博碩士論文 943202029 詳細資訊

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姓名 游騰瑞(Teng-Ruei You)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 加勁土堤受震反應分析
(Seismic Response Analysis of Reinforced Embankment)
★ 土壤液化評估模式之不確定性★ 廣域山崩之統計與最佳化分析-以莫拉克風災小林村鄰近地區為例
★ 砂土中模型基樁之單向反覆軸向載重試驗★ 邊坡穩定分析方法之不確定性
★ 不同試驗方法對黏土壓縮與壓密性質之影響★ 台北盆地黏性土壤不排水剪力強度之研究
★ 土壤液化引致地盤永久位移之研究★ 台北盆地地盤放大特性之研究
★ 水力回填煤灰之動態特性★ 全機率土壤液化分析法
★ 黏土壓縮與壓密行為之研究★ 集集地震液化土之穩態強度
★ 現地土壤之液化強度與震陷特性★ 地震規模修正因子之探討
★ 鯉魚潭水庫大壩受震反應分析★ 全機率土壤液化評估法之研究
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摘要(中) 近年來加勁擋土結構物受到廣泛使用,具有施工快速、低造價與耐震性佳等
本研究以二維有限差分法分析程式FLAC2D(Fast Lagrangian Analysis of
內建之Fish 語言建立自動建模之模組,可考慮不同加勁土堤參數,包含坡度、
計算加勁土堤圓弧破壞模式與雙楔形破壞模式之降伏加速度,以Newmark 滑動
摘要(英) It’s important to understand the deformation mechanism of reinforced
embankment during seismic excitation. At the first, this study used FLAC2D to
investigate the influences of filling process and constitutive relations on the results of
pre-earthquake static analysis. Furthermore, the effects of slip conditions of the
interface between soil and reinforced material, and the stress-strain relation of
reinforced material are also explored. The auto-mesh program has been developed
using Fish subroutine of FLA2D for performing the sensitivity study of different
parameters on the dynamic results. The investigated parameters included the slope
angle and height, the length and spacing of the reinforced material. Based on the
dynamic analysis, the progressive deformation and failure process are clearly
observed and recorded.
The traditional design of reinforced embankment is based on the limit
equilibrium method (LEM). This study used LEM to calculate the yield acceleration
of the reinforced embankment by assuming the circular and two-wedge failure
surfaces. The permanent deformation is then computed by Newmark sliding block
method (NSBM). It is found that the permanent deformation calculated by FLAC2D
is significantly larger than that based on LEM and NBSM. Therefore, a more accurate
simplified method was established for estimating the permanent deformation of
reinforced embankment which is based on the analyzed results from FLAC2D.
關鍵字(中) ★ 加勁土堤
★ 動態分析
★ 參數分析
★ 漸進式破壞
★ 永久位移
關鍵字(英) ★ reinforced embankment
★ dynamic analysis
★ parameter analysis
★ progressive failure
★ permanent displacement
論文目次 第一章 緒論 ............................................................................................... 1
1.1 研究目的與動機............................................................................................. 1
1.2 研究內容與流程............................................................................................. 2
1.3 論文架構......................................................................................................... 4
第二章 文獻回顧 ....................................................................................... 6
2.1 前言................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 實際案例探查與性能表現............................................................................. 7
2.2.1 加勁擋土結構受震案例探查.............................................................. 7
2.2.2 加勁擋土結構長時間性能表現........................................................ 10
2.3 加勁擋土結構分析方法探討....................................................................... 18
2.3.1 極限平衡分析法概述........................................................................ 18
2.3.2 有限元素法簡介................................................................................ 27
2.4 各國準則探討............................................................................................... 27
2.5 地工合成材料的應變................................................................................... 37
2.5.1 影響加勁材特性之因素.................................................................... 37
2.5.2 Boyle 等人(1996)之試驗 ................................................................... 39
2.5.3 其他加勁材料試驗............................................................................ 44
2.6 分析法與試驗結果....................................................................................... 47
第三章 數值分析初步探討 ..................................................................... 71
3.1 FLAC 程式簡介 ............................................................................................ 71
3.1.1 土壤元素材料模式............................................................................ 71
3.1.2 加勁材料元素.................................................................................... 72
3.2 加勁土堤震前分析....................................................................................... 74
3.2.1 築填材料之組成律............................................................................ 75
3.2.2 震前應力分析.................................................................................... 78
3.2.3 震前沉陷量與初始軸力.................................................................... 80
3.3 加勁材料軸向力學行為............................................................................... 84
3.3.1 加勁材料軸向應力應變行為............................................................ 87
3.3.2 土堤加勁與否之差異........................................................................ 89
3.4 靜態分析....................................................................................................... 91
3.4.1 加勁材料軸力與應變........................................................................ 94
3.4.2 頂部沉陷與牆面側向變形................................................................ 98
3.4.3 最大軸力位置潛在滑動面.............................................................. 100
3.5 動態分析..................................................................................................... 102
3.5.1 阻尼與參數...................................................................................... 103
3.5.2 加勁材料軸力與應變...................................................................... 107
3.5.3 最大軸力位置與潛在滑動面.......................................................... 116
3.5.4 加速度反應...................................................................................... 121
