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姓名 郭雨青(Yu-ching Guo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 意外事故調查方法研究
(Industrial Accident Investigation Techniques)
★ 氫氟酸玻璃薄化製程之安全評估與風險控制★ 台北縣毒性化學物質運作場所災害潛勢分析
★ 潛盾隧道作業安全分析★ ISO 50001能源管理系統建置機制研究
★ 廢棄物管理e化系統設計與應用★ 印刷電路板製程高溫烘烤設備失效模式與效應分析研究
★ 承攬風險管理★ 光電業組立製程人因風險探討
★ 濺鍍耙材噴砂作業粉塵及噪音暴露危害評估★ 光電廠增光膜製程健康風險評估與控制
★ 行為安全執行策略探討-以某紡絲事業單位為例★ 高階製程安全管理架構
★ 工業化學品整合管理制度探討★ 半導體業承攬作業風險評估
★ 職業安全衛生績效管理機制★ 事件樹於職業安全風險評估應用研究
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摘要(中) 非預期事件如意外事故和異常狀態的調查與報告,對潛在風險的辨識及控制極具關鍵性,同時還可符合製程安全管理的法令規定和OHSAS 18001要求。事故調查主要目的為了解事故發生的真相,進而改善風險控制與管理系統缺失之處,避免相同、相似的災害一再發生,而非著重於責任歸屬或指責特定人士。因此,深入探討意外事故的直接原因,並找尋事故的貢獻因子和基本因子是非常重要的。事故調查最常犯的錯誤是只調查事故的直接原因,而並未深入調查管理系統失效層面,儘管勞動檢查法第26條,已經在台灣執行超過15年,但是我國仍然缺乏有效的意外事故調查方法和專精事故調查的人員,也成為預防職業傷害和工安事故的主要障礙,因此本研究主要的目的為提供實用和有效的意外事故調查方法。
摘要(英) Investigating and reporting of unplanned events such as accidents, incidents, and even near-miss events are critical for identifying and controlling potential safety risks as well as fulfilling the requirements of Process Safety Management and OHSAS 18001. The purpose of these activities is not to find fault or lay blame, but rather to identify the basic causes of accidents and incidents so that controls can be put in place to prevent further occurrences. Hence it is essential to look beyond the immediate cause of an accident and look for the contributing factors and basic causes. The most common mistake made by accident investigators is jumping to conclusions on the basis of immediate appearances. A proper investigation has to look into the management system failures. Despite the fact that Article 26 of the Labor Inspection Law has been enforced in Taiwan for about 15 years, the lack of effective accident investigation methodology and the competency level of the safety professionals responsible for accident investigation remain to be one of the key factors hindering the prevention of occupational injuries and process accidents. Hence the primary objective of this study is to provide practical solutions to the problems commonly encountered in incident investigation in Taiwan.
A system approach for accident investigation is proposed in this study. The methodology is primarily composed of the steps of collection of evidence and facts, analysis of the information, and root cause analysis. A modified events and causal factors charting, ECFC, is proposed in this study. Modification of the original ECFC makes compiling and organizing accident evidences more effective. It also has the advantage of yielding a set of potential root causes. Because of its detailed description of the affected process units and the background information leading to the catastrophe, the investigation report of the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board of the US on the BP Texas City refinery accident is used to verify the methodologies proposed in this study. Root cause analysis of the BP Texas City accident is based on the methodology proposed by the Center for Chemical Process Safety of the US.
Preliminary analysis of the proposed methodology using the BP Texas City accident yields consistent and meaningful results. It is believed that the proposed technique can be used in investigating process-related accidents.
關鍵字(中) ★ 根本原因分析
★ 系統化事故調查
★ 意外事故調查技術
★ 事件及成因
關鍵字(英) ★ Systematic Incident
★ Accident Investigation Techniques
論文目次 摘 要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 名詞定義 4
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2.1 事故模式發展 8
2.1.1 連續事件模式(Sequential Accident Models) 9
2.1.2 類流行病模式(Epidemiological Accident Models) 9
2.1.3 系統事故模式(Systemic Accident Models) 10
2.2 意外事故調查流程 10
2.3 意外事故調查方法回顧 15
2.3.1 屏障分析(Barrier Analysis) 17
2.3.2 變更分析(Change Analysis) 19
2.3.3 事件及成因圖(Events and Causal Factors Charting, ECFC ) 20
2.3.4 時間和事件序列圖(Sequentially Timed Events Plotting, STEP) 23
2.3.5 TRIPOD理論 25
2.3.6 系統化原因分析技術(Systematic Causal Analysis Technique, SCAT) 27
2.3.7 失誤樹分析(Fault Tree Analysis, FTA) 36
2.3.8 管理疏忽與風險樹(Management Oversight and Risk Tree, MORT) 38
2.3.9 事件樹分析(Event Tree Analysis, ETA) 42
2.3.10 為何樹分析(Why Tree Analysis, WTA) 44
2.3.11 原因樹方法(Causal Tree Analysis, CTA) 51
2.3.12 整合性意外事故分析方法 52
2.3.13 作業事故調查技術(Work Accidents Investigation Technique, WAIT) 54
第三章 系統化事故調查方法 58
3.1 初步調查 59
3.1.1 提報意外事故 59
3.1.2 初步蒐證 63
3.1.3 事件呈報層級 65
3.2 組成調查小組 66
3.3 資料收集 70
3.3.1 基本原則 70
3.3.2 人為性證據 71
3.3.3 物理性證據 75
3.3.4 文件性證據 76
3.4 發展時間序列 78
3.4.1 時間序列基本定義 79
3.4.2 時間序列架構 81
3.5 根本原因分析 88
3.5.1 原因因子探討 88
3.5.2 原因因子聯結至OHSAS 18001職業安全衛生管理系統 92
3.6 報告和建議 96
3.6.1 建議事項與追蹤 96
3.6.2 報告架構 97
第四章 案例探討 100
4.1 背景說明 100
4.2 事故描述 101
4.3 發展時間序列圖 104
4.4 根本原因探討 130
第五章 結果與建議 159
5.1 結論 159
5.2 建議 161
參考文獻 164
附件 一 金百利公司事故調查查核表167
附件 二 CCPS事故原因分析表 173
附件 三 意外事故調查小組所需工具 183
附件 四 晤談指引 184
附件 五 晤談證人提問指引 186
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指導教授 于樹偉(Woei Yu Shuh) 審核日期 2009-2-4
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