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姓名 金聖峰(Sheng-fong Jin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 哲學研究所
論文名稱 哈伯瑪斯的審議民主理論
(Habermas’ Deliberative Democratic Theory)
★ 論環境倫理的存有論奠基──以漢斯‧尤納斯的責任理論為線索★ 論康德定言令式的程序性詮釋
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★ 他者甦醒之路-列維納斯倫理學研究★ 論道德知覺理論與關懷倫理學之奠基
★ 以J. Baird Callicott的生態永續進路論國土保育問題
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摘要(中) 在台灣我們因為民主的發展成就而驕傲,但總是可以看到政黨為其利益所鬥爭和不佳的決策品質。而晚近關於民主理論的研究有一個明顯的審議轉向,審議民主理論試圖解決現在自由民主制度所產生的諸多問題,提倡一種更好的民主參與模式。簡而言之,審議民主理論的理念是強調決策都必須要來自於自由而平等的公民之間的討論,而這個理念乃是來自於哈伯瑪斯的理論的影響,因此引起筆者研究的興趣。透過追溯哈伯瑪斯於八十年代的對話倫理學理論,到哈伯瑪斯晚近透過對話倫理學對憲政民主國家的重構,形成哈伯瑪斯的審議民主理論:審議政治。哈伯瑪斯為人民主權理解為在立法機構和公共領域的非正式網絡中的溝通過程所形成的更高層次的交互主體性,為此提出了一個雙軌制的構想,使決策跟立法需要回應於在非正式的公共領域中所形成的公共輿論。
摘要(英) In Taiwan we are proud of our democratic achievement. But we always can see the two main parties battle for their own private interest and bad quality of the decision-making. Recently there is an obvious deliberative turn about the research of democratic theory. Deliberative democracy tries to resolve many problems about liberal democracy and advocates a better model of political participation. In short, the ideal of deliberative democracy is that decision-making must come from the discussion among the free and equal citizens. The content of the deliberative ideal is influenced by Jürgen Habermas. So it causes me to do research about Habermas’ theory. Based on his early discourse ethics theory developed around 80’s, Habermas tries to reconstruct the principle of institutional democratic state and brings out his model of deliberative democratic theory: deliberative politics. Habermas seeks to recast concepts like popular sovereignty in the terms of the higher-level intersubjectivity of communication processes that flow through both the parliamentary bodies and the informal networks of the public sphere. According to this he brings out his two-track model of democracy. The decision-making and legislative institution must feed back to the public opinion formed in the public sphere.
關鍵字(中) ★ 審議民主
★ 哈伯瑪斯
★ 對話倫理學
★ 公共領域
關鍵字(英) ★ deliberative democracy
★ Jürgen Habermas
★ discourse ethic
★ public sphere
論文目次 目錄
摘要 II
目錄 IV
第一章 導論 1
1.研究動機 1
2.問題脈絡 2
3.研究範圍 6
4.研究觀點 8
5.研究現況 10
6.研究步驟 14
第二章 審議民主理論的視角 16
1.對自由民主理論的批判 16
1.1聚合式民主所產生的問題 16
1.2聚合式民主理論的正當性缺失 19
2.審議民主理論的回應 21
2.1審議民主理論的基本觀點 21
2.3審議民主的實踐 27
3. 審議民主理論與哈伯瑪斯 30
第三章 對話倫理學與憲政民主的重構 32
1.對話倫理學的基本內容 33
1.1對話倫理學原則與普遍規範的證成 33
1.2道德規範與法律規範的互補關係 37
1.3法律的正當性源於合法性的悖論 38
2.哈伯瑪斯對憲政民主的詮釋 41
2.1憲政與民主的分歧 41
2.2 人權與人民主權共源性 41
2.3對基本權利的重構 43
2.4將立憲視為一種歷史發展中的自我校正過程 44
3.法治國原則與溝通權力 45
3.1溝通權力的生成 46
3.2法治國原則 47
4.對憲政民主國家的再詮釋 47
第四章 審議民主的制度模式:審議政治 49
1.審議政治的構想 49
1.1對兩種經典模式的概述與批判 50
1.2國家與社會的形象 52
2.審議政治的雙軌模式 54
2.1雙軌模式 55
2.2公共領域與市民社會的潛能 57
3.審議政治的特色與批判 60
3.1對憲政民主國家制度的規範性理解 60
3.2哈伯瑪斯對於媒體的重視 61
3.3 對審議政治的批判 62
4.對審議政治的評估 64
第五章 結論 67
1.哈伯瑪斯理論的正當性與證成性評估 67
2.哈伯瑪斯的理論貢獻 67
引用文獻 69
參考文獻 引用文獻
1. John S. Dryzek, 2002, Deliberative democracy and beyond : liberals, critics, contestations, Oxford : Oxford University Press.
