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(Multistage Multiple Lotsizing Production to Order with Inspection Option)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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摘要(中) 在這篇論文中,設定的生產方法是用多種批量去投入生產,我們提出一個模式去決定如何選擇檢驗站位置,以及決定在各種狀態下的投入批量,讓生產的總成本最小。在生產的時候通常只有在最後才設立檢驗站,如果生產的系統有很多工作站,只在最後設立檢驗站並非聰明的方法;然而檢驗通常是相當消耗時間和成本的作業,並且也不需在每個工作站後面都做檢驗,雖然製造的成本會因為設立較少的檢驗站而降低,但是因為沒有在先前的工作站就檢驗出不良品,因此會增加對不良品加工的成本浪費,所以我們除了在最後設立檢驗站之外,還要找出在生產線的哪些其他工作站後面需要設立檢驗站,來權衡先前兩種成本,減少生產的期望成本。
我們的目標是要找出最佳的檢驗站設立位置,並且依據訂單的變化決定各種最佳投入生產的批量,讓生產的期望成本最小化。摘要(英) In this paper, we proposed a model embedded inspection allocation option into MLPO (multiple lotsizing production to order) problems. The objective of MLPO problem is to find the production policies (what size of lot is inputted in each state) to minimize the total cost. There is usually only one inspected point in MLPO production system (single-stage MLPO), and it might not be wise to set only one inspected point in a production system especially with many operations. However, inspections are usually costly and time-consuming, and it may not be necessary to do the inspection after each working process. Although the production cost will decrease without inspections performed, but the wasting costs will increase since we let the defective units continue to be processed in the following working stages. Therefore, we should determine that besides setting an inspected point right after the final working station, which working stations are needed to be set addition inspected points to reduce total expected cost.
The objective of our model is to minimize the total expected costs, to calculate the optimal production policies (what size of lot is inputted in each state) and to determine the optimal inspection allocation (where should be set inspected points) in multistage MLPO problem.關鍵字(中) ★ 線性規劃
★ 整數規劃
★ 檢驗站位置
★ 多批量生產
★ 動態規劃關鍵字(英) ★ linear programming
★ dynamic programming
★ integer programming
★ inspection allocation
★ MLPO論文目次 Chinese abstract ..............................................................................................................I
English abstract............................................................................................................. II
The contents of figures .................................................................................................V
The contents of tables ...................................................................................................V
1. Introduction..............................................................................................................1
1.1 Background and Motivation ........................................................................1
1.2 Research Objective ......................................................................................2
1.3 Framework of the Paper...............................................................................2
2. Literature Review ....................................................................................................4
2.1 Multiple Lotsizing Production to Order (MLPO) Problems........................4
2.2 Inspection Allocation Problem ....................................................................9
2.3 Dynamic Programming Problem ...............................................................10
3. Model Formulation ................................................................................................11
3.1 Notations and Assumptions........................................................................11
3.2 Equivalent Problems ..................................................................................13
3.3 Solving Procedure......................................................................................15
4. Experimental Results .............................................................................................18
4.1 MLPO with Single-Stage Problem ............................................................18
4.2 MLPO with Two-Stage Problem................................................................22
5. SensitivityAnalysis................................................................................................29
6. Summary................................................................................................................35
References....................................................................................................................37參考文獻 1.Anily, S., Beja, A., and Mendel, A. (2000), “Optimal Lot Sizes with Geometric Production Yield and Rigid Demand”, Operations Research, 50, pp. 424-432.
2.Beja, A. (1977), “Optimal Reject Allowance with Constant Marginal Production Efficiency”, Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 24, pp. 21-33.
3.Grosfeld-Nir, A. and Gerchak, Y. (1996), “Production to Order with Random Yields: Single-Stage Multiple Lotsizing”, IIE Transactions, 28, pp. 669–676.
4.Grosfeld-Nir, A., Gerchak, Y., and He, Q-M. (2000), “Manufacturing to Order with Random Yield and Costly Inspection”, Operations Research, 48, pp. 761-767.
5.Grosfeld-Nir, A., and Gerchak, Y. (2004), “Multiple Lotsizing in Production to Order: A Review”, Annals of Operations Research, 126, pp. 43–69.
6.Grosfeld-Nir, A. (2005), “A Two-Bottleneck System with Binomial Yields and Rigid Demand”, European Journal of Operational Research, 165, pp. 231–250.
7.Gary D. Eppen and E. Gerald Hurst, JR. (1974), “Optimal Location of Inspection Stations in a Multistage Production Process”, Management Science, 20, pp. 1194–1200.
8.Howard, Ronald A. (1960), “Dynamic Programming and Markov Processes”, MIT Press and Wiley.
9.He, Q-M., Gerchak, Y., and Grosfeld-Nir, A. (1996), “Optimal Inspection Order when Process’ Failure Rate Is Constant”, International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, 3, pp. 25–41.
10.Meister, U. and Holzbaur, U. (1986), “A Polynomial Time Bound for Howard's Policy Improvement Algorithm”, OR Spektrum, 8, pp.37–40.
11.Porteus, E.L. (1986), “Optimal Lotsizing, Process Quality Improvement and Setup Cost Reduction”, Operations Research, 34, pp. 137–144.
12.Porteus, E.L. (1990), “The Impact of Inspection Delay on Process and Inspection Lotsizing”, Management Science, 36, pp. 999-1007.
13.Raz, T. (1986), “A survey of Models for Allocating Inspection Effort in Multistage Production Systems”, Journal of Quality Technology, 18, pp. 239–247.指導教授 曾富祥(Fu-Shiang Tseng) 審核日期 2008-6-24 推文 plurk
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