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姓名 李姿蓉(TZU-JUNG LI)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 天文研究所
論文名稱 吸積毫秒脈衝星SAX J1808.4-3658於2002年爆發之不同能量間脈衝相位關係之研究
(Energy Dependent Pulse Arrival Time for the Accretion-powered Millisecond Pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658 in its 2002 Outburst)
★ 長期監測低質量X-Ray雙星4U 1820-30之軌道週期演化及運行機制★ 利用鹿林前山一米望遠鏡對低質量X-射線雙星 XTE J1118+480 (KV UMa) 之光學波段時變研究
★ 利用參數化的方法研究低質量X光雙星系統 X1916-053 的X光dip之性質★ 長期監測吸積驅動毫秒波霎SAX J1808.4-3658之時變性質
★ 吸積驅動毫秒脈衝星 XTE J1814-338 之軌道參數及不同能量間相位延遲之研究★ 吸積毫秒脈衝星XTE J0929-314之不同能量間脈衝相位關係之研究
★ 低質量X光食雙星EXO 0748-676之軌道週期改變之研究★ 使用鹿林一米望遠鏡對黑洞雙星Swift J1753.5-0127及A0620-00之可見光波段時變研究
★ 低質量X光雙星4U1820-30之長週期X-ray光變改變之研究★ 以X射線連續光譜限制在GX 339-4中的黑洞的自旋
★ Applications of the Hilbert-Huang Transform on the Non-stationary Astronomical Time Series★ 低質量 X 光雙星 4U 1323-62 和 4U 1254-69 之軌道週期演化
★ 高質量 X 光雙星 LMC X-4 之軌道與自轉參數變化之研究★ 利用巡天計畫資料研究激變變星的長周期光變現象
★ 以全天監測X光望遠鏡觀測資料進一步研究高質量X光雙星天鵝座X-3之軌道週期變化★ Applications of the Hilbert-Huang Transform on Low-Frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Black Hole X-ray Binaries
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摘要(中) 本論文針對第一顆發現的吸積毫秒脈衝星 (accretion-powered millisecond pulsar) SAX J1808.4-3658,於2002年爆發期間RXTE PCA的觀測,研究其能量間的脈衝相位變化,並與1998年爆發期間的現象比較。
SAX J1808.4-3658為一低質量X光雙星系統,為了要分析中子星不同能量間的脈衝相位差,必須先掌握其自轉與軌道參數以解析出中子星的脈衝波形。我們先取2 – 10 keV,使用加入中子星自轉頻率的圓軌道模型,採取軌道都卜勒效應以及相位分析的方法,進行軌道與自轉參數的分析。一開始我們找不到適用於整段的軌道與自轉參數,後來發現在爆發後第14天發生了參數不連續的情形,Burderi等人 (2006) 也發表其在第14 – 17天發生了相位劇變,因而避開2002年相位劇變期間的資料,並將相位劇變前後分別處理。以各自求得的最佳軌道與自轉參數,疊合2 – 60 keV所劃分成的11個能量區段,並將所有的能量區段與最低能進行互相關分析。相位劇變前,低於9 keV的脈衝相位,有系統地呈現出低能脈衝較高能脈衝延遲的現象,達0.08個相位,即約200 μs,而高於9 keV此現象便消失;相位劇變後,低能脈衝的延遲更高達近0.12個相位,約300 μs,但在擁有足夠訊噪比的資料內,尚未觀察到這個現象的趨勢消失或發生變化。
摘要(英) In this thesis, I present the result of the phase shifts of the X-ray pulses in different energy ranges of the first known accretion-powered millisecond pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658 in its 2002 outburst observed by Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) Proportional Counter Array (PCA), and compare to the similar phenomenon seen in 1998 outburst.
