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姓名 郭彥婷(Yen-ting Kuo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 學習與教學研究所
論文名稱 編織生命樣貌—一位工藝藝術師與研究生共同勾勒美的故事
(Weaving Patterns of Life:The Story between A Craft Artist and A Graduate Student to Portray the Beauty of Life)
★ 國民小學教師創新接受傾向與資訊科技 融入教學接受程度之相關因素研究 -以台北市資訊重點學校為例★ 內外在動機、創造力工作環境與創造力之相關研究 -以第八屆創思設計與製作競賽之參賽學生為例
★ 台北市國小教師教學信念、學校環境因素與資訊科技融入教學實施成效之相關研究★ 教師情緒智慧、教師權能與教師效能感之相關研究─以桃園縣公立國民小學教師為例
★ 一位大學優良教師的教育實踐—女研究生與主角的共同敘說★ 敘說一位研究型大學教師之自我座落
★ 書法教學現況及教師書法教學意願之研究—以台北市國小為例★ 影響實習教師實習困擾之相關因素研究-以九十四學年度半年制實習教師為例
★ 敘說實習教師之教師認同★ 工科研究生的學習樣貌—一個情境學習的觀點
★ 探究「一位教學傑出教師的生命與特質」—以外甥與研究生角色進行探究★ 用心傾聽一段永不停止的關係-一位大學傑出教師與學生關係之敘說
★ 影響國小學童家長送子女參加課後補習之相關因素研究---以桃園縣中壢市為例★ 脫下假面:敘說一位穿梭於舞蹈班與普通班之間的初任教師之蛻變
★ 以故事、合作、對話、反省融入國中生數學學習的行動研究★ 經驗的聆聽、凝視與回觀─我在沈昭良的攝影課上
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摘要(中) 一位來原本將「文化」與「美」定位在藝術活動當中的研究生,採用了敘說
摘要(英) The researcher who limited the meaning of culture and beauty, now uses
narrative inquiry as the research method to do a craft artist (Tsai Yupan) research. The research intends to know Tsai’s create process and if there is any factor to influence the visual creativity. Self directed learning is also the issue of raising the creating skills.
Interview and observation are the ways to know Tsai’s background, create
process, and to collect the relevant data. During the 14 interviews and the 3
observations, the researcher finds out certain connections between her and Tsai and therefore the different influences. Because of the differences, it helps the researcher to recall her life’s story and to do self examination.
Making relationship and conversation with Tsai are the ways to weaving lives’
patterns. It is not only to learn how to appreciate the objects of art, but also to think deeper about the meaning of culture and beauty. During the four semesters research, it is really a procedure of discovering, practicing, and changing of life.
關鍵字(中) ★ 敘說探究
★ 自我導向學習
★ 視覺創造力
關鍵字(英) ★ Narrative Inquiry
★ Visual Creativity
★ Self Directed Learning
論文目次 中文摘要 .................................................................................................................. I
英文摘要 ................................................................................................................. II
誌謝....................................................................................................................... III
簡明目錄 ................................................................................................................ V
目錄....................................................................................................................... VI
表目錄 .................................................................................................................. XII
圖目錄 .................................................................................................................XIII
第一章 看不見的養分 ...................................................................................... 1
第二章 文獻探討 ............................................................................................... 5
第三章 生命中的作品,作品中的故事 ..................................................... 31
第四章 播種 ...................................................................................................... 45
第五章 結縭 .................................................................................................... 129
第六章 不停止的學習,自己來 ................................................................ 169
第七章 美,可以靠近一點 ......................................................................... 213
第八章 穿越光陰,不一樣的故事............................................................ 233
第九章 尾聲 .................................................................................................... 243
參考文獻 ........................................................................................... 249
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 林信榕(Shinn-Rong Lin) 審核日期 2009-7-9
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