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姓名 羅豊翔(Li-hsiang Lo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 影響企業實施教導(Coaching)制度的成功因素
(The Successful Factors Of Enterprises’ Coaching System.)
★ 組織精簡與員工態度探討 - 以A公司人力重整計劃為例。★ 訓練成效評估及影響訓練移轉之因素探討----一項時間管理訓練之研究
★ 主管領導風格、業務員工作習慣及專業證照對組織承諾與工作績效之相關研究★ 研發專業人員職能需求之研究-以某研究機構為例
★ 人力資本、創新資本與組織財務績效關聯性之研究★ 企業人力資源跨部門服務HR人員之角色、工作任務及所需職能之研究
★ 新進保全人員訓練成效之評估★ 人力資源專業人員職能之研究-一項追蹤性的研究
★ 影響企業實施接班人計劃的成功因素★ 主管管理能力、工作動機與工作績效之關聯性探討─以A公司為例
★ 影響安全氣候因子之探討-以汽車製造業為例★ 台電公司不同世代員工工作價值觀差異及對激勵措施偏好之研究
★ 不同的激勵措施對員工工作滿足及工作投入之影響性分析★ 工作價值觀、工作滿足對組織承諾之影響(以A通訊公司研發人員為例)
★ 薪資公平知覺與組織承諾關係之探討-以內外控人格特質為干擾變項★ 改善活動訓練成效評量之研究
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摘要(中) 教導是一個日益受到重視的管理技巧與制度,每每提到領導力一定會有教導的一席之地。究竟企業導入教導的目的為何,期望解決何種問題,又會衍生出那些須注意的問題?要如何導入?要有那些制度的配合?應實施那些訓練?這些都困擾著有興趣導入又有些擔心的企業。
摘要(英) Coaching had been attracting more and more attentions as a managerial skill and mechanism, when we talk about leadership, there’s always a place for Coaching. What’s the purpose for en-terprises to implement Coach? What issues aimed to be resolved? What should be noticed during the implementation process? What applications should be adopted? What kind of trainings should be conducted? All of these are issues confused and worried the enterprises plan to engage Coaching.
How to assist organization to effectively develop Coaching me-chanism, help supervisors or senior staffs to share new know-ledge, technology, personal experiences, departmental expertise to facilitate knowledge management in organizations makes Coaching become an important activity in management science. This study expects to explore the similarities and differences of Coach between enterprises with different culture and manage-ment systems. Moreover provided valuable recommendation for those Taiwan companies plan to implement Coach of how to effec-tively leverage Coach to improve managerial and operational ef-ficiency, key points should be noticed during implementation process and how to manage Coaching effectiveness.
This study used multiple case studies of qualitative research, with the way through interviews to systematically initial the theme. Then, analyze the verbatim text to compose the overall concept.
The result discovered if Coaching can be aligned with corporate strategies, integrated with various management systems, future talent development plans and all other appropriate resources, the performance appraisal system will be well-constructed. The feedback systems are also required to ensure the quality of Coaching. In training, we should focus on coaching skills, steps, processes, general issues handling .. etc. In the future, conduct periodical/annual re-training, focusing on dealing with main issues is also necessary to the success of Coach. The characteristics of the coach are very important, with positive thinking and trust-worthy is the primary consideration.
關鍵字(中) ★ 師徒制
★ 高階教導
★ 教導
關鍵字(英) ★ Executive coaching
★ Mentoring
★ Coaching
論文目次 目 錄
論文摘要 II
英文摘要. III
目 錄 IV
表 目 錄 V
圖 目 錄 VI
一、 緒 論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 3
1-3 研究範圍與限制 3
1-4 重要名詞解釋 4
二、 文獻探討 5
2-1 教導的理論 5
三、 研究設計與實施 37
3-1 研究方法與步驟 37
3-2 研究之可信賴性 39
3-3 研究對象 40
3-4 資料蒐集工具 43
3-5 資料分析 44
四、 研究發現 48
4-1 受訪企業實施教導之現況 48
4-2 影響教導的成功因素 54
五、 結論與討論 79
5-1 結論 79
5-2 討論 83
5-3 研究者的省思 85
參考文獻 88
附錄一、訪談邀請函 95
附錄二、訪談大綱 96
附錄三、訪談逐字編碼表 99
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指導教授 林文政(Wen-Jeng Lin) 審核日期 2008-6-27
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