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姓名 楊竣凱(Chun-kai Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣物理研究所
論文名稱 北極震盪(Arctic Oscillation, AO)對東亞地區氣候系統影響之研究
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摘要(中) 本研究除了要探討,在北極震盪(Arctic oscillation, AO)相位影響下,東亞地區氣候系統的變化與其影響,也藉由AO與其他氣候系統如ENSO的交互作用,進一步瞭解其對東亞地區的影響。研究方法主要是利用合成的環流場和EOF分析,來了解其氣候特徵。使用的資料為ERA-40各氣象場和CRU的降水資料,以及NCEP-NCAR reanalysis(R1)各氣象場與GPCP的降水場。
摘要(英) This study focus on climate systems variation due to Arctic Oscillation and its effect in East Asia, and the impact of the interaction of the Arctic Oscillation and the ENSO on East Asia climate. The analysis methods are composite analysis and EOF analysis. The data used are various meteorological fields from ERA-40 and CRU, and from NCEP-NCAR reanalysis (R1) and GPCP data for 2008.
In the AO warm phase, the results show that the Siberian High is weaker which results in southwesterly anomaly in East Asia, the Aleutian Low becomes weaker too which induces westerly anomaly in West Pacific coastal region. The westerly anomaly brings warm and humid air into East Asia. There is positive geopotential height anomaly in mid-troposphere over the Japan area. Consequently, there is a positive anomaly of baroclinic disturbance in East Asia. There is a positive precipitation anomaly in East Asia due to humid air and more baroclinic disturbance. In the AO cold phase, the Siberia High is enhanced that brings dry and cold air into East Asia. There is negative pressure anomaly in West Pacific Ocean that causes low warm and humid air in East Asia. This situation results in reduction of precipitation in East Asia.
In the ENSO warm case, the Siberia High becomes weaker in the lower-troposphere due to the weakening of Siberia ridge in the mid-troposphere. Consequently, there is a negative pressure anomaly in China area. The east Asian main trough shifts to the north in the mid-troposphere. This situation causes positive pressure anomaly in the West Pacific Ocean. Negative pressure anomaly in China and positive pressure anomaly in the West Pacific Ocean intensify southwesterly anomaly, so that warm and humid air come to East Asia. Therefore, there is a positive precipitation anomaly in East Asia. The ENSO cold case is an opposite phenomenon.
Compare 2008 China snow disaster case (AO warm phase and ENSO cold phase) with cases of 1976 and 2000 under the same climate condition. The result shows that the features are different between the case of 2008 and the former cases. However ENSO cold phase affect on China snow disaster more than AO warm phase.
關鍵字(中) ★ 北極震盪 關鍵字(英) ★ Arctic Oscillation
論文目次 摘要 … … i
英文摘要 … … iii
致謝 … … v
目錄 … … vi
圖表說 … … viii
第一章 緒論 … … 1
1.1  前言 … … 1
1.2  動機與目的 … … 5
1.3  論文結構 … … 5
第二章 資料與資料處理 … … 6
2.1  資料來源 … … 6
2.2  資料處理 … … 7
2.2.1 經驗正交函數分析 … … 7
2.2.2 通帶濾波器 … … 9
2.2.3 變異量 … … 9
2.3  事件選取 … … 9
2.3.1 AO事件選取 … … 9
2.3.2 ENSO事件選取… … 10
2.3.3 AO與ENSO交互作用事件選取 … … 10
第三章 北極震盪(AO)之氣候特徵與其對東亞地區氣候之影響 … 11
3.1  北極震盪(AO)之特性 … … 11
3.2  AO對東亞氣候的影響 … … 14
3.3  冬季氣候場 … … 15
3.4  AO暖相位距平合成場 … … 16
3.5  AO冷相位距平合成場 … … 17
3.6  ENSO暖事件距平合成場… … 18
3.7  ENSO冷事件距平合成場… … 20
第四章 AO和ENSO之交互作用對東亞氣候之影響 … 22
4.1  AO和ENSO交互作用 … … 22
4.1.1 AO暖相位和ENSO暖事件年際變化距平場 … 22
4.1.2 AO冷相位和ENSO暖事件年際變化距平場 … 24
4.1.3 AO暖相位和ENSO冷事件年際變化距平場… … 26
4.1.4 AO冷相位和ENSO冷事件年際變化距平場 … 28
4.2  2008年中國大陸雪災件… … 30
第五章 結論與未來展望 … … 33
附錄 英文縮寫之對照表 … … 36
參考文獻 … … 37
圖表 … … 43
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指導教授 曾仁佑(Ren-yow Tzeng) 審核日期 2008-7-23
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