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黃國庭(Guo-Ting Huang)
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機械工程學系 |
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不同能量之離子束製作氧化矽層之成分與表面型態分析 (The study of surface morphology and composition of ion beam induced silicon oxide in different ion energy)
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摘要(中) |
本篇論文主要探討在常溫及650℃的基板溫度下,將總離子劑量固定在4.57 x1017ions/cm2,曝氧濃度皆為1×10-4Torr,期望藉由在不同的離子束能量(9keV、7keV、5keV)下,得到濃度較高的二氧化矽層並探討IBIO的成長模式。
實驗結果顯示,在常溫下,5keV的離子束在7.5nm之前可產生濃度較高的二氧化矽;其第一層的濃度高達98.1%,但9keV可形成較深層的二氧化矽。650℃下,形成二氧化矽的濃度與深度皆與離子束能量成正比。然而不管在常溫還是650℃下,矽晶圓經離子束撞擊過後,其表面皆隨著能量的增加而越粗糙。 |
摘要(英) |
Presently, silicon dioxide is the popular material for insulators in semiconductor. In this article, we use the technique Ion Beam Induced Oxidation(IBIO). Our laboratory had successfully been manufacturing Silicon dioxide use our system at substrate in room temperature and 650℃. Silicon dioxide will be growing as the ion beam current and oxygen increase. It shows that at room temperature, beam current 4μA, oxygen pressure at 1×10-4Torr, we can obtain the most silicon dioxide.
In this article, we treat the silicon substrate with different ion energy(9keV、7keV、5keV) at room temperature and 650℃.We fixed the ion dose at 4.57×1017ions/cm2, and oxygen pressure at 1×10-4Torr.
The result shows that at room temperature ion beam with the energy 5keV can produce more SiO2, and in top layer, the concentration of SiO2 is 98.1%. However, 9keV ion beam can produce SiO2 in deeper layer. At 650℃,the concentration of SiO2 is boosted as beam energy increase. In addition, the silicon surface will be rough after ion bombardment. The surface becomes more rough with beam energy increase. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 離子束 ★ 氧化矽 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ silicon oxide ★ IBIO |
論文目次 |
第一章 緒論
1-1 前言..................................................1
1-2 研究動機與目的........................................2
1-3 各章摘要..............................................3
第二章 基本原理
2-1 離子源................................................4
2-2 熱氧化法與離子束製作氧化矽層..........................5
2-3 離子束氧化過程........................................5
2-4 熱效應................................................8
2-5 檢測儀器原理..........................................9
2-5-1 X光光電子能譜儀.................................9
2-5-2 原子力顯微鏡...................................11
第三章 實驗設備與實驗步驟................................13
3-1 實驗設備.............................................13
3-1-1 真空系統.......................................13
3-1-2 離子源系統.....................................14
3-1-3 曝氣系統.......................................15
3-1-4 加熱系統.......................................16
3-1-5 原子力顯微鏡...................................16
3-1-6 X光光電子能譜儀................................17
3-2 實驗步驟.............................................18
3-2-1 實驗準備階段...................................18
3-2-2 正式實驗階段...................................19
3-2-3 樣品檢測階段...................................20
3-3 實驗參數.............................................20
第四章 實驗結果與討論....................................26
4-1 XPS檢測結果..........................................26
4-1-1 表層全譜掃描結果...............................26
4-1-2 微區掃描與縱深掃描.............................29
4-2 離子束產生的效應.....................................35
4-2-1 常溫下離子束對二氧化矽產生之影響...............35
4-2-2 650℃下離子束對二氧化矽產生之影響..............35
4-3 離子束能量對生成氧化矽之影響.........................40
4-3-1 常溫下,能量對生成氧化矽之影響.................43
4-3-2 650℃下,能量對生成氧化矽之影響................46
4-3-3 溫度對生成氧化矽層之影響.......................48
4-4 AFM檢測結果..........................................51
4-1-1 常溫下,離子束能量對表面型態之影響.............51
4-1-2 常溫下,離子束能量對表面型態之影響.............54
第五章 結論..............................................55
參考文獻.................................................56 |
參考文獻 |
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15.J.Wayne Rabalais, “Low energy Ion-surface Intercations”, p.424(1994) |
指導教授 |
李雄、李敬萱 (Shyong Lee、C.S.Lee)
審核日期 |
2007-7-15 |
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