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姓名 周思宇(Szu-Yu Chou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 台灣地區物流業實施知識管理之探討
(Investigating on the Implementation of Knowledge Management for the Logistics Industry in Taiwan Area)
★ 捷運乘客舒適度調查分析 以台北高運量板南-土城線為例★ 時依性路段暨時窗限制下單一車輛路線問題之研究
★ 飛航組員及客艙組員影響溝通協調關鍵因素之研究★ 廢棄機車回收廠區位選址之研究
★ 航空客運業綠色行銷與措施對消費者忠誠度影響★ 以高齡者觀點評估台北市政府轉運站滿意度及行為意向之研究
★ 自行車接駁軌道運輸關鍵因素之探討-以捷運為例★ 捷運車廂內廣播系統旅客服務品質之研究 -以台北市捷運為例
★ 小汽車駕駛人之行為意向研究★ BRT路線試營運對用路人與乘客服務水準之影響評估―以台中市BRT藍線為例
★ 高鐵車站接駁公車營運前後服務水準之評估與比較-以苗栗高鐵站為例★ 營建公司財務績效評估模式之研究
★ 都會區基地開發道路交通衝擊預測模式之建立─應用多元迴歸與模糊迴歸分析★ 無道碴軌道型式決策模式之研究(應用價值工程及多屬性決策理論)
★ 建設公司全面品質管理. 產品定位與規劃績效關係之研究★ 地方基層建設引用專案營建管理最適統合方式之研究
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摘要(中) 知識管理是當下產業和學術界的熱門議題,知識管理使企業由傳統有形成本的競爭,轉變為由知識主導企業成敗的一種型式,被視為符合現今全球環境快速變遷時代的競爭利器。
摘要(英) Knowledge management is currently a hot topic within the industrial and academic fields. It helped transform a company’s competition of tangible costs to the competition of intangible ones, and this is seen to be indispensable in today’s rapidly changing global environment.
Facing competition, logistics industry in Taiwan area began development in a multi-faceted direction, which not only includes delivery services, but also offers customers and consumers a customized service, in order to increase the value added. Thus one of the company’s biggest tasks in logistics is to supervise how an organization should use the information system for knowledge storage and circulation, so that its members can use and create value from it.
This paper endeavors to discuss the current state of affairs of logistics industry in the use of knowledge management, through an analysis of evidences and case studies, to provide those distributors who have not yet adopted knowledge management with a direction for referral.
For the evidence analysis part, the object of examination is Taiwan Association of Logistics Management member companies, and will confer on the relationship between “Company management features,” “Knowledge management methods,” and “Conditions of knowledge management application” through a hypothesis test. Evidence shows that “Company management features” and “Knowledge management methods” have a positive relationship on “Conditions of knowledge management application,” and company knowledge management application is a medium factor of company management features to the conditions of knowledge management methods.
This case study found that two companies drive the knowledge management process by working efficiently, lowering operating costs and increasing its quality. It also can be concluded that the main success factors of the two companies are because of high-ranking executive emphasis, support and application of IT system.
This study suggests that the industry can establish assessment, performance-based reward system, improving staff involvement with the honor; because the many of enterprises is advancing the process of knowledge management, the most difficult for employees to face is sharing knowledge of the cognitive and cooperation. Therefore, if the industry set up a reward system, it should be able to solve this selfishness, willing to share knowledge and experience problems.
關鍵字(中) ★ 物流
★ 知識管理
★ 知識管理活動
★ 知識管理促動因子
關鍵字(英) ★ knowledge management enabling factors
★ knowledge management
★ logistics
★ knowledge management activities
論文目次 中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌 謝 III
目 錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒 論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究範圍與限制 2
1-4 研究架構與流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2-1 知識 5
2-1-1 知識的定義 5
2-1-2 知識的層級 6
2-1-3 知識的分類 6
2-2 知識管理 8
2-2-1 知識管理的定義 8
2-2-2 知識管理公式 10
2-2-3 知識管理促動因子模式 11
2-2-4 知識管理之實施流程 12
2-2-5 知識管理系統 14
2-3 物流 15
2-3-1 物流的定義 15
2-3-2 物流的領域 15
2-3-3 物流中心的作業流程 16
2-3-4 物流產業之種類 18
2-3-5 專業物流業的重要性 19
2-4 知識管理於物流業之應用 20
2-4-1 建立物流知識管理系統之步驟 20
2-4-2 物流業知識管理內容 21
2-4-3 建構物流業知識管理系統 22
2-5 小結 23
第三章 研究方法 24
3-1 研究架構與假設 24
3-2 研究變數及操作型定義 25
3-3 問卷設計與抽樣方法 28
3-3-1 問卷設計 28
3-3-2 抽樣方法 29
3-4 資料分析方法 30
3-5 個案研究說明 32
第四章 實證分析與結果 34
4-1 基本敘述統計分析 34
4-1-1 問卷回收概況 34
4-1-2 基本資料敘述統計分析 34
4-1-3 研究變項敘述統計分析 40
4-1-4 敘述統計分析小結 42
4-1-5 交叉分析 42
4-2 信效度分析 46
4-3 卡方檢定 48
4-4 T檢定與MANN-WHITNEY U檢定 52
4-5 變異數分析與KRUSKAL-WALLIS 檢定 55
4-6 階層迴歸分析 59
第五章 個案研究 65
5-1 個案A公司 65
5-1-1 基本資料 65
5-1-2 知識管理活動 66
5-1-3 知識管理執行現況與績效 71
5-2 個案B公司 73
5-2-1 基本資料 73
5-2-2 知識管理活動 74
5-2-3 知識管理執行現況與績效 78
5-3 個案比較分析 80
第六章 結論與建議 85
6-1 結論 85
6-2 建議 87
6-2-1 對業者之建議 87
6-2-2 對後續研究者之建議 87
參考文獻 89
附錄一 預試問卷 93
附錄二 正式問卷 98
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指導教授 謝浩明(How-Ming Shieh) 審核日期 2007-7-16
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