To compare the pulse arrival times of different energy ranges, the precise orbital and spin parameters which reveal the correct pulse profiles are required. These parameters were refined through minimizing the variation of the pulse peak phases, yielded by folding the non-burst, 2 – 10 keV events with a model consisting of orbital Doppler Effect plus possible pulse phase drift described as a polynomial. I found the discontinuity in parameters after day 14, hence it was hard to get the orbital and spin parameters for whole 2002 outburst. Moreover, Burderi et al. (2006) reported that there was a “phase jump” during the day 14 – 17 of the 2002 outburst. Thus, I decided to remove the data in the phase jump and divided 2002 outburst into two sections, before and after the phase jump, then obtained their parameters separately. I subsequently applied these parameters to fold the 11 energy bands of data allocated by event energy to obtain their fine pulse profiles. The phase delays relative to the softest band were derived through cross-correlating the corresponding pulse profiles. The results show a soft pulse lag in the first ~14 days’ data up to 0.08 spin phase (~200 μs) and it saturates at > 9 keV, consistent with the one in 1998 outburst. On the other hand, the similar phenomenon is also seen after the phase jump but the soft lag is up to 0.12 spin phase (~300 μs), much more than the one we found in first 14 days, and the phase lag doesn’t saturate.
It is believed that the energy dependent phase pulse arrival time would be caused by the spectrum on the pulsar’s hotspot. The energy dependent pulse phase behavior before the phase jump in 2002 outburst is consistent with it in 1998 outburst, but the case after the phase jump shows a huge difference – in which it shows longer soft pulse lags and no sign of saturation. It seems that the spectrum around the hotspot after the phase jump in 2002 outburst might be softer. Based on this result, we conclude that even in the same source, it might have different behaviors due to the construction of the spectra of the hotspot environments.
關鍵字(中) ★ X光雙星
★ 吸積毫秒脈衝星
關鍵字(英) ★ X-ray binary
★ millisecond pulsar
★ SAX J1808.4-3658
論文目次 中文摘要 (Chinese Abstract)....................................................................................... i
Abstract ......................................................................................................................... ii
序論 (Introduction) ..................................................................................................... 1
1.1 低質量X 光雙星 (Low Mass X-ray Binary, LMXB) .............................. 2
1.1.1 Soft X-ray Transient, SXT ............................................................. 3
1.2 中子星低質量X 光雙星之快速X 光光變 (Rapid X-ray Variability
associated with NS in LMXB) ............................................................................... 5
1.2.1 吸積毫秒脈衝現象 (Accretion-powered Millisecond
Phenomenon) ................................................................................................. 5
1.2.2 熱核X 光爆之毫秒振盪 (Millisecond Oscillations during
Thermonuclear X-ray Burst, Burst QPO) ...................................................... 6
1.2.3. 千赫茲準週期振盪 (Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillation, kHz QPO)
........................................................................................................................ 8
1.3 能量相關的脈衝相位位移 (Energy Dependent Phase Shift) .................. 9
1.4 SAX J1808.4-3658 ................................................................................... 12
1.5 論文概述 (Outline of This Thesis) ......................................................... 14
觀測與資料處理 (Observation and Data Reduction) ............................................ 15
2.1 RXTE ....................................................................................................... 16
2.1.1 HEXTE & ASM ........................................................................... 17
2.1.2 PCA .............................................................................................. 19
2.2 PCA 資料結構 (PCA Data Configuration)............................................. 21
2.3 觀測資料 (Observation) ......................................................................... 24
2.4 資料處理 (Data Reduction) .................................................................... 24
資料分析 (Data Analysis) ......................................................................................... 26
3.1 軌道與自轉參數的分析方法 (Techniques for Orbital and Spin
Parameters Analysis) ............................................................................................ 27
3.1.1 軌道都卜勒效應 (Orbital Doppler Effect) ................................. 27
3.1.2 相位分析 (Phase Analysis) ......................................................... 28
3.2 2002 年爆發期間之軌道與自轉參數 (Orbital and Spin Parameters in
2002 Outburst) ..................................................................................................... 30
3.3 能量相關之相位分析 (Energy Dependent Phase Analysis) .................. 35
討論 (Discussion) ....................................................................................................... 44
4.1 能量相關之脈衝相位變化 (Energy Dependent Pulse Phase Variation) 45
4.2 間歇性的脈衝現象 (Intermittent Pulsation) .......................................... 48
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指導教授 周翊(Yi Chou) 審核日期 2009-8-13
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