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新型導光擴散元件出光面輝度與均勻性之模擬研究 (Simulation Research of Luminance and Uniformity of a New-Type Lightguide-Diffusive Component)
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摘要(中) |
本研究係以一種自行發明之導光擴散元件探討其搭配LED點光源後,其出光面輝度及均勻性之研究,該光源模組主要結構係包括至少一”光源”、一”二次導光擴散元件”、一”電路基板”以及一面具特殊微結構設計之”反射層”,該二次導光擴散元件具有一入光面及一出光面,該入光面係具有複數個呈向內凹狀之散射單元,而該出光面為匯聚出射光線而設計成一朝結構內部凹陷之較大圓弧特徵,以強化其表面聚光功能,提高正面輝度,如此之結構設計可兼具擴散膜及菱鏡片之功能,僅利用簡單之光學結構來改變光強度分佈功效,以達高均勻、高亮度之要求。 |
摘要(英) |
This research approach the study of luminance and uniformity characteristics with new invented secondary optical lens, we called it as “lightguide-diffusive component”, with wide emission angle is designed for thin direct LED backlight . The LED backlight module composes ,at least, a part of “light source”, a secondary “lightguide-diffusive component “, a FPC for LED lighting and a new designed micro-structure reflective bottom surface on “lightguide-diffusive component “. Through the new designed lightguide-diffusive component , the emission profile of a single LED is modified to the situations of more illuminant and more uniformity. This new designed secondary optical lens is shaped as module type to cover the LED array results in a more uniform spatial light energy distribution on the emission plane of LED backlight. The new invented in this research thereto being apply the invention-patent of R.O.C. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 均勻性.模擬研究 ★ 出光面輝度 ★ 導光擴散元件 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Simulation Research ★ Lightguide-Diffusive Component ★ Luminance ★ Uniformity |
論文目次 |
一、緒論 01
1-1 研究背景與動機 01
1-2 研究目的 02
1-3 文獻回顧 02
1-4 論文架構 04
二、 光學理論與光學規格 05
2-1 幾何光學基本原理 05
2-1-1 反射定律(Reflection Law) 05
2-1-2 折射定律(Refraction Law) 07
2-1-3 全反射定律(Total Internal Reflection) 07
2-1-4 光的穿透(Transmission) 08
2-2 光度學(Photometry) 09
2-2-1 光通量(Flux) 10
2-2-2 發光強度(Intensity) 10
2-2-3 照度(Illuminance) 10
2-2-4 輝度(Luminance) 11
2-3 光學規格評鑑 11
2-3-1 輝度定義 11
2-3-2 中心輝度與輝度均勻性之定義 13
2-3-3 色彩學中之”明度”(brightness)、”色相”(hue)與”彩度”(chroma) 13
三、 背光模組基本架構與設計 15
3-1 背光模組現有技術 15
3-1-1 側入光式背光模組架構 15
3-1-2 直下式背光模組架構 16
3-2 背光模組部材功能說明 17
3-2-1 發光源—冷陰極射線管(CCFL) 17
3-2-2 發光源—發光二極體(LED) 18
3-2-3 反射片(Reflctor) 19
3-2-4 導光板(Light-Guide Plate) 20
3-2-5 擴散片(Diffuser Film) 21
3-2-6 菱鏡片(Prism Film) 22
四、 新型發光二極體直下式背光模組設計 23
4-1 開發動機 23
4-2 設計流程 24
4-3 光源之選用與模擬 24
4-4 LED直下式背光加上新型二次導光元件之設計 26
五、 LED直下式背光加上新型二次導光元件之模擬結果與修正設計 29
5-1 初模擬結果 29
5-2 初模擬之逐步分析修正 30
5-3 初模擬之實物樣品(Prototype)實測結果 32
5-4 實測推論與分析 34
5-5 分析結果與模型建立 34
5-5-1 想法與推論 34
六、 修正後新型二次導光元件之模擬結果 40
6-1 再次模擬結果 40
6-2 新型式二次導光擴散元件均勻度之量測 44
七、 結論 45
八、 參考文獻 46
附錄一 發明專利之提出 47
附錄二 參考paper 50 |
參考文獻 |
1.”Optical Lens Design for LED Backlights” (附錄二)
2. Novel Design for LED Lens and Backlight System:byChen-Pin Hung, Wei-Sen Chen, Jia-Hui Lin,and Wang-Yang Li/Chi Mei Optoelectronics Corp., Tainan, Taiwan 741, R.O.C
3.”Optics”-4th edition, by Eugene Hecht—歐亞書局代理
4. Modern Optical Engineering, the design of optical system, 3 rd edition. By “Warren J. Smith”—McGraw Hill
5.Introduction to Lens Design with practical Zemax examples, by Joseph M. Geary—Center of Applied Optics, university of Alabama.
6. Handbook of operation TracePro, by lambda research laboratory.
8.”幾何光學” by 耿繼業、何建娃—全華圖書
9.”近代光電顯示工程”by 陳德請—全華圖書
10.”光電概論”by 孫慶成—全華圖書
11.”近代光電工程導論” by 林宸生、陳德請—全華圖書
12.”光電工程” by 楊慶忠—新文京開發出版股份有限公司
13.”光電工程” by丁勝懋—中國電機工程師手冊第十七篇
14.”彩色液晶顯示器” by 卓聖鵬—全華圖書
15.”基礎色彩再現工程” by 大田登(陳鴻興等譯) —全華圖書
16.”光電子學” by 西原浩等(陳光鑫等譯) —全華圖書
17.”半導體、發光二極體及固態照明”by 史光國---全華圖書 |
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審核日期 |
2008-7-21 |
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