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姓名 蔡雨辰(Yu-chen Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 藝術學研究所
論文名稱 黑外套與白襯衫:羅曼‧布魯克絲的陽剛女性肖像研究
(Black Coat and White Shirt: Masculinity in Female Portraits by Romaine Brooks)
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摘要(中) 羅曼.布魯克絲為活躍於十九、二十世紀之交的女性藝術家,她的創作以肖像為主,本論文即聚焦在羅曼於1923、1924年間所創作的《自畫像》、《彼得,一位英國年輕女孩》、《烏娜,喬布里奇夫人》。這些作品分別描繪了羅曼、英國畫家葛路克和烏娜,她們身穿白襯衫、黑外套,透露出程度不一的陽剛氣質。多數研究指出易裝、女同志認同、女同志圖像、跨性別等關鍵詞彙與概念以解釋這些作品。然而,這些研究經常還未審慎釐清在1920年代的性別越界是什麼,及其與女同志認同的關係,便跳過這些層次,直接以「女同志」的理論框架解讀她們的服裝,這種解讀方式忽略了歷史特定性,和羅曼在創作這些肖像時的各種變因,以及肖像畫類自身的脈絡。
摘要(英) Romaine Brooks (1874-1970) is a vigorous female artist at the turn-of-the-century who specialized in portraiture. This thesis is to focus on her three works in 1923-24: "Self-portrait (1923)," "Peter, A Young English Girl (1923-24)" and "Una, Lady Troubridge (1924)." These works respectively portray Brooks, English painter Gluck and Una, who dress themselves with white shirts and black coats, revealing masculinity by heterogeneous extents. Most researches interpret these works through cross-dressing, lesbian identity, lesbian image, female masculinity, transgender. However, most of the researches omit to clarify what "gender transgression" meant in the 1920s and its relation with lesbian identity. Several layers are, as a result, neglected. Using "lesbian" as the theoretical framework to interpret their costume ignores historical particularity, variables when Brooks created these portraits, and contextualization of portraiture.
Thus, "female masculinity" better describes these three works, for the variety of the concept uncovers possibilities in interpretation. On the spectrum of female masculinity, Brooks, Gluck and Una separately play crucial roles together with their relation with the society. Brooks’’s masculinity corresponds to the fact that how Brooks was regarded as a serious and orthodox artist; Una’’s masculinity reflects the fashion features in 1920s; as for Gluck, her masculinity is at the edge of the spectrum. From the aspect of transgender, Gluck, wearing only male costume all her life, well correspond to the definition of cross-dressing nowadays, but at that time in public reception, her masculinity turns out to be a symbol of professional.
Based on the biography of Romaine Brooks, the first chapter gives a detailed introduction to her lifeand works. Through analyzing Brooks’’s early works and singling out two elements-nudity and balcony, I examine her efforts in continuing tradition and making innovation about the nude, space, and gender. The second chapter attempts to rebuild the contemporary fashion history for women in the context of England and France in the 1920s and to place all protagonists back to their historical positions, which accordingly reveal the complex history of the seemingly ordinary clothing and accessories. I also trace back dandy portraits in the end of the 19th century to point to the relation between the styles both in Brooks’s works and in works of male artists of the time, to examine the tradition of representation, and to discuss the richness of this tradition. In the third chapter, two methodologies are provided: one is the application of sexuality theory, which indicates the flaws in previous researches which ahistorically and exclusively employ concepts such as lesbian, identity, visibility in analyzing Brooks’s works. This chapter turns to female masculinity as a new perspective to various interpretations. The other method is looking at the portraiture and self-portraiture in the context of art history. Educational system, exhibiting space, and art commentary disclose female artists’ opportunities and limitations in the context of the early 20th century. This thesis analyzes the professionalism in Brooks’s portraits and, furthermore, extends the scope to portrait photography so as to take a closer look on how Gluck “portraits” their professional images through photography.
關鍵字(中) ★ 羅曼‧布魯克絲
★ 女性陽剛特質
★ 肖像
關鍵字(英) ★ Romaine Brooks
★ female masculinity
★ portraiture
論文目次 中文提要…………………………………………………………………i
第一章 灰色的靈魂者…………………………………………….12
第一節 羅曼‧布魯克絲的生平與作品風格…………………….12
第二節 與傳統對話……………………………………………….21
第二章 如何陽剛,怎樣時尚?──陽剛女性肖像的服裝與風格…28
第一節 模特兒的生平…………………………………………….28
第二節 像個男孩-1920年代的陽剛時尚……………………….32
第三節 「我身上的丹第」-羅曼與丹………………………….38
第三章 從理論到歷史:兩種詮釋路徑………………………….44
第一節 女同志與女性陽剛特質………………………………….44
第二節 專業的藝術家…………………………………………….54
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指導教授 曾少千(Shiao-chien Tseng) 審核日期 2009-7-21
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