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姓名 彭鳳珠(Feng-Chu Peng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 母公司涉入程度與子公司轉型障礙程度對子公司經營績效之影響
★ 併購規模、併購類型與併購變數間的關係★ 企業轉型之類別,策略與經營績效關係之研究
★ 購併的衝突與期待對購併影響之研究★ 經理人對中國歷史人物之認同分析,與領導特質的關聯性探討
★ 基層診所經營策略管理之探討─以A診所為例★ 策略規劃與形成─以H公司為個案
★ 臺灣資安服務價值鏈與價值系統分析★ 網頁背景圖片對消費者產品偏好的影響
★ 組合商品的定價模式對消費者的滿意度與價值知覺★ KTV消費型態與消費者類型之關聯
★ 蘋果沉浸度研究★ 女性業務人員的配飾、妝容、上衣對業務職能特質知覺之影響
★ 男性業務人員服飾配件對職能特質知覺之影響★ 個人辦公桌擺設對員工工作投入與專業職能知覺之影響
★ 飯店房間內擺設對消費者知覺與金錢價值之影響 --- 以人格特質為干擾變數★ 療癒著色本對情緒轉換與風險偏好的影響
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摘要(中) 在人口逐漸老化及新生人口不斷下降之情形下,建築業面臨著被喻為夕陽工業的困窘,台灣建築業之地位亦逐漸被高科技產業取代,建築業從個案的開發、硬體的營造及到個案的完成,動輒便是耗時二、三年,除此之外龐大的資金及利息負擔;亦是其他行業所不及,在生存條件愈趨嚴苛的條件下,建築業本身在變動的環境中,各企業集團為提高收益、分散營運風險,通常在成長到某一階段後或面臨經營困境時,會紛紛採取轉型或多角化經營之方式,邁入新的事業領域。
摘要(英) With aging population and dropping birth rate,Taiwan’s construction industry is called sunset industry,and is being replaced by high-tech industry。From project developing、physically constructing to project completing,it normally takes two to there years。In addition,Taiwan’s construction industry bears considerable capital and heavily interest, which is uncommon among other industries。
To increase the profits and lower the risks under these tough environments,Taiwan’s construction industry chooses “conversion” or “diversification” as a survival strategy。
In last few years,construction industry invests in new hotels, and resort hotels are most potentially profitable investment targets。Pursuit of restful lifestyle brings higher hotel occupancy rate to the resort hotels。Farglory、Shininggroup、Kuo Yang and Concrete are groups which aggressively extend to the field of leisure industry,the field of resort hotels。
This thesis is based on case-study methodology,discussing if the following four factors evidently impact the operation performance when Taiwan’s construction industry extends to hotel business:conversion element aggressiveness,culture alliance,resource participation and business model similarity。Conclusions are:
1. More intent the conversion elements,better the operation performance;more similar the main customer levels,better the operation performance。
2. More parent-company’s interference causes worse operation performance when there are more conversion barriers。Parent-company’s interference has positive impact on operation performance when there are fewer conversion barriers。
3. When the conversion elements are less intent and the main customers are highly diversified,operation performance will be worse if there are higher degree of resource participation and business model/ strategy similarity with the parent-company。
4. When the conversion elements are more intent and the main customers are less diversified,operation performance will be better if there are higher degree of resource participation and business model/ strategy similarity with the parent-company。
關鍵字(中) ★ 轉型障礙
★ 母公司涉入
★ 經營績效
★ 轉型動因
關鍵字(英) ★ conversion barriers
★ conversion elements
★ parent-company interference
★ operation performance
論文目次 第一章 緒論..............................................................................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機..............................................................................1
第二節 研究目的..........................................................................................2
第三節 研究流程..........................................................................................3
第二章 文獻探討......................................................................................................6
第一節 企業轉型..........................................................................................6
第二節 組織文化..........................................................................................8
第三節 事業經營型態..................................................................................9
第四節 組織資源共享................................................................................16
第五節 經營績效........................................................................................19
第三章 研究方法....................................................................................................21
第一節 研究架構........................................................................................21
第二節 研究工具及研究對象....................................................................22
第三節 研究架構變數及變因分析............................................................27
第四章 個案研究與分析......................................................................................29
第一節 個案公司簡介................................................................................30
第二節 個案陳述比較與分析....................................................................45
第三節 個案分類命名................................................................................87
第五章 結論與建議............................................................................................102
第一節 研究結論......................................................................................102
第二節 理論貢獻與實務建議..................................................................108
第三節 研究限制及後續研究建議..........................................................109
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指導教授 林建煌(Chien-Huang Lin) 審核日期 2007-7-12
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