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論文名稱 Navier-Stokes 方程组弱解的存在性
(On The Existence Of Solutions For Navier-Stokes Equations)
★ 用有限元素法解二維不可壓縮之拉格朗日式奈維-斯托克斯方程式的一些數值結果★ 諾伊曼問題的二階線性雙曲方程之正則性理論
★ Vector Fields With Given Vorticity, Divergence And The Normal Trace★ A new approach of finding vector fields with prescribed divergence, vorticity and normal trace using the finite element method
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摘要(中) 在這篇研究報告中,我們仔細檢視了 P.L. Lions [Lio98] 與 E. Feireisl [FNP01] 對可壓縮等熵 Navier-Stokes 方程組弱解整體存在性的證明。Lions [Lio98] 證明了在三維空間中,當熱容比大於 9/5,而且初值所對應的動能與位能是有限的,則方程組的弱解在任意時間內都存在。之後,Feireisl把 Lions 的結果推廣到熱容比大於 3/2 的情形。本文按 E. Feireisl [FNP01] 與 A. Novotny [NS04] 的證明方式,試著給予一個比較詳細的過程。
摘要(英) Abstract In this survey artical, we scrutinize the paper by P.L. Lions [Lio98] and E. Feireisl [FNP01] that contribute to the global in time existence of solutions for the compressible isentropic Navier-Stokes equations. If initial data has finite energy, Lions obtained global existence of weak solutions when the adiabatic constant gamma>9/5 . The result was later improved by Feireisl for gamma>3/2. This artical is intended to give some more details about the proofs of the global in time existence by E. Feireisl [FNP01] and A. Novotny [NS04].
關鍵字(中) ★ 可壓縮
★ 整體存在性
關鍵字(英) ★ compressible
★ global in time existence
★ Navier-Stokes
論文目次 中文摘要.........................................................................................................i
1. Introduction..............................................................................................p.2
2. Main results............................................................................................p.11
3. Galerkin method.....................................................................................p.16
4. Compactness of weak solutions..............................................................p.23
5. Renormalized continuity equation..........................................................p.34
6. Vanishing articial pressure limit.............................................................p.39
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指導教授 鄭經斅(Ching-hsiao Cheng) 審核日期 2011-7-28
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