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姓名 陳奐宇(Huang-Yu Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 圖書館系統通閱移送書籍之車輛途程問題
(Library Vehicle Routing Problem with Deliveries and Pickups)
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摘要(中) 「圖書館系統通閱移送書籍之車輛途程問題」(以下簡稱圖書途程問題)係指運用車輛途程問題的最佳化技術,安排圖書分館與各圖書分館彼此之間書本流通,以滿足每個圖書總館或分館之所有讀者的訂閱需求。圖書途程問題因為須同時處理「書籍起迄指派」之書流問題與「車輛途程安排」之車流問題,因此屬於運算複雜度極高之組合數學問題。
本研究先將圖書途程問題按照「車輛數已知」與「車輛數未知」之假設加以區分,前者又進一步按照有無設置「接駁式轉運中心」再加以細分,總共建構三種情境加以探討。每種情境均分別建構數學模型及發展求解演算法。本研究數例測試發現:(1) 在車輛數已知且沒有接駁式轉運中心之情境下,本研究發展出掃瞄法搭配2-opt法之演算法,其求解結果比起Apte與Mason(2006)策略一所求解的結果:(i) 總旅行距離較短;(ii) 可滿足服務之書本量較多;(iii) 目標值亦較佳,但各駕駛人間之各項工作量差異卻較大。(2) 在車輛數已知且有接駁式轉運中心之情境下,本研究發展出四種求解方法,其中三種方法皆可適用於含有接駁式轉運中心之圖書館系統。數例測試所得結果並與Apte與Mason(2006)策略二進行比較分析。(3) 車輛數未知時,本研究發展出混合式基因求解演算法,經使用舊金山圖書館系統之資料進行測試,發現本演算法提出車輛路線比Apte與Mason(2006)提出之策略一結果:(i) 總旅行距離較短,(ii) 可滿足服務之書本量較多,但是駕駛間工作量差異很大。
摘要(英) “Library Vehicle Routing Problem with Deliveries and Pickups” (LVRP-DP) is defined as a problem to find optimal routes for library vehicles to deliver and pickup books between library branches in a library system consisting of a main library and several branch libraries. The LVRP-DP is a difficult combinatorial problem as it is essentially an extension of traditional vehicle routing problem with an additional constraint which requires the books with specified origin and destination (i.e., library branches) being delivered and pickup.
The LVRP-DP is tackled first by dividing it into two categories, i.e., “the number of vehicles is limited” and “the number of vehicles is unlimited”. The former is further decomposed into two subclasses, i.e., “with cross-docking facility” and “without cross-docking facility”. This kind of arrangement yields three scenarios; each scenario is extensively studied by formulating a mathematical model, developing workable solution heuristics, and providing numerical examples. As compared with the two strategies, i.e., number strategy 1 and strategy 2, in Apte and Mason (2006), we observed: (1) under the situation of “the number of vehicles is limited” and “without cross-docking facility”, the results obtained by our proposed solution heuristic (which combines sweeping method and 2-opt method together) is superior to strategy 1 in many aspects: (i) traverse shorter total travel distance; (ii) transship more books;(iii) achieve better objective value. However, our results perform worse in terms of the maximum deviation of drivers’ workload. (2) under the situation of “the number of vehicles is limited” and “with cross-docking facility”, we have proposed four solution heuristics, three of which are demonstrated workable for library system “with cross-docking facility”. A detailed comparison was then made between our results and the strategy 2 of Apte and Mason (2006). (3) under the situation of “the number of vehicles is unlimited”, we have proposed a modified Genetic Algorithm and demonstrated with the numerical example of San Francisco library system. Our result is better than the strategy 1 in terms of total travel distance and total number of books serviced. However, again, our result is inferior with respect to the maximum deviation among all drivers’ workload.
As compared with many existing library systems as well as many cases in the literature, our mathematical models take more factors into consideration and hence have very high potential to be implemented in the near future.
關鍵字(中) ★ 接駁式轉運中心
★ 混合式基因演算法
★ 書流
★ 車輛途程問題
★ 圖書館
關鍵字(英) ★ Book flow
★ Vehicle routing problem
★ Library
★ Cross docking
★ Hybrid genetic algorithm
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍與內容 2
1.4 研究方法與流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1車輛途程問題相關文獻 6
2.1.1 車輛途程問題 6
2.1.2 VRP求解方法 9
2.1.3 基因演算法概述 22
2.2 收送貨車輛途程問題 32
2.3 救災車輛途程問題 34
2.4 圖書館車輛途程問題 35
第三章 模型建構 40
3.1圖書館之車輛途程問題之描述 40
3.2研究假設 41
3.3符號說明 43
3.4數學模型 45
第四章 車輛數已知之求解演算法 48
4.1沒有接駁式轉運中心 48
4.1.1求解演算法 48
4.1.2比較分析 51
4.2有接駁式轉運中心 55
第五章 車輛數未知之求解演算法 71
5.1初始母體 74
5.1.1路線分群之概念 74
5.1.2最近插入法產生超時間容量路線 79
5.1.3隨機產生超時間容量路線 84
5.1.4 引用現況之初始解 84
5.2 改善途程 85
5.2.1 編碼及初始母體之產生 86
5.2.2 基因運算元與停止機制 87
5.2.3 鄰域搜尋法與世代之定義 91
第六章 範例測試 93
6.1 混合式基因演算法 93
6.1.1變動交配率 93
6.1.2變動突變率 96
6.1.3變動染色體數 98
6.1.4 變動執行回合數 106
6.2 小結 116
第七章 結論與建議 117
7.1 結論 117
7.2 建議 118
參考文獻 120
附錄A 車輛數已知且沒有接駁式轉運中心 125
附錄B 車輛數已知且有接駁式轉運中心 130
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指導教授 陳惠國(Huey-Kuo Chen) 審核日期 2009-7-9
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