2. Frank Cunningham, 2002, Theories of Democracy: A critical introduction, New York: Routledge.
3. Iris Marion Young, 2000, Inclusion and Democracy, Oxford; New York : Oxford University Press.
4. Jürgen Habermas, 1996, Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy, translated by William Rehg, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996)
1. Ann E. Cudd, 2002, “Preference, Rationality and Democracy’’ in The Blackwell Guide to Social and Political Philosophy, edited by Robert L. Simmon , Oxford : Blackwell, pp.106-28.
2. Bruce Ackerman and James S. Fishkin, 2003, “Deliberation Day’’ in Debating Deliberative Democracy, edited by James S. Fishkin and Peter Laslett , Malden, MA : Blackwell, pp.7-30.
3. Seyla Benhabib, 1996, “Introduction’ in Democracy and difference: contesting the boundaries of the political, edited by Seyla Benhabib, Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, p.3-18.
4. Seyla Benhabib, 1996, “Toward a Deliberative Model of Democratic legitimacy’’ in Democracy and difference: contesting the boundaries of the political, edited by Seyla Benhabib Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, pp.67-94.
5. David Beetham, 2004, “Political Legitimacy’’ in The Blackwell Companion to Political Sociology, edited by Kate Nash and Alan Scott, Oxford: Wiley- Blackwell , pp107-17。
6. Jon Elster, 1998 , “Introduction“in Deliberaive Democracy, edited by Jon Elster ,Cambridge. : Cambridge Universtiy Press, pp. 1-18.
7. David Estlund, 2002, “Introduction’’ in Democracy, edited by David Estlund , Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishing.
8. David Miller, 2003, “Deliberative Democracy and Social Choice’’ in Debating Deliberative Democracy, edited by James S. Fishkin and Peter Laslett ,Malden, MA : Blackwell, pp.182-99.
9. Iris Marion Young, 1996 , “Communication and the Other: Beyond Deliberative Democracy’ in Democracy and difference: contesting the boundaries of the political, edited by Seyla Benhabib ,Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, pp.120--36.
10. Iris Marion Young, 2003, “Activist Challenges to Deliberative Democracy’’ in Debating Deliberative Democracy, edited by James S. Fishkin and Peter Laslett (Malden, MA : Blackwell, pp.102-20.
11. James Bohman and William Rehg, 1997, “Introduction” in Deliberative Democracy: Essays on Reason and Politics , edited by James Bohman and William Rehg, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, pp.ix-xxx.
12. James S. Fishkin, 2002, “Deliberative Democracy’’ in The Blackwell Guide to Social and Political Philosophy, edited by Robert L. Simmon, Oxford : Blackwell, pp.221-38.
13. Jürgen Habermas, 1990, “Discourse Ethics: Notes on a Program of Philosophical Justification’’ in Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action, translated by Christian Lenhardt and Shierry Weber Nicholsen, Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press, pp.43-115.
14. Jürgen Habermas, 1996, “Three Normative Models of Democracy’’ in Democracy and difference: contesting the boundaries of the political, edited by Seyla Benhabib ,Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, pp.21-45.
15. Jürgen Habermas,1999, “Reconciliation through the Public Use of Reason: Remark on John Rawls’s Political Liberalism’’ in The Inclusion of The Other: Studies in Political Theory, translated by Ciaran Cronin and Pablo De Greiff, Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, pp.49-73.
16. Jürgen Habermas,2006, “Political Communication in Media Society:Does Democracy Still Enjoy an Epistemic Dimension? The Impact of NormativeTheory on Empirical Research”, in Communication Theory 16, pp. 411-26。
17. Judith Squares, 2006, “Deliberation and Decision Making Discontinuity in The Two Track Model’’ in Democracy as public deliberation: New Perspective, edited by Maurizio Passerin d'Entrèves, New Brunswick, N.J. : Transaction Publishers, pp.133-56.
18. Martin Leet , 1998,“Jürgen Habermas and Deliberative Democracy’’in Liberal democracy and its critics : perspectives in contemporary political thought, edited by April Carter and Geoffrey Stokes , Malden, Mass. : Polity Press, pp.76-97.
19. Philip Pettit, 2003 , “Deliberative Democracy, the Discursive Delimma, and Republican Theory’’ in Debating Deliberative Democracy, edited by James S. Fishkin and Peter Laslett , Malden, MA : Blackwell, pp.138-62.
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2. 陳俊宇(研撰),孫善豪(指導),2005,《論Rawls的公共理性之理念:以Rawls與Habermas之對比所展開的三種詮釋探討該理念在Rawls理論中的位置》,台北:國立台灣大學哲學研究所碩士論文。
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指導教授 林遠澤(Yuan-tse Lin) 審核日期 2010-1-27
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