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姓名 闕仲宏(Jhong-Hong Cyue)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 利用氫和氧電漿處理透明電極與低壓沉積本質非晶矽鍺吸光層改善非晶矽基合金薄膜太陽能電池的效能
(Improvements of Amorphous Si-Alloy Based Thin-Film Solar Cells with H2/O2- Plasma Treatments on Transparent Electrode and Deposition of i-a-SiGe:H Light Absorption Layer at Low Pressure)
★ 金屬-半導體-金屬光偵測器的特性★ 非晶質氮化矽氫基薄膜發光二極體與有機發光二極體的光電特性
★ 具非晶質n-i-p-n層之氧化多孔矽發光二極體的光電特性★ 低漏電流與高崩潰電壓大面積矽偵測器製程之研究
★ 具自行對準凹陷電極1x4矽質金屬-半導體-金屬光偵測器陣列的特性★ 非晶矽射極異質雙載子電晶體與有機發光二極體的特性
★ 吸光區累崩區分離的累崩光二極體★ 蕭特基源/汲極接觸的反堆疊型非晶質矽化鍺薄膜電晶體
★ 矽晶圓上具有隔離氧化層非晶質薄膜發光二極體之光電特性★ 具非晶異質接面及溝渠式電極之矽質金屬-半導體-金屬光偵測器的暗電流特性
★ 非晶矽/晶質矽異質接面矽基金屬-半導體-金屬光檢測器與具非晶質無機電子/電洞注入層高分子發光二極體之研究★ 具非晶質矽合金類量子井極薄障層之高靈敏度平面矽基金屬–半導體–金屬光檢測器
★ 具蕭特基源/汲極的上閘極型非晶矽鍺與 多晶矽薄膜電晶體★ 大面積矽偵測器的製程改良與元件設計
★ 具組成梯度能隙非晶質矽合金電子注入層與電洞緩衝層的高分子發光二極體★ 非晶質吸光區與累增區分離之類超晶格累崩光二極體
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摘要(中) 在本論文中,我們利用氫和氧電漿處理透明導電電極與低壓沉積製備非晶本質矽鍺膜來提升非晶矽基薄膜太陽能電池的特性。首先,因串聯電阻對非晶矽基薄膜太陽能電池的特性有相當大的影響,利用氫和氧電漿可去除透明導電電極表面之碳氫化合物污染,提高其功函數,並降低其與非晶薄膜之間的蕭特基位障,實驗結果顯示先用氫氣電漿(100 W, 0.4 torr, 基板溫度=25℃)處理5分鐘再用氧氣電漿(55 W, 0.15 torr, 基板溫度=25℃)處理5分鐘可明顯提昇元件特性。此外,我們在低壓沉積非晶本質矽鍺吸光層用以減少薄膜中的Si=H2 鍵結,進而提升非晶矽基薄膜太陽能電池的特性,所製作出的梯度非晶矽基薄膜太陽能電池,其轉換效率可達到百分之 3.63。
摘要(英) In this thesis, the H2/O2-plasma treatments on transparent indium-tin-oxide (ITO) electrode and deposition of i-a-SiGe:H absorption layer at low pressure have been used to improve the performance of amorphous Si-alloy based thin-film solar cells. Firstly, since that the series resistance between the ITO electrode and amorphous layer plays an important role in the performance of a solar cell, the in-situ plasma treatments was employed to improve the contact and it was found that the performance of a p-i-n a-Si:H thin-film solar cell could be enhanced with the H2-plasma (100 W, 0.4 torr, 25 ℃ and 5 min.) and then O2-plasma (55 W, 0.15 torr, 25 ℃ and 5min.) treatments on ITO electrode. This was due to the combination of H2- and O2-plasma treatments could remove the hydrocarbon compounds and increase the work function of ITO electrode. Hence, the Schottky barrier height between the ITO and amorphous layer could be lowered. In addition, the i-a-SiGe:H absorption layer was deposited at a lower pressure of around 0.25 torr with a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition system, to reduce the amount of Si=H2 bonds in the film and hence improve the performance of graded ITO/p-SiC:H/buffer layer (i-a-SiC:H)/i-a-Si:H/interface layer/i-a-SiGe:H/n-a-Si:H/Al solar cell. In this study, the highest obtainable conversion efficiency of this graded solar cell was 3.63 %.
關鍵字(中) ★ 非晶矽基薄膜太陽能電池 關鍵字(英) ★ PECVD
★ plasma treatment
★ solar cell
Table Captions……………………………………………………………...V
Figure Captions…………………………………………………………….VI
2.1 Basic principles of solar cell [16] 4
2.2 Fundamental parameters of solar cell [17] 5
2.3 Ohmic resistance in real solar cell [5] 9
3.1 Preparations of various amorphous films [18] 11
3.1.1 Deposition system 11
3.1.2 Depositions of a-SiC:H , a-SiGe:H and a-Si:H films 13
3.2 Device synopsis 18
3.3 Plasma treatment for graded solar cell 22
3.4 Device fabrication for graded solar cell 23
3.5 Measurement techniques 24
3.5.1 Optical-gap of amorphous film [23] 24
3.5.2 Dark and photo I-V measurements 25
3.6 Effects of plasma treatment on ITO 28
3.7 Effects of a-SiGe:H layer on solar cell 29
4.1 Treating ITO with O2-plasma, H2-plasma and (H2/O2)-plasma 32
4.2 Fabrication of highly photosensitive a-SiGe:H 42
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指導教授 洪志旺(Jyh-Wong Hong) 審核日期 2008-7-11
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