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姓名 許志宏(Chih-Hung Hsu) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 光電科學研究所碩士在職專班 論文名稱 具繞射式光學元件之矽基45°微反射面研究
(Diffractive Optical Element on Silicon-based 45° Reflector)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 矽基微光學平台若需光路垂直轉折,例如使雷射光束垂直入射矽基板後轉折90°方向至平面微光學平台上,即需具光學品質且寬度足夠的45°矽基微反射面。一般在(100)矽晶片上以氫氧化鉀(KOH)蝕刻,會留下晶面鍵結較強的(111)面,主要原因在於KOH溶液對該晶向面蝕刻速率相對其他晶向面最為緩慢,因此,欲在(100)矽晶片蝕刻出45°斜面,則須修正晶向面間蝕刻速率,使(110)晶向面的蝕刻速率小於(111)晶向面。在本篇論文中,利用KOH添加IPA之蝕刻液,在特定溫度與濃度下,抑制(110)面的蝕刻速率,進而得到一個深度具97 μm且表面粗糙度達光學品質之矽基45°微反射面。
接著,在矽基45°微反射面上設計一個繞射元件,藉由繞射光柵週期的調整設計,使得繞射元件對徑向面與子午面之聚焦能力不同,而改善光線入射45°微反射面所引起的像差,並且經由微製程技術將繞射式光學元件整合於矽基45°微反射面上。此一體化(monolithic)之微光學元件,將使得單模光纖的發散光場經由45°矽基微反射面偏折同時亦能夠達到準直、聚焦在特定位置之效果,同時減化微光學系統對位封裝之需求,在積體化、三維化之微光學平台上,深具發展與應用潛力。摘要(英) A Si-based 45° micro reflector with very deep depth more than 100 μm and RMS surface roughness less than 20 nm by using the anisotropic wet etching process was demonstrated. In general, the etch rate of {110} planes on a (100)
silicon wafer is fastest than that of the other crystalline planes. The corner compensation method in the fabrication of 45° slants is developed for suppressing the etching rate of {110} planes. Therefore, this Si-based 45° micro
reflector can be etched to deep depth more than 100 μm with surface roughness less than 20 nm. This micro reflector makes the in-plane light on the general
optical bench to successfully deflect to the out-of-plane.
Moreover, for reducing the following assemble process of macro and micro optical elements in such a 3-D optical setup, a monolithic integration of this Fresnel lens based on this Si-based 45° micro reflector is also developed. For
eliminating the astigmatic aberration due to this inherent off-axis optical setup, an aspherical Fresnel lens with different refraction power in the tangential and saggital direction is designed and fabricated. The measurement result is also discussed in this paper.關鍵字(中) ★ 繞射元件
★ 45° 反射面關鍵字(英) ★ 45 degree reflector
★ diffractive optical element論文目次 摘要........................................................................................................................ i
圖目錄.................................................................................................................. iv
第一章 序論...................................................................................................... 1
1-1 前言...................................................................................................... 1
1-2 研究動機與論文架構........................................................................... 3
第二章 矽基45°反射面製作............................................................................ 5
2-1 濕式化學蝕刻(Wet Chemical Etching)簡介....................................... 5
2-2 矽基45°反射面蝕刻光罩設計............................................................ 7
2-3 濕蝕刻反應機制與影響蝕刻因素...................................................... 9
2-4 蝕刻液調配與配方(recipe)修正........................................................ 10
2-5 矽基45°反射面製作.......................................................................... 15
第三章 矽基45°反射面上繞射元件之設計與製作...................................... 18
3-1 菲涅爾透鏡(Fresnel Lens)及波帶片(Zone Plate)簡介..................... 18
3-2 45°矽基反射面上繞射元件設計....................................................... 20
3-3 45°矽基反射面上繞射元件製作....................................................... 28
第四章 矽基45°反射面光學特性量測與討論.............................................. 37
4-1 (100)矽晶片蝕刻討論........................................................................ 37
4-2 繞射場圖測量結果............................................................................. 39
4-3 二元光學面鏡像差討論..................................................................... 44
第五章 結論..................................................................................................... 49
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WA : SPIE Optical Engineering Press, 2003指導教授 伍茂仁(Mount-Learn Wu) 審核日期 2007-7-19 推文 facebook plurk twitter funp google live udn HD myshare reddit netvibes friend youpush delicious baidu 網路書籤 Google bookmarks del.icio.us hemidemi myshare