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姓名 林志龍(Chih-Lung Lin) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 機械工程學系 論文名稱 15keV H3+離子撞擊含CH鍵或CO鍵的化合物與水混和之冰晶產生CO與CO2的FTIR光譜分析
(The FTIR spectra analysis of CO & CO2 production of 15keV H3+ ion bombard on H2O & D2O ice mixed with CH-bond or CO-bond chemical compound)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 摘要
本實驗選擇15keV的H3+離子撞擊含CH鍵或CO鍵的化合物(CH3OH、CH4、CO及CO2) 與H2O或D2O混合之冰晶做研究分析,由實驗後發現在每個冰晶樣品的傅立葉轉換後紅外光譜圖上皆有CO(2136 cm-1)和CO2 (2339 cm-1),為了了解在各個冰晶樣品對於CO(2136 cm-1)和CO2 (2339 cm-1)面積產量在不同混合比例(1:1、1:3)、和不同混入溶液(有同位素元素的H2O與D2O)下的生成關係,以及全冰晶樣本中在CO(2136 cm-1)與CO2 (2339 cm-1)總生成面積產量比較,故作此分析。摘要(英) ABSTRACT
It has about 15% visible matter in the galaxy, and this visible matter is composed of 99% gas and 1% sub-micrometersized grains. In outer space environment, the temperature range is between 10K and 100K.In the low temperature environment, gases form into ice on the grains. The interstellar ice is composed primarily of H2O、NH3、CH3OH、CH4、CO and CO2, etc. The complex organic compounds can be created in the ice via irradiation process.
We use 15keV H3+ bombard CO- or CH- compounds with H2O and D2O ice mixtures. After H3+ bombard CO- or CH- compounds with H2O and D2O ice mixtures. We observe CO(2136 cm-1)and CO2 (2339 cm-1) on all FTIR spectra. In order to compare CO(2136 cm-1)and CO2 (2339 cm-1) production yield, we use different mixture proportion (1:1、1:3),mixture solution (H2O、D2O) and ice sample. Therefore, this thesis does analysis.關鍵字(中) ★ 離子撞擊
★ 混合冰晶
★ 光譜分析
★ CO與CO2關鍵字(英) ★ spectra analysis
★ CO2
★ CO
★ ion bombard論文目次 目錄
第一章 前言.......................................................................................................1
1.1 簡介........................................................................................................1
1.2 各章簡介................................................................................................2
第二章 基本原理...............................................................................................3
2.1 高能粒子................................................................................................3
2.2 紅外光譜術............................................................................................3
2.2-1 振動模式.................................................................................4
2.2-2 麥克森干涉儀.........................................................................5
2.3-3 傅立葉轉換.............................................................................5
2.3 同位素....................................................................................................7
2.4 分析方法................................................................................................7
第三章 實驗設備與實驗步驟.........................................................................11
3.1 實驗設備……………………………………………………………..11
3.1-1 真空系統...............................................................................11
3.1-2 離子源系統...........................................................................12
3.1-3 聚焦系統...............................................................................12
3.1-4 偏析電磁鐵...........................................................................13
3.1-5 預混系統...............................................................................13
3.1-6 三維操作靶...........................................................................13
3.1-7 液態氦冷卻系統...................................................................13
3.2 實驗步驟……………………………………………………………..14
3.2-1 前置實驗階段.......................................................................15
3.2-2 正式實驗階段.......................................................................16
3.2-3 FTIR光譜分析.......................................................................18
第四章 實驗結果與討論.................................................................................26
4.1 光譜圖介紹..........................................................................................27
4.2 光譜分析..............................................................................................27
4.2-1 H2O與D2O的紅外光譜圖...................................................28
4.2-2 CH3OH與分別混水(H2O與D2O)的紅外光譜圖與生成CO、CO2面積產量比較分析..............................................29
4.2-3 CH4與分別混水(H2O與D2O)的紅外光譜圖與生成CO、CO2面積產量比較分析...............................................................30
4.2-4 CO2與分別混水(H2O與D2O)的紅外光譜圖與生成CO、CO2
4.2-5 CO與分別混水(H2O與D2O)的紅外光譜圖與生成CO、CO2
4.2-6 總合全冰晶樣本中CO與CO2面積產量比較分析.............36
第五章 結論與未來展望...................................................................................59
5.1 結論..........................................................................................59
5.2 未來展望..................................................................................61
參考文獻.............................................................................................................62參考文獻 參考文獻
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