3.5.5 牆面側向變形與牆頂沉陷.............................................................. 126
3.5.6 加勁材料拉出阻抗比...................................................................... 131
第四章 離心機試驗案例驗證 ............................................................... 136
4.1 驗證之案例................................................................................................. 136
4.1.1 土壤樣本之基本物理性質與動態特性.......................................... 137
4.1.2 剪力模數衰減曲線之影響因素...................................................... 138
4.1.3 Toyoura 砂之動態特性 .................................................................... 140
4.2 數值分析之假設......................................................................................... 142
4.2.1 加勁材料軸向應力應變行為與參數.............................................. 143
4.3 數值分析與模擬......................................................................................... 144
4.4 加速度頂部沉陷與加速度之模擬結果..................................................... 146
4.5 破壞案例之驗證......................................................................................... 159
第五章 動態分析 ................................................................................... 164
5.1 前言............................................................................................................. 164
5.2 參數分析..................................................................................................... 164
5.2.1 土壤參數與加勁材料參數.............................................................. 166
5.2.2 地震動輸入...................................................................................... 168
5.2.3 分析結果記錄.................................................................................. 172
5.3 加勁土堤靜態軸力..................................................................................... 173
5.3.1 軸力值.............................................................................................. 173
5.3.2 各加勁層最大軸力位置.................................................................. 175
5.3.3 靜態軸力預測方法.......................................................................... 178
5.4 動態軸力增量............................................................................................. 183
5.4.1 動態軸力增量值.............................................................................. 183
5.4.2 修正動態軸力增量.......................................................................... 186
5.5 堤頂加速度放大反應................................................................................. 192
5.6 土堤頂部動態引致沉陷量......................................................................... 197
5.6.1 堤頂沉陷.......................................................................................... 198
5.6.2 堤頂最大沉陷.................................................................................. 202
5.6.3 堤頂沉陷最大值.............................................................................. 206
5.7 最大剪應變破壞面..................................................................................... 208
5.7.1 加勁間距之影響.............................................................................. 209
5.7.2 加勁長度之影響.............................................................................. 211
5.7.3 坡度與不同規模之地震紀錄.......................................................... 212
第六章 變形量簡易評估 ....................................................................... 216
6.1 加勁土堤穩定分析..................................................................................... 216
6.2 加勁土堤動態分析..................................................................................... 218
6.2.1 擬靜態分析法................................................................................... 219
6.2.2 極限平衡法分析結果...................................................................... 221 加勁土堤靜態安全係數....................................................... 221 受水平震動之降伏加速度................................................... 228
6.3 極限平衡法與FLAC2D 之潛在破壞面差異 ............................................. 233
6.4 Newmark 永久位移計算 ............................................................................. 237
6.4.1 加速度歷時之選擇.......................................................................... 238
6.4.2 放大因子之計算.............................................................................. 239
6.4.3 永久位移之計算.............................................................................. 247
6.5 雙楔形破壞模式分析................................................................................. 253
6.5.1 力平衡與安全係數計算.................................................................. 256
6.5.2 計算結果.......................................................................................... 257
6.6 動態永久位移比較..................................................................................... 260
6.7 降伏加速度之迴歸..................................................................................... 264
6.7.1 圓弧切片法...................................................................................... 264
6.7.2 極限平衡法之雙楔型破壞模式...................................................... 267 降伏加速度之迴歸............................................................... 270
6.8 FLAC 沉陷量圖表 ...................................................................................... 273
6.8.1 驗證案例.......................................................................................... 278
6.9 本研究與其他研究結果比較..................................................................... 282
第七章 結論與建議 ............................................................................... 285
7.1 結論............................................................................................................. 285
7.2 建議............................................................................................................. 289
參考文獻 ................................................................................................. 291
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指導教授 黃俊鴻 審核日期 2017-6-26
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