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姓名 林俊宏(Jun-Hong Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 系統生物與生物資訊研究所
論文名稱 細菌物種基因體中非編碼小片段核糖核酸之預測
(Prediction of Small Non-Coding RNA in Bacterial Genomes)
★ 從年齡動態網路探討疾病盛行率★ 藉由比較基因表現資料研究次世代定序與晶片技術分析差異
★ 啟動子甲基化與對應之基因表現微陣列資訊整合分析★ 乾燥綜合症與非病毒型肝炎之相關因子分析
★ 氣候變遷對人類疾病網路造成衝擊★ 台北和中壢地區不孕症分佈與共病探討
★ 探討台灣的門診疾病與環境空氣品質的濃度變化之相關性★ 以地區醫院病例探討桃園之地域族群與疾病之差別
★ 桃園地區之區域與疾病盛行率之關聯★ CyTOF之生物標記篩選與分析
★ 透明細胞腎細胞癌質譜流式細胞儀資料分析與視覺化★ 使用支持向量機預測蛋白質醣基化位置
★ 使用基因表現資料預測基因轉錄調控網路★ RNA Riboswitch搜尋系統之設計與實作
★ 人類疾病差異表現基因與調控網路之整合系統★ 以支持向量機鑑別原核生物之嗜寒、中溫、嗜熱、及超嗜熱蛋白質
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摘要(中) 非編碼小片段核糖核酸 (sRNAs) 在許多細胞中扮演著重要調控功能的角色,由於非編碼小片段核糖核酸所具有特性使然: 非編碼小片段核糖核酸長度較短、 不會轉譯成蛋白質,以及穩定性會隨著不同條件而改變,因此現今以實驗及計算方法預測非編碼小片段核糖核酸皆相當困難。而目前大多數已知的非編碼小片段核糖核酸是在大腸桿菌上被發現,且高度保留於相近物種的基因體中。
摘要(英) Small non-coding RNA genes have been shown to play important regulatory roles in a variety of cellular processes, but prediction of non-coding RNA genes is a great challenge to both experimental and computational approach due to the characteristics of sRNAs: small size, not translated into proteins, and varied stability under different conditions. Most known sRNAs have been identified in Escherichia coli and conserved in closely related organisms.
We hope to develop an integrative approach to search highly conserved intergenic regions among related bacterial genomes for combination of various characteristics extracting from known sRNAs genes on Escherichia coli using support vector machines (SVM) to predict novel sRNA genes.
關鍵字(中) ★ 非編碼小片段核糖核酸
★ 支持向量機
★ 高度保留區段
★ 細菌
★ 預測
關鍵字(英) ★ prediction
★ bacteria
★ small non-coding RNA (sRNA)
★ ncRNA
★ support vector machine (SVM)
★ conservation
★ sigma70 promoter
★ Rho-independent terminator
★ attenuator
★ Hfq protein
論文目次 Table of Contents
誌謝............................................................................................................................... V
TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................... VI
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................... VIII
LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................... X
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................ 1
1.1. BACKGROUND ................................................................................................. 1
1.2. MOTIVATION ................................................................................................... 1
1.3. GOAL .............................................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER 2. RELATED WORKS ........................................................................ 3
2.1. QRNA ............................................................................................................ 3
2.2. SRNAPREDICT ................................................................................................ 3
2.3. PSOL .............................................................................................................. 3
2.4. SRNAFINDER ................................................................................................. 4
2.5. SUMMARY ....................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER 3. MATERIAL AND METHODS ....................................................... 5
3.1. MATERIALS ..................................................................................................... 5
3.1.1. GENOME SEQUENCE .................................................................................... 5
3.1.2. INTERGENIC REGIONS .................................................................................. 5
3.1.3. SRNAS GENES ............................................................................................. 5
3.2. SYSTEM ORGANIZATION ................................................................................. 8
3.3. INTERGENIC SEQUENCES EXTRACTION ............................................................ 8
3.4. FINDING CONSERVED REGION OF INTERGENIC REGIONS ................................... 9
3.5. CONSERVED REGIONS FILTRATION ................................................................. 12
3.6. BUILDING OF SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE MODEL ......................................... 12
3.6.1. SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE ...................................................................... 12
3.6.2. BUILDING OF TRAINING AND TESTING SET ................................................. 13
3.7. FEATURES TRANSFORMATION ........................................................................ 13
3.7.1. SEQUENCE COMPOSITION .......................................................................... 13
3.7.2. STRUCTURAL MOTIF .................................................................................. 14
3.7.3. SEQUENCE CONSERVATION IN RELATED SPECIES ........................................ 14
3.7.4. OVER-REPRESENTED SEQUENCE PATTERNS ............................................... 14
3.7.5. MINIMUM FREE ENERGY ........................................................................... 14
3.8. FEATURES SELECTION ................................................................................... 14
CHAPTER 4. RESULT .......................................................................................... 16
4.1. SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE MODEL PERFORMANCE ...................................... 16
4.2. VALIDATION WITH IDENTIFIED SRNAS IN NCRNADB .................................... 16
4.4. PERFORMANCE COMPARISON WITH SRNAFINDER ........................................ 19
4.5. CRITERIA FOR SELECTING PUTATIVE SRNAS ................................................. 22
4.7. CASE STUDY I: SMALL RNA ISTR ................................................................. 24
4.8. SRNA CANDIDATES PREDICTED BY OUR APPROACH ....................................... 26
CHAPTER 5. DISCUSSION ................................................................................. 32
5.1. TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR BINDING SITES ........................................................ 32
5.2. RHO-INDEPENDENT TERMINATOR PREDICTION .............................................. 32
5.3. ATTENUATOR ................................................................................................ 33
5.4. HFQ PROTEIN ................................................................................................ 36
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 40
參考文獻 References
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指導教授 吳立青、洪炯宗
(Li-Ching Wu、Jorng-Tzong Horng)
審核日期 2008-7-23
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