論文目次 中文摘要.................................................................................................. Ⅰ
圖目.......................................................................................................... Ⅴ
第一章 緒論............................................................................................ 1
1.1 研究動機與目的......................................................................... 1
1.2 板塊構造背景............................................................................. 1
1.2 文獻回顧..................................................................................... 2
1.3.1 點震源及有限斷層........................................................... 3
1.3.2 計算理論格林函數........................................................... 4
1.3.3 波形逆推方法................................................................... 5
第二章 研究理論與方法..................................................................... 10
2.1 理論地震波計算方法............................................................... 11
2.2 逆推演算法............................................................................... 16
第三章 資料收集與處理以及模型參數............................................. 24
3.1 台灣強地動觀測網.................................................................. 24
3.2 強地動資料處理...................................................................... 24
3.3 相關震源參數........................................................................... 26
3.3.1 震源機制及震源位置...................................................... 26
3.3.2 餘震分佈與初步分析..................................................... 27
3.3.3 有限斷層面設定............................................................. 28
3.3.4 震源時間函數................................................................. 29
3.3.5 區域速度構造................................................................. 29
第四章 逆推結果與初步討論............................................................. 46
4.1 2005 年3 月6 號3 點06 分第一主震.................................... 46
4.2 2005 年3 月6 號3 點07 分第二主震.................................... 48
第五章 綜合討論................................................................................. 67
5.1 震源機制解.............................................................................. 67
5.2 震源破裂滑移分析.................................................................. 68
5.3 地震矩...................................................................................... 69
5.4 靜態應力降.............................................................................. 70
5.5 場址效應.................................................................................. 71
5.6 雙主震間之微小地震.............................................................. 71
5.7 結論與建議............................................................................... 72
參考文獻.................................................................................................. 79
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指導教授 馬國鳳(Kuo-Fong Ma) 審核日期 2006-7-17
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