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姓名 陳韋臻(Wei-chen Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 藝術學研究所
論文名稱 庫爾貝裸女畫與大眾色情/情色文化的辨證
(The Dialectic Relation between Gustave Courbet's Nude and the Public Pornographic/Erotic Culture)
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摘要(中) 居斯塔夫.庫爾貝(Jean Désiré Gustave Courbet, 1819-1877)為十九世紀法國寫實主義代表畫家,他筆下的人物可謂當時粗俗、現世、不容於藝術審美的最前線,沾上惡名的同時,也替自己塑立了高傲輕世的形象。直到到了六零年代,庫爾貝生產了一批具有強烈色情意味的裸女畫,為此,曾經捍衛庫爾貝的寫實主義支持者,反過來批判他;而曾經拒庫爾貝於門外的藝術殿堂,卻轉過身來擁抱他。這批畫作,包括《白襪女子》(Woman with White Stockings, 1861)、《女人與狗》(Woman with a Dog, 1861-62)、兩幅《維納斯與塞姬》(Venus and Psyche, 1864、1866)、《女人與鸚鵡》(Woman with a Parrot, 1866)、《睡眠》(The Sleepers, 1866),以及《世界的起源》(The Origin of the World, 1866),不僅在十九世紀被抨擊為猥褻創作,直到現今依然被女性主義者大力撻伐。
摘要(英) In the 19th century, the idea of Realism in painting has been closely connected with the name of Gustave Courbet (1819-1877), who created the figures of vulgarity, mundanity, while againsting the aesthetics of the academic and traditional art. Courbet became a notorious artist in the 19th century, but made his own personification of arrogance and presumption at the same time. During the 1860s, Courbet produced a series of lewd and seductive nude, and the pornographic and obscene essence of these nude caused the other contemporary Realists to blame him. On the other hand, the Salon, who used to deal Courbet a blow, turned to honor him. The paintings, including Woman with White Stockings (1861), Woman with a Dog (1861-62), two Venus and Psyche (1864 & 1866), Woman with a Parrot (1866), The Sleepers (1866), and The Origin of the World (1866), were denounced as obscenity in the 19th century, and criticized by the feminists in the 20th century.
This thesis aims to focus on the public pornographic elements hiding behind the academic term “nude” in this series of paintings. The pornographic culture in the 19th century was widely presented in literature, engraving, and photography, among these mediums, the photography in the second half of the 19th century occupied the European pornographic cultural domain. The thesis concerns about how these paintings and the public culture referred to each other. The pornography is not named for the representation of the sex or the genital organs, but for the cognizance of spectators. However, the cognizance of pornography would be expanded or contracted in different epochs. Furthermore, Courbet’s nude shared similar visual language of public pornographic culture in the 19th century. The sharing visual language among these different representations would develop the sharing experiences, and at the same time, the co-text would move the boundary lines between moral/obscenity, erotica/pornography, and the public/private areas.
To sum up, base on the development of Courbet’s painting career, from the social realism to the reality of female body, and toward the realistic pornography, Courbet aroused the debates within modern art historians. Courbet was labeled in different, even contrary way, by psychoanalytical feminism and gender studies. This thesis tries to explore the sexual politics and the boundary of pornography presented by Courbet’s female. The interpretation of the series of paintings is beyond the author-function, but focusing on the history of visual materials, and to figure out the receiving motions of the spectators.
關鍵字(中) ★ 立體視鏡
★ 十九世紀
★ 色情
★ 情色
★ 女性主義
★ 大眾文化
★ 性別研究
★ 庫爾貝
★ 寫實主義
★ 裸女畫
★ 色情攝影
關鍵字(英) ★ erotica
★ Realism
★ Nude
★ public culture
★ Gustave Courbet
★ the 19th century
★ stereograph
★ gender studies
★ pornographic photography
★ pornography
★ feminism
論文目次 中文提要..................................................i
第一章 寫實主義者的裸女畫...............................13
第一節 庫爾貝主義者抑或寫實主義者?.....................13
第二節 寫實、肉感與色情──論庫爾貝裸女畫的轉變.........21
第二章 色情的建構.......................................35
第一節 現代色情的成形............................,......35
第二節 難馴的色情──十九世紀法國色情的生產與消費......45
第三節 色情與情色之界──論十九世紀後半葉的裸女攝影....53
第三章 開啟庫爾貝六零年代裸女畫的閱讀密碼...............63
第一節 色情異置入公卅私領域的修辭與編碼................63
第二節 女人們的陰毛、腳丫和閨房........................73
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指導教授 曾少千(Shao-Chien Tseng) 審核日期 2010-7-28
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