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姓名 白智瑋(Zhi-Wei Bai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 協同寫作工具對寫作成效的影響
(The Influence of Collaborative Writing tool on the Outcomes of Writing)
★ 以破壞性創新理論分析中國山寨產業--以手機產業為例★ 初探線上遊戲對未來領導力的影響
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★ 臉書看世界,你!Travel了嗎★ 跨部門情境下Wiki對協同合作成效影響之研究
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摘要(中) 協同寫作,指的是兩個人以上的群體,合作完成一份共同文件的互動過程。相對於個人寫作,它的優點在於可以節省時間與精力、集合眾人的智慧。這樣的寫作方式越來越受到重視,目前學術界與企業界大量的使用協同寫作來完成研究或報告;辦公室或大學所產生的文件中85%至少有兩個作者;北美的研究報告也指出:「十分之九的企業經理人所完成的文件是團隊報告的一部份。」跳脫個人單打獨鬥,協同寫作講求的是合作,也是Web 2.0時代主要的精神之一。
協同寫作的盛行之下,開發了許多的協同寫作工具。然而,在Web 2.0的時代,出現了一種名為Wiki的新型態網站,它是一種適合團隊合作的寫作平台。為了瞭解Wiki在協同寫作上的成效,因此,本研究以大學生為樣本,使用實驗室實驗法進行協同寫作的研究,目的在於探討在不同的寫作情境底下 (面對面、同步分散、不同步分散),使用不同的寫作工具 (Wiki網站、MS Word),對於寫作成效 (產出、品質、滿意度) 的影響。研究結果發現:
1. 面對面的寫作方式,使用Wiki網站協同寫作,其參與度、內部品質、外部品質與滿意度顯著高於使用MS Word;文件長度則不顯著。
2. 同步分散的寫作方式,使用Wiki網站協同寫作,其參與度、內部品質與滿意度顯著高於使用MS Word;文件長度、外部品質則不顯著。
3. 不同步分散的寫作方式,使用Wiki網站協同寫作,其參與度、內部品質與滿意度顯著高於使用MS Word;文件長度、外部品質則不顯著。
摘要(英) Collaborative writing is the interactive process between people to complete one single document collaboratively. Comparing to individual writing, its advantage is that it can not only save time and energy but also combine writers’ knowledge. People pay more and more attention to this writing method and we can tell from the following information. Academy and industry use collaborative writing in a great quantity to complete researches or papers. 85% documents produced from office or college have at least two authors. The report from Northern America also shows that the 9 out of 10 documents that complete by CEOs are part of the team reports. Getting rid of individual working, collaborative writing focuses on collaboration which is one of the main spirits in Web 2.0.
In the popularity of collaborative writing, there are many related tools been developed. Wiki, for example, is a writing plateform suitable for group writing in the era of Web 2.0. In order to understand the effect on collaborative writing of Wiki, we use laboratory experiment and take college freshmen as samples trying to explore the effect on writing output under different writing situations (face to face, synchronous and distributed, asynchronous and distributed) and different writing tools (Wiki website and MS Word). The research shows that:
1. In the situation of face to face collaborative writing, the participation, inner quality, outer quality and satisfaction of using Wiki website are significantly higher than those using MS Word but not for document length.
2. In the situation of synchronous and distributed collaborative writing, the participation, inner quality and satisfaction of using Wiki website are significantly higher than those using MS Word but not for document length and outer quality.
3. In the situation of asynchronous and distribued collaborative writing, the participation, inner quality and satisfaction of using Wiki website are significantly higher than those using MS Word but not for document length and outer quality.
關鍵字(中) ★ 滿意度
★ 品質
★ 產出
★ Wiki
★ 協同寫作工具
★ 協同寫作
關鍵字(英) ★ Wiki
★ Collaborative writing
★ Collaborative writing tool
論文目次 論文摘要...........................................................................................................................i
目 錄...............................................................................................................................v
第一章、 緒論................................................................................................................1
1-1 研究背景與動機..............................................................................................1
1-2 研究目的..........................................................................................................3
1-3 研究流程與論文架構......................................................................................4
第二章、 文獻探討........................................................................................................6
2-1 協同寫作..........................................................................................................6
2-2 協同寫作工具................................................................................................15
2-3 協同寫作研究架構........................................................................................22
2-4 協同寫作結果評估........................................................................................25
第三章、 研究方法......................................................................................................28
3-1 研究方法的選擇............................................................................................28
3-2 研究架構........................................................................................................28
3-3 研究假說........................................................................................................30
3-4 變數的定義與衡量........................................................................................34
3-5 實驗設計........................................................................................................38
第四章、 資料分析......................................................................................................45
4-1 研究前測分析................................................................................................45
4-2 樣本結構分析................................................................................................47
4-3 信度效度分析................................................................................................53
4-4 研究假設檢定................................................................................................57
第五章、 結論與建議..................................................................................................66
5-1 研究結論........................................................................................................66
5-2 研究限制........................................................................................................68
5-3 後續研究與建議............................................................................................69
附錄一 第一測問卷......................................................................................................75
附錄二 第三測問卷......................................................................................................76
附錄三 本研究Wiki網站畫面......................................................................................78
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指導教授 粟四維(Wesley Shu) 審核日期 2009-7-17
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