博碩士論文 943402016 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳昌義(Chang-Yi Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 住宅補貼申請戶特徵對審查合格影響之研究
(Residential subsidies in feature of applicants for influence of review qualifiers by using SIP clustering method)
★ 運用深度神經網路建立H型鋼構件自動辨識系統之研究★ 運用關聯法則探討協力廠商對營造廠報價行為之研究
★ 探討影響台灣工程顧問公司落實法律遵循反貪腐關鍵因素之研究★ 以分包商角度探討對營造廠報價行為策略之研究
★ 運用SOMCM分群演算法開發設計雲端智慧平台之營運維護產業介面-以桃園市某園區為例★ 專案管理在履約爭議處理機制之比較與研析
★ H型鋼構件智慧塗裝路徑優化研究★ 以資料包絡分析法評估大型統包營造廠之經營績效-以上市櫃公司為例
★ 運用組織特徵映射圖動作軌跡相似度測量法探索預鑄工項生產效率與資源規劃之研究★ 預鑄專案成本估算策略之研究
★ 新建工程建造執照查核缺失要項之探討--以台北市為例★ 灰關聯分析探討古蹟與歷史建築再利用之研究
★ 營造工地管理人資量化與預測★ 公共建設專案現金管理與控制之研究
★ 營建業ERP整合PDA模型之研究★ 水庫營運效益評估之研究-以石門水庫為例
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摘要(中) 現有之住宅文化,受台灣近代發展歷史之波折而有很深的影響,其中最明顯的觀念即是”住者有其屋”。受此思考影響,即使房價自1987年後持續上漲,住宅自有率仍持續上升;但在此同時,相較於平均收入房價已超出合理之範圍,因此低收入戶之住宅自有率呈現負成長。也因如此,在無法強制介入住宅之自由市場或快速改善狀況的前下,住宅補貼即成為照顧弱勢族群不可或缺的政策。
摘要(英) The existing housing situation in Taiwan –The history, development and modern changes of Taiwan’s economy have had a strong impact on Taiwan’s housing situation effecting the idea of home ownership. Although prices of homes have risen steadily since 1987, home sales have also continued to increase. At the same time average family income has risen to levels beyond the scope of reasonable pricing; and therefore home ownership rates for lower-income households has dropped. This is also the reason why a ‘free market’ system cannot be enforced during these periods of rapid expansion, so the establishment of housing policies to support the disadvantaged is essential.
In accordance with the original structure, various policy measures were established based on occupation and the background of the applicant, with homogeneous interest rates and policy measures. These were dispersed and handled separately by several ministries, resulting in an efficient and effective use of resources and manpower; but not completely efficient. On 3 August 2006, the Council for Economic Affairs proposed that ‘Relative departments’ would conduct a professional review of the Residential Subsidy Program, since the program was based on subsidies that were approved before the year of 2005; and in the future would operate at the same level, and will be managed by the Ministry of the Interior.

Since the inception of the subsidy program, the number of applicants exceeds 10,000 annually. This is a sizeable database. In addition to using traditional, statistical methods to analyze the basics, and also because of the vast amount of data for analyzing the results of the data mining, this study is in the use of data-mining algorithms - inspired by the group to apply for housing subsidy. Data for ‘clustering’ by individual groups reveals the unique nature of each group, and provides follow-up for operational and policy changes to each related reference.

In its broadest scope, results can be realized regarding the economic situation of housing subsidies in a weak economy; but not necessarily aimed at ‘vulnerable’ groups. Within the program, assistance through a number of grants and benefits has existed for years without equality necessarily being directed to the economically disadvantaged groups. Finally, this research can provide data for the establishment of social benefits such as housing subsidies to the relevant authorities of the Ministry of the Interior to assist in the development of housing policy adjustments.
關鍵字(中) ★ 住宅補貼
★ 資料探勘
★ 群啟發
★ 分群
★ 群聚
關鍵字(英) ★ residential subsidies
★ data mining
★ the group inspired
★ clustering
★ swarm
論文目次 第壹章、 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 1
1.3 研究目的 2
1.4 研究流程 3
1.5 研究限制 4
第貳章、 文獻回顧 6
2.1 住宅補貼政策 6
2.2 資料探勘 30
第參章、研究方法與資料處理 44
3.1 研究方法 44
3.2 資料取得與前置處理 45
第肆章、 研究成果 50
4.1 分群結果 50
4.2 各群聚回歸分析結果與比較 50
第伍章、 結論 62
5.1 結論與貢獻 62
5.2 後續研究建議 63
參考文獻 64
附錄一、各級縣市政府健保費補助之對象與內容 70
附錄二、第2群分群結果 76
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指導教授 陳介豪(Chen, Jieh-Haur) 審核日期 2014-7-24
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