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姓名 薛京(Ching Hsueh) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 物理學系 論文名稱 長DNA的Janus粒子
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摘要(中) 我們發展了一種新興的材料—具有”頭”與”尾”的膠體粒子。所謂”頭”,是由一種雙重化學性質的粒子作為基礎—稱作Janus 粒子; 而”尾”則是由lambda-DNA 粘在這種粒子的半面所構成。我們以兩種方法來做Janus 粒子:石臘乳膠固定法及渡金法。另外我們也測試了三種不同的生物化學鍵結將lambda-DNA 長在Janus 粒子上:生物素-卵白素鍵結、胺-乙醛鍵結、以及金-硫醇鍵結。經過結合及比較以上的方法,我們認為要做出這種”頭尾”結合的粒子用結合渡金的Janus 微米粒子與硫醇-DNA 是一個有效的方法。 摘要(英) We developed novel colloidal particles which are composed of a head and tails. The “head” is based on Janus microspheres, amphiphlic particles with two different chemically modified hemispheres. The “tails”are attached by grafting l-DNA onto one of the hemisphere. Both wax-emulsion and gold-evaporation methods are used to generate Janus microspheres. We also test three different biochemical protocols to graft DNA onto silica surface: streptavidin-biotin binding, amine-aldehyde binding and thiol-gold binding. We compared all the methods and found that combining gold-evaporated Janus microspheres with thiol-DNA is an efficient way to fabricate the new class colloidal particles with head-and-tail structures. 關鍵字(中) ★ 膠體粒子 關鍵字(英) ★ Janus particles
★ DNA論文目次 1. Introduction -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
2. Background ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
2.1 Colloidal Janus particles ----------------------------------------------------------------3
2.2 DNA linker ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
2.3 Silanization ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
2.4 Gold-thiol bond ---------------------------------------------------------------------------10
3. Experiment and Results ---------------------------------------------------------------------11
3.1 Synthesize Janus particles --------------------------------------------------------------12
3.1.1 Wax/water emulsion method ----------------------------------------------------12
3.1.2 Gold evaporation method --------------------------------------------------------15
3.2 DNA grafting on silica surface ---------------------------------------------------------16
3.2.1 Biotin-strepavidin binding -------------------------------------------------------17
3.2.2 Aldehyde-amine binding ---------------------------------------------------------20
3.2.3 Thiol-gold binding -----------------------------------------------------------------21
3.3 Comparison of Protocols ----------------------------------------------------------------22
3.4 Challenges ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------24
3.5 Synthesize DNA grafted Janus particles ----------------------------------------------25
3.5.1 Gold Janus Particles with Amine-aldehyde binding -------------------------26
3.5.2 Gold Janus particles with thiol-DNA -------------------------------------------28
4. Conclusion and Outlook ----------------------------------------------------------------------29參考文獻 Reference
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